I killed Kermit mowing the lawn today..

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August 21, 2018, 08:30 AM
I killed Kermit mowing the lawn today..
Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Imagine how you'd feel chewing up a baby rabbit Frown

There was a brown spot in the middle of the lawn, so I ran over it extra slow, to make sure to pick up the dead grass. Little did I know it was dead because it was covering a shallow burrow Frown

Luckily I only got one. I feel bad about it to this day Frown

I stop for frogs, snakes, bees, grasshoppers... You name it, I've damn near run over it.

Had a bee a few days ago land in front of the mower. Gently nudged him. He moved a few inches and sat in front of the mower again. *nudge* He did it again. Must've repeated that about 5-6 times before he finally got the hint. (I let the clover run wild in the very back of the yard for the bees.)

I think I might've gotten a frog once. Hard to say with my mower.

Years ago a good friend of mine ran over a baby deer with a Haybine. As big and tough as a farm kid can be, and a hunter as well, I still remember him walking up to the horse barn crying like a little girl.

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