What Is Going On In America & Why Would They Broadcast This?!?
NO AIR MARSHALLS as 30 million people are expected to fly for Thanksgiving weekend. They are openly telling you they’re still focused on January 6th attendees from 3 years ago!! What?!? Is America The Soviet Union Now??
SHIMKUS: So how many, uh, air marshals are on planes right now, and how many do you think, uh, there should be to get to a safe level?
LaBOSCO: Well, Carly, we're not we're not flying right now. The only missions that we're doing are quiet skies missions, and those are missions that are following the January 2021 people. So we're either on the border, uh, for illegal immigrants, or we're following folks from January 2021.
We're not doing our regular missions where we're out there looking for the bad Guys, so right now on, uh, most flights, you're not gonna have air marshals.
SHIMKUS: What do you mean by that you're following January 2021 people? What does that mean?
LaBOSCO: That means our primary mission is a little group called Quiet Skies. It's a mission called Quiet Skies that we're following people that flew into the national capital region In January 2021, you did not have to go to the capitol or the rally, and you've been put on a specific list that TSA now has assigned to air marshals To follow these people who have not had, uh, any type of criminal investigation.
They haven't committed a crime, but yet 3 years later, we're following the same individuals day in and day out.
SHIMKUS: So you're saying that air marshals are now following people that were at the capitol, uh, on January 6th, and they're not tracking terrorists at all.
LaBOSCO: Well, they didn't even have to be at the capital, Carly. They could've just flown into the national region. So if anybody was there for, um, a job interview, to visit family, we even had a gentleman that was there for a funeral. They put put on this domestic terrorist list just because of their geographic location to Washington DC. So these people did not even commit a crime.
They weren't even at the capitol.
SHIMKUS: What? Do those people know that they're on this list?
LaBOSCO: Some of them do because when they go to the airport, they get the quad assist on their boarding pass, then they have to go through enhanced security, then they're followed by teams of air marshals on on any LEGO flight that they have. So, yes, a lot of them do know that they're being followed, Yeah. They haven't been vetted, and they have not committed a crime. And 3 years later, we're still doing the same duty, and we followed the same people over and over for 3 years Who are no threat to this country.
SHIMKUS: Oh my goodness. Okay. So if you are an average passenger on a plane, How concerned should you realistically be?
LaBOSCO: I think I think you should be very concerned. When you're boarding the aircraft, you need to look around to see who you might be able to to Ask to help you like a good Samaritan because you're kinda you're on your own. If anything happens, please don't wait. There's gonna be no law enforcement that's gonna help you, So you need to have a plan. Look where the exit doors are.
Look where your flight attendants are standing around you. But I would look at other passengers to see, know, I'm a be looking around for a football player or somebody a pretty big guy or a couple big guys in case you needed to take action.
SHIMKUS: Wow. Wow”
Air Marshals are surveilling people who happened to travel to DC O/A January 6, 2021 and are NOT flying on American aircraft ostensibly to protect the people onboard, people on the ground, and the aviation sector generally. Air Marshals are reduced to handing out water to illegals pouring over the southern border.
For fucks sake.
Why keep the organization? Why keep the fucking TSA or Hell, all of DHS for that matter?
Nice is overrated
"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government." Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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