I went to the Orlando gun show yesterday and met V-Tail and another friend of ours there.
Some guy actually asked V-Tail's friend if he had seen a booth where the guy could buy a concealed carry badge. He thought he needed one in case he had to use his weapon.
They walk among us.
Stay thirsty, my friends.
"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."
Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
Posts: 13140 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: November 02, 2008
"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."
Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
Posts: 13140 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: November 02, 2008
Later on, I saw a booth that actually had them. I had thought they were internet legend, but no, they exist.
"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."
Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
Posts: 13140 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: November 02, 2008
"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."
Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
Posts: 13140 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: November 02, 2008
V-Tail's friends is solid. I got him. You're good.
"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."
Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
Posts: 13140 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: November 02, 2008
I broke with tradition and went to the gun show today as well. Probably walked right past ya'll. Wasn't too impressed with the show itself though.
----------------------------- Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
First time I've been in several years. Don't shoot enough .38 / .357 to make it worth while reloading, so I picked up some light cowboy / target loads for my wife to use, getting used to the trigger on her .357 Ruger LCR.
I was really surprised to find a dealer who had a bit of Seecamp stuff at non-outrageous prices, so I grabbed a magazine.
Looking for ammunition for the Seecamp, I only saw one box of Winchester Silvertip .32 Auto, and that was sixty dollars. I passed on that.
I think I've had enough gun show for a few years.
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Posts: 32042 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010