August 24, 2019, 11:11 AM
az4783054more political correctness from CA: San Francisco sanitizes "criminal felons"
But leave piles of human waste in the streets... 24, 2019, 11:53 AM
Gear.UpAll this need to change the language. "Demolition Man" is not a how-to guide on creating laws and building societies.
John Spartan: I've *seen* the future, you know what it is. It's made by a 47 year-old virgin in gray pajamas soaking in a bubble bath, drinking a broccoli milkshake and thinking "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener".
Lenina Huxley: No need to make a de-hurtful retraction. I've just assimilated too much contraband. I fleshed you out as some blow-up-the-bad-guy-with-a-happy-grin-he-man type, but now I realize that you're the moody-troubled-past-gunslinger-who-only-draws-when-he-must type.
August 24, 2019, 12:13 PM
gpbst3So a pedophile would now be called a person who loves kids?