Just finished the left-over home-made beef stew after reheating it in the microwave oven. Tasted damn fine. So: No.
"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe "If we let things terrify us, life will not be worth living." -- Seneca the Younger, Roman Stoic philosopher
Originally posted by Ronin1069: A friend of mine recently told me that she has not used a microwave in over 10 years. She quoted numerous studies that say microwaves change the molecular makeup of the food, and those changes have been tied to an increase in autism and other assorted horrible things.
I've Googled a bit...the more the FDA says "within safe standards" the more nervous I get. LOL
Any opinions?
Mine changes the molecular structures so much that my bacon turned into a juicy steak every night. Love it!
Posts: 28745 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008
I don't believe it does anything to the food used correctly. Don't burn it, and especially don't burn the plastics if not microwave safe.
I will say that when using a bluetooth earpiece on a call and heating leftovers at the same time, I heard static increase dramatically as I went over to the running microwave to check on heating. It may not have been cooking me, but some electromagnetic field made itself obvious 1-4 feet out.
------------------ The plural of anecdote is not data. -Frank Kotsonis
Posts: 2142 | Location: Berks Co PA | Registered: December 20, 2006
I was having problems with WiFi cutting out when I had a laptop on the kitchen table. Turned out the WiFi cut out whenever the microwave was running. Both the microwave and the WiFi 802.11 emit rf in the same frequency range. All 3 microwaves in my kitchen leaked enough to stop the WiFi from working. I still use the microwave, but I don't press my nose to the glass to watch the popcorn pop.
Posts: 1330 | Location: Gainesville, VA | Registered: February 27, 2006
I have been cooking (more precisely heating) food with a microwave and I'm still not autistic. I can't draw or paint pictures, write a song or poem, play a musical instrument, nothing.
Posts: 29428 | Location: Johnson City, TN | Registered: April 28, 2012