To be filed under "Oh My God, These Loons Have Completely Lost It."
Yesterday, in New York City, "Witches placed a hex on US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during a protest ritual in New York. The spell was livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram, and targeted at "all rapists and the patriarchy which emboldens, rewards or protects them".
I won't write down the, ah, "recipe" for the hex here, and wouldn't encourage anyone to look at the article unless they're in the mood to see exactly how pissy a bunch of New York City witches can get. I will, however, throw up this:
"The harm we want to inflict on Kavanaugh and Trump is that they be exposed and shown for what they are and ousted or at least discredited," Dakota Bracciale, co-owner of Catland Books, told The Independent.
"On the practical aspect, yes there is spell casting and we are going to curse him and hex him and wish him bad things.
But on a more important level, this is a coming together of people who recognize this is an important moment in our country."
All this shows is how far over the edge the loons have gone, and all I can say is that I hope that this is yet another story that gets as much exposure as possible so that people can see how far over the edge the loons have gone.
Well, the more time they spend doing useless shit like placing a hex (lolz) and less time they spend protesting violently/blocking roads/smashing windows, the better, I would think
I wonder if they even know how to spell "Kavanaugh" correctly hahaha
Posts: 1160 | Location: SW Washington, Support Sporting Systems! | Registered: March 27, 2010
Some serve the Lord, others serve mammon. We will all ultimately receive wages from He or he whom we serve. The Lord God Almighty is the God of love, faith, and eternal joy. The adversary is the god of hate, fear, and eternal misery.
As Joshua said, "choose you this day whom ye shall serve."
Originally posted by deepocean: Some serve the Lord, others serve mammon. We will all ultimately receive wages from He or he whom we serve. The Lord God Almighty is the God of love, faith, and eternal joy. The adversary is the god of hate, fear, and eternal misery.
As Joshua said, "choose you this day whom ye shall serve."
Well said.
You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30250 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008
Originally posted by deepocean: Some serve the Lord, others serve mammon. We will all ultimately receive wages from He or he whom we serve. The Lord God Almighty is the God of love, faith, and eternal joy. The adversary is of hate, fear, and eternal misery.
As Joshua said, "choose you this day whom ye shall serve."
Corrected. There is no other God. The adversary's nature is merely the result of being absent of God.
Posts: 1327 | Location: TN | Registered: March 09, 2009