Volunteers who go door to door to talk about "their" congressman/woman of choice

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September 19, 2018, 06:20 PM
Volunteers who go door to door to talk about "their" congressman/woman of choice
Originally posted by 1967Goat:
Originally posted by Rick Lee:
Never understood people who answer their door for unexpected visitors. Absolutely no good can come from it. My doorbell is broken and I will never fix it.

I've had my neighbors come over unannounced before. They usually bring me treats when I do nice things for them. What about Scouts selling cookies or popcorn? Ever had to sign for a package?

I don't understand the mentality of people not answering their door.
They are paranoid. Depending on where they live, paranoia may be justified, though. I do support having a way to see who is at the door before opening it, however.


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
September 19, 2018, 10:48 PM
Sorry if your not selling cookies I will not open the door.

or maybe PIE
September 19, 2018, 11:38 PM
I made a sign for the front door that basically says will not answer the door, do NOT knock, go away. It works pretty good. Very rarely someone knocks, and I shut them up before they say anything, read the sign word for word to them, and then ask if they read and understand English. "Yes." So if you read and understand English, then why are you ringing my door bell?! Get lost.

Often times a very small man can cast a very large shadow
September 20, 2018, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by flashguy:
Originally posted by 1967Goat:
Originally posted by Rick Lee:
Never understood people who answer their door for unexpected visitors. Absolutely no good can come from it. My doorbell is broken and I will never fix it.

I've had my neighbors come over unannounced before. They usually bring me treats when I do nice things for them. What about Scouts selling cookies or popcorn? Ever had to sign for a package?

I don't understand the mentality of people not answering their door.
They are paranoid. Depending on where they live, paranoia may be justified, though. I do support having a way to see who is at the door before opening it, however.


Im not paranoid and never answer my door. No different then not answering my phone and I dont care if your 10 ft away when you see me silence ur call and keep on keepin on.

If I am not expecting you, so dont expect me to answer. Plenty of times i look right at the person through the window and keep on watching tv.

If its my neighbors ill usually answer but that only happens once a year. I am under no obligation to answer my door, phone, text, whatever from anyone I dont know. My time is quite valuable.

What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin

Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke
September 20, 2018, 08:42 AM
Rick Lee
It's called controlling your time and environment. I am on about four hours of conference calls today before I get to start doing my real job. Since I'm getting paid for it, I won't let anything interrupt me. This is no different than not talking to unexpected visitors while you're at your office and busy at work. Make an appt. if you want to talk to me, you will need a very good reason to get me to agree to an appt.
September 20, 2018, 08:51 AM
Everyone I know, calls or texts and waits for confirmation before coming over.

And I do the same. It is courtesy, to not arrive unannounced.

Persistent intrusions get the parabellum/BOATTRASH1 response.

I am anything but paranoid. The people I know/expect, I can count on one hand.

Anyone one else is not expected, so I have no compunction about ignoring them.

It's not that big a deal.

Halloween is an exception.

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
September 20, 2018, 09:34 AM
I worked in a Closed Union(UAW) shop.
The outspoken Dems working there for the most part were not only ignorant of any facts but stupid enough to try to speak out without any facts or knowledge of what was going on in politics.

After trying to "educate" them on the facts, I found out that most would just try to argue about the non facts and untrue slanderous statements they were trying to label the candidate they were against with.

I finally decided not to argue with an idiot.

If I found someone who was not hardcore brainwashed union, then I might try to educate them.

The problem always led back to people watching the fake news on all the channels for so many years, that they just thought like they were then "supposed" to think and it was hard to convince them different.

NRA Life Endowment member
Tri-State Gun collectors Life Member