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How liberals are allowing anti-Semitism to flourish

By Karol Markowicz
Anti-Semitic attacks continue to shake our city and state. Last week, eight attacks — including four in just in 48 hours — sent a familiar shockwave rippling through the Jewish community. Then Saturday came the horrific stabbing in Monsey, New York. The poison of Jew-hatred is spreading.

Like many of you, I’m thinking, “Not this subject again.” How many columns can be devoted to it? I’ve read them. I’ve written them. It’s exhausting, and it’s dreary. Jews are being beaten up, anti-Semitism flows some years and ebbs in others. So what?

But it matters — gravely.

Mayor de Blasio released his usual by-the-numbers statement. “Hate doesn’t have a home in our city,” he tweeted. But hate does have a home here, and it has found it while Hizzoner has mostly looked away.

The mayor added: “In light of recent anti-Semitic attacks, the NYPD will increase their presence in Borough Park, Crown Heights and Williamsburg.” But the recent attacks have spread to Midtown Manhattan and Gravesend, Brooklyn. The problem has gotten worse while inaction paralyzed the mayor.

I first wrote about the uptick in May. The reason the city’s liberal political class was ignoring it, I ­argued, is that the criminals don’t fit their picture of Evil Bigots. They aren’t, for the most part, MAGA-hat wearing white guys with tiki torches. In fact, many of the attackers are people of color, as investigative reporting by Tablet’s Armin Rosen and others has shown.

Imagine if they were white ­nationalists. How much faster would the mayor and other city leaders have taken action?

“A lot of folks were told it was unacceptable to be anti-Semitic,” de Blasio said in May. “It was unacceptable to be racist, and now they’re getting more permission.” The message was subtle but unmistakable: De Blasio was trying to pin the attacks in bright-blue New York on President Trump.

Hizzoner didn’t surrender the fantasy for some time. In June, he said: “I want to be very, very clear, the violent threat, the threat that is ideological, is very much from the right.”

He left unclear how the Big ­Apple had come to be populated by ideological far-right types beating up on Jews. His comments ­underscored his inability to truly counter the type of street-level ­anti-Semitism spreading through the city.

Will he face the facts now? Or will Jews need to actually die, not just be pummeled, for our leaders to grasp the threat?

“Anti-Semitism is an attack on the values of our city — and we will confront it head-on,”

De Blasio tweeted after this latest round of violence against Jews in the city. He has to stop beating around the bush. These attacks aren’t an ­attack on “our values.” They’re attacks on visibly Jewish people.

Even Sunday, after the Monsey stabbings, he blamed Trump and “Washington” for creating “an atmosphere of hate.”

De Blasio needs to stop trying to find a “them” to be the opposite of his “us.” His juvenile obsession with having the right adversaries allows anti-Semitism to flourish.

I used to write about Europeans and their apathetic attitudes ­toward the Jew-hatred around them. Synagogues torched, Jews beaten — just another day on the Continent.

But now the demon is here, in America. Worse, it’s stalking Jews with increasing regularity in New York City, my city, home to the largest Jewish population outside Israel. Hizzoner’s vague universalist rhetoric obscures this raw reality.

And it isn’t just his ideological blinders. The mayor has also helped create an anti-police ­atmosphere, in which the vigilant presence of officers is considered a bad thing. At an anti-police rally last month, there were signs calling for violence against the NYPD.

De Blasio’s response? He insinuated that the idea that there’s anti-police sentiment in our city is, yes, another right-wing plot.

In 2020 I don’t want to read ­another column like this one. All Jews want is to live our lives in safety. To ensure that, the mayor will have to stop using the violence against us to fight his invisible political foes.

De Blasio’s ideology has led to apathy, which, in turn, has resulted in injured Jews in our city. It’s time for his administration to take serious action, starting by flooding hot-spot neighborhoods with ­police officers empowered to act.

In May, I wrote: “The attacks, and the silence of progressive New York, are utterly appalling.” In ­December, it’s more than appalling. It’s complicit.

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delicately calloused
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This problem can't be solved by the Left. They are misdiagnosing the issue. I would say they are doing it intentionally to weaponize tragedy.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Truth Wins
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The Jew-hatred and hate-attacks are coming from, and being perpetrated by, the left's base. The very demographic to which democrats pander is the demographic that is principally responsible for the the anti-semitism that's been committed.

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Sigforum K9 handler
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As long as the left can do one thing, and then place blame on another, this will continue.

So far, they have been pretty successful by it.

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Political Cynic
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Misleading title

They’re not allowing it, they’re fostering and encouraging it - it’s what they actually believe in

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

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Bolt Thrower
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Hopefully this will turn some Jewish Democrats into Republicans.
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It's no coincidence that many liberals accept - heck, SUPPORT! - the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel.
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NOT Left-Winged!
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Originally posted by Voshterkoff:
Hopefully this will turn some Jewish Democrats into Republicans.

Only one Jewish friend on mine is conservative and sees the Democrat's anti-Isreal, pro-"Palestinian", pro-Islam, pro-Black Muslim, and zero action to stop anti-semitism.

My Jewish aunt in Brooklyn had a George W. Bush as Hitler poster on her refrigerator in the mid 2000's. And her parents were survivors.
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Originally posted by Voshterkoff:
Hopefully this will turn some Jewish Democrats into Republicans.

Unfortunately, the American Jew is delusional and drunk on democrat Kool Aid. The American Jew is very much different from an Israeli Jew who understand daily threats. The American Jew, like American inner city blacks will continue to support the democrat party for reasons unknown that do not make any sense. This is will be the demise of these people with their blind faith and trust following the cancerous democrat party...
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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by Cousin Vinnie:
The American Jew, like American inner city blacks will continue to support the democrat party for reasons unknown that do not make any sense.

Their true religion, as absolute believers, is leftism.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Picture of TigerDore
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
Misleading title

They’re not allowing it, they’re fostering and encouraging it - it’s what they actually believe in


Posts: 8881 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Festina Lente
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NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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Festina Lente
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NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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Wait, what?
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The left is poisonous to this country. Absolutely toxic. The sad thing is that they will continue in their efforts until this comes to a head- perhaps New York should be the fitting starting point when, say, Jews shoot the shit out of attackers that turn out to be dyed in the wool Democrat leftists.

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Originally posted by TigerDore:
Originally posted by nhtagmember:
Misleading title

They’re not allowing it, they’re fostering and encouraging it - it’s what they actually believe in


And why do they believe in it? Because they believe chaos and violence will finally bring them what they so desperately lust after...the destruction of this country and everything it has always stood for.

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Political Cynic
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I've never been able to understand why the NY Jews continue to be the architects of their own destruction and misery....

it makes no sense to me given their history

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

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Because they're leftists first and Jews second.

Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I've never been able to understand why the NY Jews continue to be the architects of their own destruction and misery....

it makes no sense to me given their history

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

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Picture of Leemur
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Story to go with the pic posted above of the Jewish people openly carrying ARs in defiance of the NY gun laws.
Posts: 13829 | Location: Shenandoah Valley, VA | Registered: October 16, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Crusty old
Picture of Jimbo54
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Of course the left is blaming Trump for anti-Semitism. These people are insane, completely and totally.



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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I've never been able to understand why the NY Jews continue to be the architects of their own destruction and misery....

it makes no sense to me given their history

Maybe the winds are changing

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