Originally posted by ruger357:
I was a Boy Scout. I wrote them off when they decided gay leaders could camp out with young boys.
I am not worried about gay scout leaders. I'm worried about pedophiles. (Side note, probably the third gayest human alive at the time was a long-time staffer at my Council's camp. He was an Eagle, a Vigil Arrowman, and managed to live the Scout Law better than just about anyone I ever met. "Gay" never entered into his Scouting equation.)
Give me a whole legion of non-pedo gay dudes who actually believe in a) the reason the BSA was founded and b) living out the ideals, over a single one of the spineless, revisionist jackasses that currently run Scouting from the top down. "A Scout is Loyal, unless loyalty to traditions doesn't meet a narrative. A Scout is Brave, unless bravery means you'll lose a few whatever-they-call-Sustaining-Membership-Dollars-Now. A Scout is Trustworthy, unless it means trusting you to do the right thing above personal interest. A Scout is Reverent, as long as you mean reverence to a political ideal instead of an actual God."
My break with Scouting (as a Scout, Explorer, later an Assistant Scoutmaster and Commissioner) came when they decided that while principles were important-- in that case, their stance on female Scoutmasters-- they weren't nearly as important as the financial cost of defending that principle in court. Not "Well, we reconsidered, and we think woman can fill that role." It was "Well, we thought about it, and defending against suits in all these states will get REALLY expensive."
Originally posted by rduckwor:
Baden-Powell is spinning in his grave.
The trail sign on his grave marker translates to "I have gone home." Thankfully, the Hero of Mafeking is safely there and probably focused on other things and isn't watching this clown-show.