Ex-pharmaceutical exec gets 5 1/2 years for pushing opioid

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January 28, 2020, 10:37 AM
Ex-pharmaceutical exec gets 5 1/2 years for pushing opioid
Originally posted by mike28w:

Fentanyl in it's IV form has been a part of most anesthetics since the mid 1960's.... Essentially....if you've had anesthesia, you've had Fentanyl.

Wow, that stopped the conversation.... How many of you folks have had surgery ( ie: received fentanyl) ?? How many of you are now addicted to opiates ??
Hmmm....maybe there is another factor here ( maybe it's not just the drug ) , that we aren't looking at ??
January 28, 2020, 04:00 PM
The problem is complicated. The drug, Fentanyl promoted here was not an IV drug but in a totally different delivery package.
Plenty of docs have gotten prison time for overprescribing opiates and running pill mills. This ruling is historic because it punishes the Execs of Big Pharma who promote drugs that they know are likely to be abused. Actiq, which is Fentanyl in lollipop form was only to be given to cancer patients and prescribed by oncologists or pain specialists. It turns out that some docs were prescribing it for migraine headaches. Needless to say some patients overdosed and were using four of five Fentanyl lollipops per day.