I’m going to give the opposite advice as everyone else. If it’s a new car, not much is going to change with it in the next 3 years. It sounds like this is something you really wanted, and if you want it to be here when you get back, you should keep it. There are a few steps you need to take before putting it in your storage unit.
1. Make sure there is good pest control at the storage facility, and maybe add some of your own around the truck.
2. Run it out of gas, and I mean completely. Add some star-tron or sta-bil after the low fuel light comes on.
3. Change the brake fluid when you get back. That, and put some gas in it so it actually runs since it will be empty.
4. Enjoy your 3-year old, brand-new car.
I own an auto-repair shop, and would never recommend parking a car that long, but something new shouldn’t be harmed as long as it’s kept out of the weather. It’s not a 10-year old car that you are parking for an extended time, so things will still be pretty much the same when you get back.
"America could use some turpentine, all the way from Hollywierd to New York City." -- Phil Robertson