How to fix a strained calf muscle
November 18, 2020, 02:16 PM
coogerHow to fix a strained calf muscle
I've been dealing with a calf issue for about 3 months now and it's getting really annoying. Some time in August I started walking and running for exercise and I think I pushed it a little too hard on some hills. Since then the inside of my right calf has been swollen off and on and pretty tight. I haven't had any pain to speak of except for the muscle being tender if I rub it.
I've been to the doctor twice for it. They sent me for an ultrasound to rule out a blood clot. I was told to knock of the running/walking for a while, wear a compression sleeve, and do the RICE thing. I have not been doing the ice part like I should but wear a calf sleeve most days. Most of the time it feels fine when I wear the sleeve. The muscle isn't weak and I don't have any issues doing exercises like squats or lunges. I would describe it as an uncomfortable pressure and tightness when it flares up.
Any tips on what I can do for this....and I know calf and hamstring injuries can take a while to heal but is it normal to take this long?
November 18, 2020, 02:37 PM
TXJIMHeat, more blood flow means faster healing. Ice is fine for helping with pain and swelling but it's not doing anything to speed up healing.
“I'd like to know why well-educated idiots keep apologizing for lazy and complaining people who think the world owes them a living.”
― John Wayne
November 18, 2020, 02:39 PM
doublesharpLaura's Mercantile cbd lotion helps my old rotator cuff injuries and soothes my arthritis. I rub the lotion on the muscle sore spots and use the cbd oil tincture under my tongue. There will probably be a black Friday sale next week but new customers can get 20% off the first order, just look for the coupon.
God spelled backwards is dog
November 18, 2020, 02:40 PM
rsboloI have been dealing with this same issue from tennis. (I did not have the swelling) Fortunately I play tennis with a whole gaggle of physicians and got some pretty in depth help.
Start with RICE (seriously, use the ice) regularly. I did this diligently for about a week twice a day. I did no exercise for about two weeks even though I felt pretty good and could have probably pushed my luck. I also took advil twice a day.
I also focused on hydrating extensively. I think the hydration helped me quite a bit.
I massaged the calf as much as I could stand it and noticed that it improved each day. I ended up taking about three weeks off of any exertion beyond normal walking and work.
Yes, Para does appreciate humor.
November 18, 2020, 03:33 PM
recoatliftCbd oil is expensive, in your case. Example.
750 ml= 25 ml per dropper. 750ml 30(1oz)=25 ml per dropper or 48.99 an oz.
You can buy 5,000mg pure THC free isolate (Lazarus naturals)for $35.00. Mix it with 1oz (or 30mg) and have the strength of (5,000mg div. by 30= 166.6666 ml per dropper) vs 25ml per dropper. That is too strong even for me.
I use a 60ml dropper bottle for a strength of 83.3333 per dropper (That’s 2 full oz’s compared to 1oz)
Kicks the shit out of 25ml per dropper. Effect and cost savings are substantial.
Choice of carrier oil is either fractionated coconut oil (no taste)or extra virgin olive oil(has a taste). Extra virgin Olive oil is good for the body & heart.
Cbd works great. I’ve not experimented with lotions or creams.
November 18, 2020, 03:56 PM
maladatIf you're just going to your internist, try seeing a sports medicine doctor.
It doesn't really sound like a strain to me, although it could be - sometimes strains last more than three months.
It sounds more like an overuse injury like shin splints. You can also get surprisingly bad pain in a variety of places all through your lower body (from feet and ankles all the way up to hips and lower back) if the shoes you are wearing do not provide the correct type of (or enough) support for your body and stride. E.g., I tend to overpronate (roll my feet inwards as I step) and if I run much in shoes that don't provide enough arch support and pronation stability, I can get intense pain and tightness up the lower inside edge of my calves and upper outside edge near my knees.
It's not really intuitive to connect pain somewhere else in the body to your feet, but it's all one big connected machine, and if your feet are moving in a way they aren't supposed to, it stresses a bunch of other stuff in a way it isn't supposed to be stressed, either.
Also, if you're not warming up before exercise and stretching after, that can make that sort of thing a lot worse.
November 18, 2020, 04:20 PM
gpbst3 a TENS unit. It helps when my herniated disc acts up.
November 18, 2020, 05:47 PM
Slippery PeteOld powerlifter here.
1. Cissus Quadrangularis. Don't be shy. 5X the label dose.
2. DMSO. It's a rub on and powerful anti inflammatory. Use it before you walk. Don't run for a couple weeks. Then run slow on and off, etc.
3. Active Release Technique if you can afford it. Hurts like hell.
November 18, 2020, 05:49 PM
PR64^^^^^^^^ Tens
That's what I use for my calfs.
I played Soccer for 20 plus years and my calfs kept pulling as I hit my early 30s.
Electric stem greatly reduces the pain and healing time.
Get your guns b4 the Dems take them away
Sig P-229
Sig P-220 Combat
November 18, 2020, 06:29 PM
BlackTalonJHPWhite egret magnesium spray
November 18, 2020, 06:34 PM
GraniteguyLoosen up/stretch your hamstrings.
Yes I know - what the hell do your hamstrings have to do with your calves?
The fact is - tight hamstrings can negatively impact every muscle group in your legs and lower back. Try it - it's only 10-15 minutes of your day.
November 18, 2020, 09:10 PM
Johnny 3eaglesJohnny's cure for all things muscle related. Bourbon with a splash or over ice. Works for me. Apply liberally as needed.
If you're goin' through hell, keep on going.
Don't slow down. If you're scared don't show it.
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
November 18, 2020, 10:38 PM
doublesharpThanks for the tip recoatlift

That is a money saver and saving $$$ is just like making it!
God spelled backwards is dog
November 18, 2020, 11:51 PM
f2After pt I was in the shower standing on my right leg soaping the other and heard a loud pop and felt the pain. Was limping for a few days, then it steadily got better. Happened on the 2nd and it's but a memory today. Healed itself.
Did an internet search and the amount of quack doctor info out there is amazing.
November 19, 2020, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by doublesharp:
Thanks for the tip recoatlift

That is a money saver and saving $$$ is just like making it!
You’re welcome. So much info on making cbd on the web. Here’s one how to. He uses cbddistilary great supplier but expensive. I found Lazarus Naturals to have the best prices.