"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches Making the best of what ever comes our way Forget that blind ambition and learn to trust your intuition Plowing straight ahead come what may And theres a cowboy in the jungle" Jimmy Buffet
Posts: 10623 | Location: Southeast Tennessee...not far above my homestate Georgia | Registered: March 10, 2010
I don't think he is strong enough to endure what a conservative must go through to not only win the Presidency, but then administer the office courageously under a 24/7 365 attack from the Left and all of its media channels.
Is being a conservative news commentator sufficient to lead America these days? If so, Graham Ledger, Liz Wheeler and Alex Salvi are just as qualified. Maybe a consortium would be a novel administration.
Posts: 11236 | Location: not here | Registered: January 09, 2009
There's only about 36,000 soundbites the left could use against him.
Suggesting Carlson as a viable candidate for the most powerful office in the Western world is akin to the left suggesting Oprah Winfrey as a candidate. It's beyond laughable and smacks of desperation.
And don't say "They said that about Donald Trump, too" because Trump is a true leader who has flirted with the idea of running for POTUS for at least the past twenty years. Donald Trump knows failure and success on a grand scale and has the energy, the drive, the tenacity and the vision to do the job. Carlson happens to be a guy on TV who says stuff we agree with. If there were some other talking head in that 9 PM slot on Fox, would we be suggesting that person instead?
went with none of the above/mittens because it's no more absurd than the rest of the speculation about tucker. my true favorite ticket for now is pompeo/noem
Tom Cotten or Josh Hawley. Mark my words one of these two will be the next Republican president.
The "Old" Republican party STILL hasn't come to terms with the "New" Republican party. They have not learned the lesson of Trump: WE DON"T WANT YOU.
Trump is their canary in the coal mine and they still haven't figured it out. They can try as they might to get rid of Trump (and oh boy are they trying...) but when his presidency is over people won't just automatically default to a 'Jeb' type RINO again. That time is long gone. When Trump needs to be replaced on the Republican ticket the voters will look for someone who builds on his characteristics, not someone who refutes them.
What is it, 80 or 90% of Republican voters approve of Trump? Do the ruling class actually think they can slip in a 'Jeb' and we won't notice?
Right now America, and not just conservative America, is looking for a leader. One who believes in this country and wants to make everyone better. One who values our history and dreams of bigger things to come. Trump's speech last night was spot on. I hope his campaign continues on this tract.
I'm telling you the first Republican who steps out and fully embraces what Trump laid out last night WILL be the next Republican star. And very likely the next Republican President.
I like Dan Crenshaw, and Niki Haley the most on the top of the ticket. I would support Candace Owens as potential VP, and I could see Kristi Noem in the mix as I like what I’ve seen from her. I like Crenshaw the most for any position though. His views are largely in line with my own and I think he’s likable and has the ability to win. I like Mike Pence as a man and as a VP. I think he’s very honorable and a principled man but I don’t see him doing well at the top of the ticket. I would not support any of Trump’s children at this time. They might be very good people and would bring some things to the table but I don’t believe in political dynasties and could not support them for a long time because of that.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Posts: 5719 | Location: Upstate NY | Registered: February 28, 2002
I'm focused on 2020, first. 2024 is a long way away.
You can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of great violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless.
NRA Benefactor/Patriot Member
Posts: 2857 | Location: Peoples Republic of North Virginia | Registered: December 04, 2015
Originally posted by parabellum: There's only about 36,000 soundbites the left could use against him.
Suggesting Carlson as a viable candidate for the most powerful office in the Western world is akin to the left suggesting Oprah Winfrey as a candidate. It's beyond laughable and smacks of desperation.
And don't say "They said that about Donald Trump, too" because Trump is a true leader who has flirted with the idea of running for POTUS for at least the past twenty years. Donald Trump knows failure and success on a grand scale and has the energy, the drive, the tenacity and the vision to do the job. Carlson happens to be a guy on TV who says stuff we agree with. If there were some other talking head in that 9 PM slot on Fox, would we be suggesting that person instead?
Originally posted by jaaron11: Not only no, but heck no. I’ve never been less impressed with a conservative commentator, and that’s really saying something.
Really, why is that? Because I've never heard Tucker Carlson stating anything other than conservative values. I certainly don't think that qualifies him to be president, though.
Posts: 5279 | Location: WI | Registered: July 02, 2006
Trump has been able to do it for many reasons already stated plus he's run a large organization as Commander in Chief for decades. He's also dealt with politics and politicians in his former life. That's also why he thinks so little of them. Most are just shake down artists that leverage their position for dollars. Tucker is more like an entertainer we like, and happen to agree with his politics. He's never run any sort of organization that I know of and that is an essential skill, especially as an outsider.
Tucker has his moments but I don't really trust him. He certainly is no Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin either as far as true conservative credentials, neither of which have any desire to be president.