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Picture of Keystoner
I thought of this this morning. My plan was to avoid the news and politics starting Sunday for a week. Then I heard Ben Shapiro say the next 3 weeks before the DNC are going to be rough for Trump supporters, but after, Trump's campaign will go into the next gear. So I decided to extend my moratorium until after the DNC. Now I decided to extend it until November 5, when I'll probably be glued to the TV all night.

My reason: The MSM is sucking the joy of life out of me and it has been doing it since 2020 especially.

I won't stop coming to the forum but I'm going to do my best to avoid the political threads. This won't be easy.

I've been thinking of all the things I can do to fill this void and it makes me optimistic. My a.m. morning radio show has my favorite political commentator. I'm not going to listen to him until after the election. I'll find something else. Music. Other podcasts. Whatever. Same thing on the afternoon drive home. No more Ben Shapiro. Here, I'll just read more about guns, movies, photography, whatever else. What about a news story that I should know about, maybe someone with good judgement and wisdom can post it here for me.

Does anyone else feel me on this?

Year V
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Picture of lastmanstanding
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No. Truly historic times we are living in right now. Sounds like your problem is you are listening to the wrong sources too much. The MSM. They are designed to suck the life out of you. Follow the threads here and you will be much better off.

I go to News aggregate sites like Lucianne and cherry pick what I feel I need to read. Often times the comments are more enlightening than the articles posted.

"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
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Frangas non Flectes
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Truly historic times we are living in right now.

Bingo. Imagine putting a self-imposed moratorium on politics and current events in the late 60’s or the early 40’s because it was sucking all the joy out of life. Shit’s about to get exciting and you’re tapping out? What the fuck is that?

Carthago delenda est
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quarter MOA visionary
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I say if sticking your head in the sand makes you feel better > go for it.
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Oriental Redneck
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...Ben Shapiro say the next 3 weeks before the DNC are going to be rough for Trump supporters...

Oh noes, what are we to do? Roll Eyes

plan was to avoid the news and politics starting Sunday for a week.

A week? I'm confused. What's the point?

Does anyone else feel me on this?

Oh, pretty sure there are plenty who "feel" you.


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Sigforum K9 handler
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Don’t blame you a bit. Being hyper informed isn’t going to change my vote or opinion.

I spent the last few months largely not with my phone in my face and I’m no worse for the wear.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Optimistic Cynic
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Originally posted by jljones:
Don’t blame you a bit. Being hyper informed isn’t going to change my vote or opinion.
I haven't followed the MSM for over a decade now, yet I still get "the news" from pretty much everyone I associate with. I was giving a birthday party for my little sis when PDJT was shot, no TV or stereo/radio in the house was playing anything other than music, but I still heard about it within 10 minutes of the event (not on media, but someone who had a "feed" on their phone). Note that I disallow WiFi access to other than immediate family so whoever it was paid for it on their data plan.

I would be interested if the OP were to update this thread periodically (e.g. a weekly report) with how well he is doing to avoid the propaganda.
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
Picture of chellim1
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I’ll admit it…. I’m a news junkie.
But I can’t blame you. There may be a certain bliss in tuning it all out.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 24554 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Don't Panic
Picture of joel9507
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The MSM is sucking the joy of life out of me

Join me on my lifetime moratorium of MSM news, then. Politics are not the only thing they ruin.

Accurate reporting is not how they earn their pay. It's worried, gullible news-junkies that MSM's advertisers want to reach, and boy, does that crowd deliver those up.
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Like a party
in your pants
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I understand your feelings on the election.
I'm sick of the never ending barrage of BS that plays non stop.
Most people have already decided how they will handle election day, months of "social media experts" broad casting there click bate for viewers wears thin,fast!

Let me know if you want to spend some of that free time at the range.
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Peace through
superior firepower
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We're in a war. That's no exaggeration. We're in a culture war, with real consequences. This cannot be overstated.

I think back to the early years of this forum- almost all the content before 2017 is gone, but I remember those days well. In the years before 2008, it wasn't all roses- September 11th being an example- but as a society, we were happier, and in this forum, we were happier, no doubt about it. Before smart phones showed up in 2006 or thereabouts, we were happier. That statement might sound preposterous, except to anyone who has lived in this world from then until now.

We are deep into a culture war with demons who seek to destroy everything- this nation, its laws, the nuclear family, even reality and truth itself. These people live in a fantasy world and they hate everything and everyone, even themselves.

I have constructed a system in this forum, wherein politics is compartmentalized, except for creating a completely separate section of the forum for the subject, which I deem impossible to implement perfectly, for reasons I've explained before. So, even though members cannot avoid the subject of politics entirely they can be assured that apolitical threads which they read and in which they participate will be free of political commentary. This goes a long way towards the avoidance some seek.

I have resigned myself to the conditions in which we currently find ourselves, and intend to see things through to the end of my life, day in, day out.

Before the Civil War, Lincoln said that a house divided against itself cannot stand; it must become all one thing, or all the other. It was true then and it is true now, and since our enemies will have it no other way, I believe it will come to pass that we must fight each other to the death, and become all one thing, or all the other.

It's sad that it's this way, because if we all pulled together, this could be a marvelous world. But, we are animals with our savage animal nature. The platitude that violence is never the answer is one of the stupidest and most foolish things ever said. Throughout human history, violence has solved more problems than all other solutions combined. I would rather we have the wonderful world which is possible, but right now, the bombs are falling, and as long as I can speak my mind and lift a rifle, I'll do my part.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 108937 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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After Jan 6th, when the election was already stolen, when the media and Democrats crucified those at the Capitol, crucified Trump, when the commies took power and all were dancing on the heads of conservatives and patriots, I tuned out for months. And for awhile, it was bliss. But after awhile, when folks would talk about this or that, I had to start listening again, I had been a political junkie for my adult life.

Right now is history in the making. We are seeing the greatest comeback in U.S. politics, and we are also witnessing the total breakdown of the Democrat Party, the likes I have never seen in my lifetime. The country is tired of the Democrat policies and I want to see the transformation, I want to see them get their comeuppance. Avoid the MSM, that is more than half the battle. I haven't watched Fox in years and the assassination attempt, dovetailed in to the convention pulled me back in for a week.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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Before the Civil War, Lincoln said that a house divided against itself cannot stand; it must become all one thing, or all the other. It was true than and it is true now, and since our enemies will have it no other way, I believe it will come to pass that we must fight each other to the death, and become all one thing, or all the other.

I hope there are enough of us who are willing to fight. The alternative is acquiescence and surrender.
The really hard part is that we who desire freedom are unorganized and don’t have the necessary communications.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 24554 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by chellim1:
I hope there are enough of us who are willing to fight. The alternative is acquiescence and surrender.
The really hard part is that we who desire freedom are unorganized and don’t have the necessary communications.
You can do your part right now by stowing your doubts and fears which you are expressing to all of us. You need to go back and carefully read every word you just posted.
Posts: 108937 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
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Lest it seem thoughtless and callous, let me augment my previous post a bit:

I don't watch cable network news. I don't read their article. I haven't for years. I watch things here, and I watch Reddit to get the lefty perspective. That's it.

Between here and there, I'm as well-informed as I think I need to be right now. I'm not going to tune out, I'm not going to turn it all off. I'm going to watch history being made, whatever it is. I don't want to look back ten or twenty years from now and not have a perspective of this time because I was actively avoiding it.

Carthago delenda est
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Picture of wrightd
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Originally posted by jljones:
Don’t blame you a bit. Being hyper informed isn’t going to change my vote or opinion.

I spent the last few months largely not with my phone in my face and I’m no worse for the wear.

Good on ya.

Lover of the US Constitution
Wile E. Coyote School of DIY Disaster
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Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Yeah, it's great being above it all. Let others deal with it. That's so fucking COOL! Like, John Cassavetes cool. You can't buy that kinda cool.

Posts: 108937 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
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To me it boils down to fear or faith. There was a time when I was exasperated by the way things were going in spite of the principles codified in our founding documents. I also disconnected. In that time I received a perspective through personal inspiration. With great faith comes less fear.

I believe like Winston Churchill “there is something going on in time and space and beyond time and space which whether we like it or not, spells duty” The conflict we face transcends this life and involves forces we can’t comprehend beyond that we cannot avoid it nor be victorious without divine aid. I think we witnessed that last week.

I say that to declare this: Ultimately righteousness will prevail. Have faith in that. The stronger that faith, the less you’ll fear what’s coming and the more valiant you’ll be in resistance of th evil we stand against. Greater faith. Less fear. Less fatigue.

I encourage all to listen to Reagan give his A Time for Choosing speech. Listen to the words and absorb their meaning. The enemy he speaks of is the same enemy we face now and the same transcendent enemy that caused the conflict before this world. That may sound foreign to some, but it is true. Righteousness will prevail and those who choose the right have a duty.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
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Picture of Ozarkwoods
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No not at all, first I don’t watch MSM, I tune to real Americas voice. Fox is even too far out there now days. I feel it’s important to stay up with what’s happening. But I can understand how you’re feeling, but this is what they want us to do. Just zone out and not be connected. Disconnection is a ploy used by people who want to take the USA down. We have to fight back the urge to zone out.

Posts: 4886 | Location: SWMO | Registered: October 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
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Simply put, know your enemy.

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
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