Bought a delicious tenderloin and trimmed it down to make mommy a yummy dinner.
Didn't get any protection pics or even a fully plated picture, sorry. We had with it - Steamed broccoli with cheese; corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and some yummy rosemary bread. I made a au jus/red wine reduction sauce (thanks tatortodd), with the trimmings from the tenderloin which made everything just perfect.
Here's some pics, post up what your made your mom/wife if you did it from home this year.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
Posts: 21426 | Location: Loudoun County, Virginia | Registered: December 27, 2014
No pictures but I grilled filet mignon and shrimp on my Big Green Egg. I served it with steamed broccoli and rice. It was a beautiful day so we ate out on our deck.
Posts: 3264 | Location: MD | Registered: March 23, 2003