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Today I cleaned my rifle Login/Join 
Picture of ScreamingCockatoo
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I had a co-worker come out today.
He wanted to know if I'd parcel off an acre for him to build a house on way out here.
It's so quiet and away from all the bullshit that is starting to go down.
He said he'd be absolutely trapped in his neighborhood.

He liked I keep my AR close by too as we changed the timing belt on his car.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
Posts: 39999 | Location: Atop the cockatoo tree | Registered: July 27, 2002Report This Post
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By this coming Tuesday, my bag for a car gun will be good to go and I can combine it with my get home bag.
I will be using an older M4 clone.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Picture of colomtn
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Some lessons learned from John Farnam

15 July 16


From recent terrorist incidents, several lessons emerge:

1. Don’t head for the restroom!

Restrooms are dead ends. There is likely no exit from the restroom. You’ll be trapped there. When you don’t see another eligible exit, head for the kitchen. The kitchen always has a back door!

2. Have a rifle that shoots through things!

French police trying to stop the truck that inflicted all the carnage in Nice fired many rounds at the driver. Many did not penetrate doors. Many did not even penetrate the windshield! Most were pistol rounds of course, but when my rifle comes out, I want to be in a position to get inside vehicles with bullets. In my 5.56×45 AR, I have a magazine filled with Cor-Bon 62gr DPX. Unlike 55gr hardball, DPX goes through car doors!

3. Don’t let curiosity kill you!

Get out and away at the first sign of danger. No matter how much you are “wondering” what is happening, head for an exit without delay. Seconds count!

4. Practice long-distance pistol shooting.

Be in a position to be able to hit at twenty, even thirty meters. Your pistol is likely going to be the only gun you have, and your supply of ammunition is very limited!

5. Keep you head up and stay alert.

We are not living in a “relaxing” era!



My grandfather voted republican until the day he died, now he votes democrat.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Just spent the last three hours cleaning most of my firearms. My rifle got a little extra special attention.


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Picture of kkina
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I especially like #4. A lot of people like to say you'll never have a just reason to shoot someone further than 10 or 15 feet. The truth is, you don't know what unusual situation will be thrown at you.

People would sometimes ask me why I practiced shooting my handguns at 100 yards. The answer is because they didn't have a 200 yard range.

"Pen & Sword as one."
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Picture of sigfreund
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Although Farnam likes his drama, he makes a lot of good points in his discussions.

Number 2 caught my eye because although shooting through barriers is not likely to be something non-LEOs would ever be called upon to do, having the right ammunition can’t hurt.

Have a rifle that shoots through things!

In my own experience, Speer Gold Dot ammunition is far superior for penetrating vehicle glass and metal than something like military-type FMJ, including M855 “green tip” with its steel “penetrator.” Other types of bonded bullet loads would also probably be good.

And because few of us would ever have a rifle available in an unexpected terror incident, it can’t hurt to have good handgun ammunition as well. Despite what the “handgun power makes no difference” crowd claims to believe, some cartridges and bullets perform much better through barriers than others. My defensive handguns of choice are chambered for 357 SIG and are loaded with Gold Dot ammunition.


“It is peace for our time.”
— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48146 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
Although Farnam likes his drama, he makes a lot of good points in his discussions.

Number 2 caught my eye because although shooting through barriers is not likely to be something non-LEOs would ever be called upon to do, having the right ammunition can’t hurt.

Have a rifle that shoots through things!

In my own experience, Speer Gold Dot ammunition is far superior for penetrating vehicle glass and metal than something like military-type FMJ, including M855 “green tip” with its steel “penetrator.” Other types of bonded bullet loads would also probably be good.

And because few of us would ever have a rifle available in an unexpected terror incident, it can’t hurt to have good handgun ammunition as well. Despite what the “handgun power makes no difference” crowd claims to believe, some cartridges and bullets perform much better through barriers than others. My defensive handguns of choice are chambered for 357 SIG and are loaded with Gold Dot ammunition.

Was just about to say, "this is why my carry often involves something in the 357 SIG flavor."

I live in a pretty bad city, but spend a lot of time with family away from it. So, I feel very conflicted about my encounters on a day to day basis. I personally have every niche covered for what I could need. If I'm not carrying it in a holster, it's in .308 and I'm guessing that'll do the trick for me.
Posts: 2170 | Location: Atlanta  | Registered: February 09, 2008Report This Post
Something wild
is loose
Picture of Doc H.
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3. Don’t let curiosity kill you! Get out and away at the first sign of danger. No matter how much you are “wondering” what is happening, head for an exit without delay. Seconds count

This one was in the recent news. I can't remember the number of people interviewed in Nice who said they headed in the direction of the disturbance. When dozens or hundreds of people are screaming and fleeing in the same direction, you do NOT want to go toward where they are fleeing from, unless you have a bit part in a "B" grade horror movie....

"And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day"
Posts: 2746 | Location: The Shire | Registered: October 22, 2011Report This Post
Picture of awa762
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After looking at a recommendation by Reid Henrichs regarding "bail out bags," I moved on a couple of these and will fill them with loaded magazines and gunshot wound treatment kits. These will be kept in the home in an access point near to a rifle.

Reid Henrick's Home Invasion Repelling Kit/Bail Out Bag Video

SOG Bail Out Bag at Amazon $20

I'm wondering how I can keep a long gun in the trunk without having to be too concerned about corrosion over the long term. A marine magnum type shotgun would be nice, but a rifle would be better. I'm considering a STG-58 as a trunk gun. It would be long, but have great power for disabling a vehicle and/or killing a hostile driver. In the end, a 300 blackout carbine or a folding stock 7.62x39 AK might be the best compromise between compactness, corrosion resistance characteristics of the build (i.e., chrome bore and chamber, good oiling/lube on the internals), decent bullet momentum and tough bullet construction for barrier penetration. It will have to be kept locked to a vehicle frame bulkhead with a steel cable through the rifle's receiver just to make it harder for a vehicle burglar to run off with it, but the user will have to be damn sure that it can be accessed rapidly. I.e., combination code AND key lock access will have to work.

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Picture of awa762
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Brownells has a sale gong on for Glock 17 magazines. 10 pack = ~215.00.

Brownells Glock 17/34 Mags 10 Pack Deal

4 Glock 17 magazines in the side pocket of each "bail out bag" is a nice addition. Lots of ammo, ready to go, all in one place.

It hurts to pay for all of this, but better safe to have them than the regret of not moving on them in the future. There are plenty of items out there available for good prices today. If anyone has a place for more magazines or ammunition, the time right now is golden.

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Posts: 180 | Location: Greater New Orleans Area... see us on the news??? | Registered: October 17, 2015Report This Post
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First time in my life I ever contemplated loading all mags up. Hope it would never come down to this. Frown
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As Extraordinary
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Originally posted by awa762:
After looking at a recommendation by Reid Henrichs regarding "bail out bags," I moved on a couple of these and will fill them with loaded magazines and gunshot wound treatment kits. These will be kept in the home in an access point near to a rifle.

Reid Henrick's Home Invasion Repelling Kit/Bail Out Bag Video

SOG Bail Out Bag at Amazon $20

I'm taking Reid's carbine course later this month and it's not a moment too soon.....


Our Founding Fathers were men who understood that the right thing is not necessarily the written thing. -kkina
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Ball Haulin'
Picture of entropy
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Not since 9/11 have I been as concerned.

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
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You are not alone.
At least 1/2 of our ammo is loaded in magazines.
I need to buy more PMags for spares.

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Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Ball Haulin'
Picture of entropy
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Today I cleaned....and did a whole lot more.

On the short term side, I took the plate carrier out of the truck where it has rode naked for the past few years. I am always armed when I am in the truck, so I felt the need to have additional spare magazines on the vest a waste of space. No longer. Two 30rd P-Mags along with two pistol mags now sit up front. The truck has a dedicated FAK as well, but added a small one to the vest with a TQ, gauze, izzy, airway, and some other basics as well. Had to upgrade the small canvas duffle it rode in...too large to fit now.

On the long term side, I began to organize all my assorted "stuff". Gear stuff. Gun stuff. Ammo stuff. You know...."stuff". Each non-hunting gun is getting a dedicated 50cal can with ammo, gear, cleaning kit... At least it will be organized if the wife has to dump it all at a garage sale. Big Grin

"There are things we know. There are things we dont know. Then there are the things we dont know that we dont know."
Posts: 10079 | Location: At the end of the gravel road. | Registered: November 02, 2006Report This Post
Picture of ersatzknarf
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jus' a lil' boomp...

enjoyed the zen of cleaning my rifle the other day Smile

JoeSig reminded me of the importance of a bug-out-bag. Need to work on that aspect a bit more.

In order to remain armed the greatest amount of time, have taken to heart Warhorse's reminder that "concealed means concealed" to consider situations where carrying is *frowned upon*...

Wife is now either completely comfortable with me being armed all the time or has become much more accustomed to it to the point that it is everyday commonplace for her.

Always, always, always in the back of my mind that "stuff" will be happening and I bloody well better be (mentally) ready.

Therefore, always keep in the front of your mind where your *sword* is.

God Bless ! ! !

Posts: 4918 | Registered: June 06, 2012Report This Post
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Originally posted by ersatzknarf:
jus' a lil' boomp...

enjoyed the zen of cleaning my rifle the other day Smile

JoeSig reminded me of the importance of a bug-out-bag. Need to work on that aspect a bit more.

In order to remain armed the greatest amount of time, have taken to heart Warhorse's reminder that "concealed means concealed" to consider situations where carrying is *frowned upon*...

Wife is now either completely comfortable with me being armed all the time or has become much more accustomed to it to the point that it is everyday commonplace for her.

Always, always, always in the back of my mind that "stuff" will be happening and I bloody well better be (mentally) ready.

Therefore, always keep in the front of your mind where your *sword* is.

God Bless ! ! !

I have reinforced my car armory Smile and through selling things and trading other things, I feel very pleased and more than hopeful that my wife and I will be able to defend ourselves during our upcoming vacation. And, that while working in Minnesota, I have enhanced my ability to get home.

All of my 'get home' gear gets wiped down every other month. it is a good feeling.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Picture of ersatzknarf
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I have reinforced my car armory Smile

Most groovy ! Big Grin

Posts: 4918 | Registered: June 06, 2012Report This Post
Knows too little
about too much
Picture of rduckwor
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In order to remain armed the greatest amount of time, have taken to heart Warhorse's reminder that "concealed means concealed" to consider situations where carrying is *frowned upon*...

EVERYWHERE! Exception: federal ground. YOU are your only protection!


TL Davis: “The Second Amendment is special, not because it protects guns, but because its violation signals a government with the intention to oppress its people…”
Remember: After the first one, the rest are free.
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I am actually waiting for the big brown truck right now that is bringing me three boxes of 50 Winchester Bonded 180 gr. 40 cal. HP for myself defense rounds from SG Ammo. Sam sent them out real quick. Top notch service. Shipping is reasonable also. That Sig will be ready. Waiting for the doorbell to ring.

GOD/Israel, family, 2nd amendment rights: in that order.
Tennessee -ELOHIM IS MY GOD!

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