Finland's 'Party Prime Minister' Sanna Marin LOSES general election to right coalition

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April 02, 2023, 10:35 PM
Pipe Smoker
Finland's 'Party Prime Minister' Sanna Marin LOSES general election to right coalition
“Finland's 'Party Prime Minister' Sanna Marin has lost lost her bid for a second term - as a right-wing coalition claims victory over her Social Democrats in an extremely tight general election.

Marin, who made global headlines after she was seen dancing wildly in leaked videos, became the world's youngest prime minister in 2019 at age 34 and had been fighting for a second term just days before Finland's historic accession to the NATO defence alliance.

But her party has lost out to two conservative parties in an extremely tight three-way race for control of parliament.

She told her supporters: 'Congratulations to the winner of the elections, congratulations to the (conservative) National Coalition Party, congratulations to the (far-right) Finns Party. Democracy has spoken.'

The centre-right National Coalition Party claimed victory with around 97.7 per cent of the votes counted, coming out on top at 20.7 per cent. They were followed closely by right-wing populist party The Finns with 20.1 per cent, while the Social Democrats garnered 19.9 per cent. …”

DailyMail article:

Serious about crackers
April 02, 2023, 11:28 PM
With Finland entering NATO just as well it will have a prime minister who isn't dancing widely. Finland has a long border with Russia and had an invasion by the Ivans pre-WW2. Putin's quest to expand Russia hopefully won't involve the Finns.

U.S. Army 11F4P Vietnam 69-70 NRA Life Member
April 02, 2023, 11:35 PM
Il Cattivo
Reports at the moment suggest that the center-right guys' commitment to strengthening the economy made what difference there was. Joining NATO may have been a non-issue in the election. For example -
April 03, 2023, 01:23 PM
Marin is no Maggie Thatcher that's for sure.
She isn't even Georgia Meloni.

“ What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”— Lord Melbourne
April 03, 2023, 02:24 PM
Isn't it interesting how quickly the priorities change when the wolves are at the gates...

Originally posted by abnmacv:
Finland has a long border with Russia and had an invasion by the Ivans pre-WW2.

And had won a hard-fought civil war against Russian-backed Bolsheviks and Socialists (including Ms. Marin's own Social Democrats) immediately after seceding from Russia barely more than a century ago.
April 03, 2023, 03:02 PM
I’m headed to Finland in two weeks. I’ll give a full report

"da evil Count Glockula."-Para
April 03, 2023, 04:34 PM
Pipe Smoker
Wishing you a fun and safe journey ThankGod4Sig.

Finland is set to become a member of NATO tomorrow. Vlad isn’t happy about that.

Serious about crackers
April 03, 2023, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:
Wishing you a fun and safe journey ThankGod4Sig.

Finland is set to become a member of NATO tomorrow. Vlad isn’t happy about that.

Yeah what’s he going to do about it. Nothing. He can’t advance much of anywhere in Ukraine since they are mopping the fields with his great army.

Fück Russia. Only good Russian is a dead one.

"da evil Count Glockula."-Para
April 04, 2023, 08:12 AM
Pipe Smoker
Finland becomes a member of NATO

“Finland officially became the 31st member of NATO today, completing a historic security policy shift triggered by Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto completed the accession process by handing over an official document to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Earlier, Moscow warned that it will take counter-measures in response to Finland's ascension, with Putin's chief spokesman saying the Kremlin viewed the move as an 'assault on our security', after the Russian despot ordered the invasion of sovereign Ukraine last year.

Meanwhile, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg called the latest expansion of the alliance a historic event and direct result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and promised to ensure that Finland's fellow Nordic country Sweden would also join. …”

DailyMail article:

Serious about crackers
April 04, 2023, 08:25 AM
Sweden's recently elected government is also more to the right.
They are about to try to do a census in an attempt to identify and deport out many of the illegals. Good luck on that one.
That's probably a little late, but they seem to be figuring out why other countries have borders and a desire to keep out illegals.

Avoid buying ChiCom/CCP products whenever possible.
April 04, 2023, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by ThankGod4Sig:
Fück Russia. Only good Russian is a dead one.

A little extreme don't you think? Regardless of the 'hate' for Russia's actions in Ukraine, which are squarely the result of decisions by Putins's gov't, the Russian people are largely just along for the ride here. Your statement is not unlike the sentiment of many Muslims in response to the actions by the US .gov in numerous countries in the Middle East, which the vast majority of Americans would feel, unjustifiably targets innocents for the actions of their government!


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"May Almighty God bless the United States of America" - parabellum 7/26/20
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April 04, 2023, 10:53 AM
When the wolf is at the gates, it's amazing how a population changes its tune. I'm sure Marin was hopped to be a breath of fresh air, not to mention easy on the eyes but, everything I've read was she was rather immature and not ready for prime-time.
April 04, 2023, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by nhracecraft:
Originally posted by ThankGod4Sig:
Fück Russia. Only good Russian is a dead one.

A little extreme don't you think? Regardless of the 'hate' for Russia's actions in Ukraine, which are squarely the result of decisions by Putins's gov't, the Russian people are largely just along for the ride here. Your statement is not unlike the sentiment of many Muslims in response to the actions by the US .gov in numerous countries in the Middle East, which the vast majority of Americans would feel, unjustifiably targets innocents for the actions of their government!

Naaaa the ones who wanted out of the country yep those are the ones that might be ok. Spy vs spy but if you stay oh well.

"da evil Count Glockula."-Para