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Well maybe not Fixed! Stumped by the pellet stove. Login/Join 
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Not sure where you get your parts but try I have a US Stove American Harvest and have replaced motors from there at a cheaper price than the manufacturer.

I'm alright it's the rest of the world that's all screwed up!
Posts: 1384 | Location: Southern Michigan | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The success of a solution usually depends upon your point of view
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Originally posted by old rugged cross:
After a good 40 hours of running without a hiccup. I had to run to town. Wife and I got home about the same time in different rigs. I am working outside heading for the front porch. She comes out, obviously upset and say's "the stove is not working". Now she has been very understanding over the last couple weeks while dealing with this stove problem. I knew this was about as much of this stove not working thing as she could take.

I reassured her we could figure out the right answer to bring this to a conclusion.

So back to the stove. I looked at the auger motor and see it has puucked a little grease out the back where the shaft is. Figure that is not good for a sealed motor? Possible I got a bad chinese motor. Any thoughts guys. I am going to pull out the entire auger unit after lunch.


While it is possible and even probable that you got a bad replacement motor don't start there.
Troubleshooting any system is a logical progression of steps that uses verified information to narrow down the fault.

Go back to what excam_man had you do and follow it again. By starting at the beginning each time and working down the process you will keep yourself from chasing your tail in circles.

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Posts: 4000 | Location: Jacksonville, FL | Registered: September 10, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The stove could be operating correctly, and a safety feature is shutting it down.

Are you able to verify the combustion start cycle by watching the red/green thermal couple light sequences in the control box?

Page 19 of the service manual has a picture of a fist sized airflow obstruction clinker. Chimney exhaust clear too? Critter nest?


Edit to add, just found this.
YouTube Trouble shooting video
Posts: 441 | Registered: June 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Green grass and
high tides
Picture of old rugged cross
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Thank you guys. All great questions and suggestions and valid ones too. Fortunately it has warmed up a bit. I am going to be doing more trouble shooting today.

Yes Jimmy, there are some plastic bushing/bearing between the motor and auger.

Thx TT.

SZ, yes good suggestion.

I agree Spring, that is what I am hoping and going to check today.

My backup plan is to order a Pelletpro130 from tractor supply Wink

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 20168 | Registered: September 21, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sgalczyn
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If you're buying new....I suggest Harman and Quadrafire

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Bad motor or the auger is obstructed.

Clean everything up and make sure it turns freely by hand.

Replace the defective motor and roll-on.

Posts: 10062 | Registered: October 15, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Green grass and
high tides
Picture of old rugged cross
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Yes Excam man. You are right and have been right. It is a mechanical issue with the auger/motor interface.

He is the quick version. Not the complete one.
When I drove to the shop to get the new motor I took the entire auger assm. I had talked with a gal at the store. She is their
service contact and seemed some knowledgeable about the stove, components and operation. I go in and talk with her she hands me the motor. I open the box. Pull out the instructions. She starts to talk with one of their employees. I am focused on the instructions. Mean while the employee grabs the motor and grabs my set up and is looking at them. I turn and ask the gal a couple of questions and we are discussing it. A few minutes later I see the guy has my auger assmmbly apart is in the process of the install of the new motor. I had the instructions so I ask him do you need to look at these and he say's I don't think so. I ask him if has done these before and he say's no. Now I am bit uneasy but what do I do? It looks fairly good on the surface but who knows. Now in retrospect I should of taken it home and tore it apart and verified, but did not.

So seveal days later and still not a permanent fix.
We tore down the unit and you guessed it. He did not get the motor on the shaft correctly. The set screw to secure the auger was not on the flat part of the shaft. Frown So that explains the sort of work but doesn't scenario. So that screwed part of the new motor up. The first gear in the tranny part of the motor is spun for lack of a better term. So we tore down the original motor and got into the gear box and were able to make one operational motor out of the two. Now, granted this was along the lines of brain surgery. But my buddy who is a great fix it guy came over and did this. I trust him. I should of asked for his help early on but he is always up the his elbows in stuff and truly thought I could solve this issue.

So after all that we are still not there but are making progress. If this motor blending works we may be there. If it does not I am going to need to talk with the stove people and see if they will issue a replacement motor.

We'll see and yes it has been a cluster.

Update: A later evening update. It ran this evening then quit. restarted, ran, got over heated. There was a loud pop and it Shut down and won't restart now.

I am going to close this this thread for now. Will post back when either the stove is fixed or replaced. Thanks a ton guys. I really do appreciate all the assistance here.

Good nite all and may God Bless.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: old rugged cross,

"Practice like you want to play in the game"
Posts: 20168 | Registered: September 21, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
32nd degree
Picture of roarindan
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mebbee a heat solenoid is burnt out.


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