In mid-November he lost his first one, an adult tooth was poking behind it. That one came out with him pushing on it with his tongue and giving it a couple tugs and it miracled itself onto his lower lip. 2 weeks later on the way to see family for Thanksgiving he lost the one next to it in a McDonald's biscuit. He bumped something at school a week ago and the next one over became loose. Each time he was complaining of pain and whining for days before it came out.
Well, this 3rd one tonight was looking all snaggly tooth like it was begging to get yanked. He's been working it every day a couple times a day. We iced it a bit and he wasn't complaining and was tugging at it unsuccessfully with a napkin to get a grip. He was trying to pry it out instead of yank it out vertically though. I asked him if I could try and to my surprise, he said yes. I iced it up again, grabbed that sucker and yanked. The sound and feeling of it coming out will never escape me. I was actually more scared than him. It popped out with minimal force and he didn't cry, squirm or do anything. He manned up big time for it, more than I ever remember doing as a kid. He's 5 1/2 by the way. The little bit of blood hasn't bothered him for any of them.
Luckily, I have a large stash of Eisenhower dollars. Yesterday I was taking delivery of a new family truckster for out upcoming #3, today I am being a dentist. Parenthood, its a never ending adventure.
Posts: 2645 | Location: Iowa by way of Missouri | Registered: July 18, 2002
Originally posted by David Lee: Did he discover the Ike dollar yet?
Oh yeah, the first time in November I had told him about the tooth fairy. Our kids are in a bunk bed for now, our son up top and daughter down below. I put the Ike under his pillow and a JFK half under hers "to reward her for good tooth brushing." In the morning they both thought his dollar fell down from up top to under her pillow. Neither had seen a JFK half either. I told him to look under his pillow...."WOW! Look how big it is!" When we went home for Thanksgiving I took one along with me. This morning they did the same thing again, thinking her JFK half was his "dollar."
I got Ike dollars when I was a kid (born 1980), they were still somewhat harder to come by then, because that was the time of lame Susan B Anthony's. The "gold" dollars now are pretty "mehh" in my opinion. There is nothing like the size and weight of an Ike, Peace, or Morgan.
Back in the big silver and gold rush 8 or so years ago, I asked the local US Bank when depositing my check if they had an "big dollars" out of habit, hoping an ill-advised teller would give me a stack of Morgans for face value Federal Reserve Notes. One day they had some 300 Ikes. I bought them all; unfortunately, none were 40% silver.
Posts: 2645 | Location: Iowa by way of Missouri | Registered: July 18, 2002
Very nice. I had a feeling he'd like that big coin. My sister in law bought all my Ikes years back. Shes gone now so my brother has them. The Morgans and Peace dollars are beautiful coins. The tooth fairy did good!
Posts: 18071 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008
I started losing my baby teeth when I was 4 and had all of my adult teeth by 8. The second one of them started wiggling, I ripped it out. Couldn't resist.
May our caskets be made of hundred-year oak, and may we plant those trees tomorrow.
Just popped my youngest child's last baby tooth a few weeks ago. A milestone. I was definitely melancholy about it. It's a true "dad" duty. And I... sniff,.. I was DAMN good at it!
Whenever I was about 5 or so, my dad decided to pull one of my front teeth, which was loose. So he tied a string around it and the other end to the door knob. Then he slammed the door. It yanked out my tooth along with a huge amount of my gum. Bled like crazy, hurt like hell. After my new tooth grew in, my school photos for years after that showed the high gum line on that new tooth. I was extremely self-conscious about it.
Ignorant people have ignorant ways.
Regards, arlen
====================== Some days, it's just not worth the effort of chewing through the leather straps. ======================
Posts: 408 | Location: Colorado | Registered: August 13, 2016