Member posted April 27, 2020 12:46 AM
After a couple months of a misdiagnosed rotator cuff tear and several MRIs, I discovered I have a lacerated pectoral major tendon (and several other minor tears in n the shoulder). Got the call that I'm going in for surgery this Tuesday. It looks to be a long recovery. Please pray for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for me. Thanks!
Member I truly wish you minimum pain and maximum recovery. That your recovery will be fast and fully. ARman
I made it so far, now I'll go for more Whatever you do do not rush the recovery. Do what the doc says otherwise you will be right back to square one.
I am no expert, but think I am sometimes.
Posts: 4611 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: January 23, 2004
Ammoholic Prayers sent for a rapid recovery. You got this!
NRA Patron Member, Instructor and CRSO NC CCH Instructor GRNC Life Member VCDL Member
Lost Posts: 17287 | Location: SF Bay Area | Registered: December 11, 2003
Eye on the Silver Lining You’ll do great! Prayers sent, nonetheless.
__________________________ "Trust, but verify."
Each post crafted from rich Corinthian leather Prayers said for you and for those who will be attending to you through the procedure and recovery.
Member Prayers sent, Brother.
Two things bring me to tears. The unconditional Love of God,the service of the United States Military,past,present,and future. I would rather meet a slick-sleeve private, than a hollywood star!
Member Hope it works out for the best, prayers sent.
NRA Life Endowment member Tri-State Gun collectors Life Member