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If you thought San Francisco was bad before, Chesa Boudin just got elected DA. God help that city. Login/Join 
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Perhaps another Soros candidate? You can do a search, but for whatever reason George Soros is spending $$$$$$$ on electing DA's throughout the country. I read while I was in NY that he'd spent $800,000 on an unsuccessful attempt to get his candidate elected. It was the exposure that of his donation that lead to the loss. The cocky winner was laughingly thanking him for spending so much that it led to her win once it was exposed.

Wonder what's up with that?
Posts: 1991 | Location: Pacific Northwet | Registered: August 01, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by jimb888:
Perhaps another Soros candidate? You can do a search, but for whatever reason George Soros is spending $$$$$$$ on electing DA's throughout the country.

Soros has been underwriting a ACLU campaign to change the landscape of all the states and major city DA's.They know that 'reforming and changing the culture' of police departments is a lengthy battle, instead they'll go a further up the ladder to the DA's offices, the actual prosecutors who put people behind bars; same also with judges as we've seen with activist jurists. Its all part of this theory of reducing incarceration rates and racial disparity of felons because of ingrained institutional bias and discrimination amongst the people in power. Roll Eyes
Posts: 15406 | Location: Wine Country | Registered: September 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Now in Florida
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Apparently San Fran uses a ranked choice voting system. I had not heard of this before.

Under the traditional election system used by most jurisdictions, the incumbent would have won.

I thought popular vote was everything and we have to abolish the undemocratic electoral college?

So hard to keep track.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I work in SF but I don’t live there. Talking to one of my secret squad friends in the office today that means right. He was telling me about his 4 choices for DA and his fiancé as well. They left this guy off the ballot completely. Ranked choice voting is another from foisted on the electorate.
Anyway I gave him the quick background this guys birth parents were put away for terrorism and murder and bank robbery when he was about a year old and he was hand raised by Bill Ayers and his wife Dorn. Some other true believer hard core commies. Surprisingly he had never heard of the connection between Ayers and Obama
Posts: 5241 | Location: Florida Panhandle  | Registered: November 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ChicagoSigMan:
Apparently San Fran uses a ranked choice voting system. I had not heard of this before.

Under the traditional election system used by most jurisdictions, the incumbent would have won.

I thought popular vote was everything and we have to abolish the undemocratic electoral college?

So hard to keep track.

The incumbent trailed at every step of the vote count. First count, straight ballots before ranked choice was added, had her down almost 9000 votes. Ranked choice cut her deficit to under 3000 votes. She lost both ways.
Posts: 4412 | Location: Peoples Republic of Berkeley | Registered: June 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Political Cynic
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I've always wondered just how bad does it have to get before they wake up?

or are they just terminally stupid?

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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I've always wondered just how bad does it have to get before they wake up?

or are they just terminally stupid?

The big city lifestyle is worth the trade off. Taxes don't bother them. Most of the violent crime happens in a few small pockets to other people. A broken car window or a cell phone snatched or feces on the street are minor inconveniences for them right now. As long as the problems created by their "compassion" remain minor enough to remain classified as urban excitement of sorts they'll keep being stupid. Once enough of them or more likely their kids end up terminal due to that stupidity things might change.
Posts: 4412 | Location: Peoples Republic of Berkeley | Registered: June 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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They had a blurb on the evening news, I think national. Some guy was caught and arrested, then hauled off to jail for the criminal offense of eating a breakfast sandwich in public! Its against the law to eat on the train platform. How does this square with the new DA?

Unhappy ammo seeker
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always with a hat or sunscreen
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This guy has been and continues to go FULL RETARD:

San Francisco’s pee problem could soon get worse.

Chesa Boudin, the urine-and-feces-plagued city’s incoming district attorney, pledged during the campaign not to prosecute public urination and other quality-of-life crimes if he was elected. Boudin declared victory Saturday night after results showed him winning a plurality of votes in the DA race.

“We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted,” Boudin vowed in response to an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) questionnaire during the campaign.

“Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted, we have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness,” he lamented.

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
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Picture of Ripley
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Originally posted by bald1:
"..we have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness,” he lamented.

Lefty boilerplate in its purest form. There's a lot going on in the above notion, not the least of which is the implication of the ever-present Oppressor. Kind of funny if you think about it, especially coming from totalitarians.

Set the controls for the heart of the Sun.
Posts: 8704 | Location: Flown-over country | Registered: December 25, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Sounds like a big efficiency benefit for tourists. If you’re in the city and need to take a dump, no reason to spend time looking for a public toilet - just go wherever you are and continue on with the sightseeing.
Posts: 1258 | Location: NE Indiana  | Registered: January 20, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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And the sightseeing will include "offering or soliciting sex". Tourists are going to get tired of this stuff, SF is such a joke.

Posts: 4183 | Location: West coast | Registered: March 31, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bookers Bourbon
and a good cigar
Picture of Johnny 3eagles
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The tourists are going to get tired of it? When the hell are the citizens going to get tired of it?

If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there.

Posts: 7541 | Location: Arkansas  | Registered: November 06, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Johnny 3eagles:
The tourists are going to get tired of it? When the hell are the citizens going to get tired of it?
. Maybe when they are up to their hips in poo. Wink
Posts: 4472 | Registered: November 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Prefontaine
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Originally posted by ensigmatic:
I'm pretty sure God has written San Francisco off.

I know many folks in the state who I've met via motorcycling and Laguna Seca who are getting real tired of all the bullshit in the state. Even the crazy ones are fleeing in droves. That should really tell you something. I just wish many of them weren't coming here.

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
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If the place is a shithole now, you just wait. Larry Krasner, a Soros funded far left extremist, got elected DA in Philadelphia. Homicides are up 15%. Krasner has stopped prosecuting thefts under $500. The retail sector is now being killed by thefts of all kinds of merchandise. A few little Mom and Pop shops in poorer neighborhoods have already closed as a direct result.

Krasner is funneling an increased number of gun cases to a court diversionary program called Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD). In 2018, Krasner’s first year as district attorney, 78 cases were sent to the ARD program, compared with 12 the previous year.

Why does this matter? Because criminals who carry guns usually intend to use them.

Maalik Jackson-Wallace, for example, was given a second chance by Krasner’s office. Jackson-Wallace, whose case was highlighted by the Inquirer, was initially arrested on a gun possession charge. The case was sent to ARD and Jackson-Wallace received probation. He was arrested a second time for gun possession and released on unsecured bail. On June 13th, he was arrested again and charged with murder; police say he shot and killed a 26-year-old man. (Jackson-Wallace’s attorney claims it was in self-defense.)

When Krasner was practicing law in Philadelphia – specializing in criminal defense and civil rights cases – he sued the police department some 75 times. He doesn’t believe in the death penalty, and he’s called law enforcement “systemically racist.”

Since taking office, he’s ordered his assistant district attorneys to request cash bail less often and include a cost analysis of incarceration when making sentencing recommendations.

Krasner talks a lot about “social justice” and “inequality.” But you won’t hear him mention victims very often. And why? Because Krasner views crime victims as an obstacle to his agenda.
Posts: 1123 | Location: New Jersey  | Registered: May 03, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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feces on the street are minor inconveniences .

California is the only state in the union where you are required to pick up your dog's shit, but not your own.
Posts: 1123 | Location: New Jersey  | Registered: May 03, 2019Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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While not unheard of, he fired at least 7 upper level staff two days after assuming office. They are considered "at will", meaning they can be fired for any reason, but several stated they were willing to work with the new policies.

Why Did San Francisco's New District Attorney Fire Seven Prosecutors?

By Gabe Greschler

Just two days into his tenure as San Francisco's District Attorney, Chesa Boudin fired at least seven prosecuting attorneys. Boudin said the actions were necessary to carry out the progressive policies he campaigned on.

“I had to make difficult staffing decisions [Friday] in order to put in place a management team that will help me accomplish the work I committed to do for San Francisco," Boudin said in a statement.

It’s not unusual for a newly elected district attorney to restructure the management team, said Lara Bazelon, a law professor at the University of San Francisco. The attorneys are at-will employees, which means they can be fired without reason.

Bazelon was a member of Boudin’s policy team during his campaign.

"It's common to fire people who are in management at the top level who are not going to be enthusiastic about the new agenda," Bazelon explained.

Bazelon gave the example of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, another progressive prosecutor who campaigned on criminal justice reform. Krasner fired 31 members of his staff in 2018, three days after he was sworn in.

The attorneys, who were given the news at one-on-one meetings or over the phone with Boudin on Friday, are Kara Lacey, a felony trial lawyer, Ana Gonzalez, managing attorney in the office’s Gang Unit, Linda Allen and Todd Barrett, managing attorneys in the General Felonies Unit, Michael Swart, managing attorney of the office’s Homicide Unit and Tom Ostly, a trial attorney in the Crime Strategies Unit, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

KQED has learned a seventh attorney — Craig Menchin in the Writs and Appeals Unit — was also fired, according to a person directly familiar with the matter. The district attorney's office employs over 200 staff members, according to the department's website.

"To be fired in this way was devastating for me," said one of the attorneys who was let go. The attorney spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation from the Boudin administration, and that it could impact future job opportunities.

"It's hard to guess Mr. Boudin's reasoning," the attorney said. "I think the impact on morale is going to be devastating."

Boudin ran on an anti-incarceration platform — including the creation of a Wrongful Conviction Unit and an Innocence Commission — a vision that may have conflicted with the priorities of the fired attorneys.

But the attorney who was fired said they were “absolutely willing” to follow Boudin's new policy directives.

"For someone who ran on a platform of second chances, I know I never got a first," the attorney said.

Bazelon believes some of the attorneys who were fired had "problematic" histories.

She mentioned the example of attorney Linda Allen, who convicted Jamal Truelove for a 2007 murder only to see the case overturned. In 2014, the California Court of Appeals reversed Trulove's conviction after finding fault with Allen's assertions in the case.

Last year, San Francisco paid $13.1 million to Trulove after an Oakland jury found that two police officers on the case fabricated evidence and failed to disclose exculpatory material.

"I think [Allen] should have been let go years ago," Bazelon said.

The Municipal Attorneys Association, the bargaining group that represents the seven fired attorneys, said in a statement that Boudin’s actions should be reversed.

“Rash decision-making such as this will not help build trust in an office that is already suffering from years of recruitment and retention problems," the statement said.

According to the Chronicle, at least some of the fired attorneys plan on pursuing legal action. The attorney who spoke on the condition of anonymity declined to comment on whether they would do so.
Posts: 2857 | Location: Northern California | Registered: December 01, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
186,000 miles per second.
It's the law.

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San Fran is in a major decline over the last 10 years. The city is hemorrhaging busine$$ from losing conventions. People are leaving the city, due to the filth, crime and drugs, and homeless camps.

The City Council (hopefully) will eventually understand that they are killing the city. Tourism is in major decline. The loss of money will create change.

The pendulum will eventually swing the other way.

This is happening now in Seattle. The homeless camps are finally being cleaned out and removed. 75% of the homeless camps in Seattle have been removed over the last year. The city got the message. Seattle does not want to lose the convention and tourism busine$$.

Trends change, and money is the cause of change.

If San Fran does not act as Seattle has, they are in trouble. Conventions are big business.

Portland is still in denial 100%. Good luck to them.
Posts: 3292 | Registered: August 19, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by FishOn:
The city is hemorrhaging busine$$ from losing conventions. People are leaving the city, due to the filth, crime and drugs, and homeless camps.

Oracle just announced last month they are pulling their annual Open World conference at Moscone out of SF and to Las Vegas, citing out of control costs and issues connected with the homeless and crime. One of the bigger conventions, over 60,000 people, been a fixture in SF for decades. But their name is still on the baseball park.

Originally posted by FishOn:
The City Council (hopefully) will eventually understand that they are killing the city. Tourism is in major decline. The loss of money will create change.

The pendulum will eventually swing the other way.

SF politics will not change, it will only get worse, and they won't care a bit if more conventions leave. Their attitude is "go ahead...leave and we'll wait for a huge climate change/transgender convention to arrive".

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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