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President Zelenskyy, the answer is no Login/Join 
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Now reports are emerging that indicate Russia's military has more manpower and modern equipment then at the start of the conflict. Biden has effectively drained Europe of all of its military equipment stores and put Russia in a position where if it wanted to it could reach the UK by next week.

This isn't Hollywood.. if a bully ten times your size wants your lunch then the best course of action is to comply. A basic lesson Ukraine can't wrap its head around. I do think an end is in sight though. Johnson's stalling actions are starting to bear fruit.
Posts: 641 | Registered: September 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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The Ukrainians are fighting a different war this week, a propaganda war to convince the U.S. Congress to fork over more billions in new war aid. The surprising result has been that some veiled truths are emerging about the lagging war effort; more than we are accustomed to seeing. Alarabiya News ran a story yesterday headlined, “Russian forces outnumber Ukrainian troops 7 to 10 times in the east, general says.

Don’t pass by that headline too quickly. “The east” is where the war is. The Russians outnumber the Ukrainians seven to ten times? Ten times as many Russians as Ukrainians? Apparently:

Russian forces outnumber Ukrainian troops seven to ten times in eastern regions, Ukraine's General Yuriy Sodol told parliament on Thursday. “The enemy outnumbers us by 7-10 times, we lack manpower,” said Sodol, who is commanding the troops in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine.

When did they plan to let us know about this bad news?

General Sodol’s testimony was intended to prompt Ukraine’s parliament into approving a new round of drafts. It worked, too. A headline in the Guardian late yesterday confirmed the vote: “Russia-Ukraine war live: Ukraine passes controversial bill to broaden civilian mobilisation in attempt to boost military.”

The bill was originally labeled as a “de-mobilization” bill. Even though it would have added a new draft, it would also have allowed soldiers who’ve already been at the front for two years now to come home. That part, the de-mobilization part, was stripped out at the last second.

Many commenters believe passing the new draft was a behind-the-scenes requirement imposed by the U.S. to pass the emergency funding package. After all, Ukraine’s manpower shortage is its biggest current problem, and if we send more tanks, who will drive them? But while the new draft may scrape up some more young, untrained Ukrainians who’ll be promptly killed, it cannot possibly get anywhere close to equalizing the mismatched forces.

They stripped out the de-mobilization for exhausted troops at the last minute in a backroom, parliamentary sleight of hand. Imagine the message that sent, both to existing troops who were promised limited terms of service — now you’re only coming home in a body bag — as well as to whatever luckless young Ukrainians who are still hanging around waiting to be drafted this round: you can check in, but you’ll never check out.

Most of the long, complicated draft bill consists of new punishments for resisting the draft. We are told the Ukrainian public is totally behind the war effort and isn’t interested in negotiating with the Russians. If that’s true, why do they seem not to want to fight? And why are we making them?

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 24571 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Res ipsa loquitur
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Originally posted by Carpentermaass84:
Now reports are emerging that indicate Russia's military has more manpower and modern equipment then at the start of the conflict. Biden has effectively drained Europe of all of its military equipment stores and put Russia in a position where if it wanted to it could reach the UK by next week.

This isn't Hollywood.. if a bully ten times your size wants your lunch then the best course of action is to comply. A basic lesson Ukraine can't wrap its head around. I do think an end is in sight though. Johnson's stalling actions are starting to bear fruit.

Cite please.


Posts: 12575 | Registered: October 13, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Military size post-invasion:

Ammunition shortages: - note... it will take YEARS for NATO countries to rearm themselves let alone contribute anything to Ukraine. Russia knew that all it needed to do to win this conflict was entrench itself and just wait out Western logistics and resolve. Sure enough, it worked.

There's nothing stopping Russia from defeating NATO using conventional weapons. Russia's hypersonic missiles have no counter and can destroy a US carrier battlegroup within a few minutes.
Posts: 641 | Registered: September 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Unknown
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There's nothing stopping Russia from defeating NATO using conventional weapons. Russia's hypersonic missiles have no counter and can destroy a US carrier battlegroup within a few minutes.

WTF? I know, it's legal in my state now too, but you still need to partake in moderation my guy. Stop buying into the hype.

You're acting as if Russia has the power to destroy anyone, if they can "wipe out a carrier group in minutes" but they've intentionally drug this border conflict out for two years why?

You can't rationally believe it takes 2 plus years to settle a border dispute, while at the same time believing they're a global threat that can eliminate anyone in NATO at the drop of a hat. Do you see how those two things are incongruous?

Stop watching mainstream media.
Posts: 10806 | Location: missouri | Registered: October 18, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Russia intentionally dragged this conflict out to exhaust NATO of equipment. Russian troops were literally a few miles away from Zelensky's mansion and could have easily taken it in the first 48 hours of the conflict.
Russian forces began a slow and methodical "retreat" to lure Ukraine and NATO into a false sense of confidence. This strategy culminated in Ukraine's disastrous counteroffensive where Ukraine threw its best units and equipment against what it though was a seriously weakened opponent..... we all know how that went.
Posts: 641 | Registered: September 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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We're not going through this again and I am not going to listen to your tales of Russia's complete control over the world and how the US Navy is shit compared to Russia. Cut it the fuck out and I mean right now. It's nothing but bullshit. You know nothing of the sort and I'll not have this shit smeared in this forum.
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
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Originally posted by Carpentermaass84:
Russia intentionally dragged this conflict out to exhaust NATO of equipment.

LOL, what are you smoking?

I’m no fan of the Ukrainians here but what you are saying is just dumb.

No, the Russians are a bunch of barely Third World fuck ups that couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag and are now pulling out antique tanks from museums because they’re out of equipment themselves.

Posts: 34514 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Carpentermaass84:
Now reports are emerging that indicate Russia's military has more manpower and modern equipment then at the start of the conflict. Biden has effectively drained Europe of all of its military equipment stores and put Russia in a position where if it wanted to it could reach the UK by next week.

This isn't Hollywood.. if a bully ten times your size wants your lunch then the best course of action is to comply. A basic lesson Ukraine can't wrap its head around. I do think an end is in sight though. Johnson's stalling actions are starting to bear fruit.

Are you serious?

Go look at just the Polish army, overall, in terms of weapons and equipment and check back. Poland and the Baltics alone could stop Russia from going more than a few dozen miles.

I’d like to have whatever controlled substance you are on.
Posts: 2346 | Registered: October 26, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Frangas non Flectes
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Originally posted by PASig:
No, the Russians are a bunch of barely Third World fuck ups that couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag and are now pulling out antique tanks from museums because they’re out of equipment themselves.

I would suggest, and history agrees with me, that the truth is somewhere in the middle. Russians have a history of beginning conflicts with their military in total disarray and then progressively getting their act together and finishing strong. Logic says they thought they would smash Ukraine in no time and that this is dragging on far longer than they intended. Logic also says that they've ramped up production and mobilization to meet this goal and they're going to keep hammering at it and win through the method by which they have historically: By out-producing and outlasting their opponent.

It's as silly to say that their long term strategy was to rope-a-dope NATO for two years as it is to say they can't fight their way out of a paper bag. You'll note also that your use of the word "now" in regards to pulling tanks out of mothballs is at least a year out of date on that news, and I think even more than that. A whole fuck of a lot can change in a war in a year's time. A year ago, everyone was saying Ukraine was on the verge of victory. Who's saying that now?

And whether Russia's hypersonic missiles can wipe out a US carrier group is true or not, what is reasonable to say is that hypersonic missiles are the military technology that Russia has which we do not. I'm having a hard time finding clear answers to this question with a quick search, but all the info as of about 2020 that I looked at says our Phalanx CIWS ship-borne missile defense systems cannot stop hypersonic missiles. If that's still the case, then it's at least reasonable to say that hypersonic missiles are a potential threat to our ability to project naval and thus air strength globally. Russia has that technology. China has that technology. Thanks to Biden and his meddling, now North Korea and Iran have that technology, and these countries are now clarifying military alliances.

Carthago delenda est
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Lawyers, Guns
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Vassily Alekseevich Nebenzya is Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations. While he does strangely resemble Uncle Fester, he is also a very serious person, chipped off the Soviet Empire’s saturnine block of perpetually unamused Cold War-era diplomats. Yesterday, while addressing the UN Security Council about Ukraine’s recent attacks on the Zaporohznia nuclear power plant, Nebenzya slipped in a short sentence at the end of his remarks that dropped a MOAB on the Proxy War-watching internet.

CLIP: Nebenza drops truth bomb (fully transcribed below, 0:36).

On Thursday, Nebenza updated the members of the UN security council on the prospects of negotiating peace with Ukraine. He said time was running out — implying it is still possible for a consensual resolution to the conflict, for now — but then starkly defined what the only acceptable terms will become, very soon:

It will go down in history as an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interests of their people and sacrified them for Western money and handouts for Zelensky and his inner circle.
Under these conditions, the attempts of the head of the Kiev regime to promote his own ‘formula’ and convene summits in support of the Kiev regime are only bewildering.
Very soon, the only topic for any international meetings on Ukraine will be the unconditional surrender of the Kiev regime. I advise all of you to prepare for this in advance.

The war bloggers were buzzing because it’s the first time the Russians have invoked the term “unconditional surrender.” The commenters took it seriously and not as bluster, which compares unfavorably with the Biden Administration, whose members are constantly blustering and nobody takes them seriously.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 24571 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The Biden admin always seems to one up themselves with stupidity. Unbelievable. November cannot come fast enough for me. The hole we are digging for ourselves in Ukraine is getting very deep.



WASHINGTON (AP) — China has surged sales to Russia of machine tools, microelectronics and other technology that Moscow in turn is using to produce missiles, tanks, aircraft and other weaponry for use in its war against Ukraine, according to a U.S. assessment.

Two senior Biden administration officials, who discussed the sensitive findings Friday on the condition of anonymity, said that in 2023 about 90% of Russia’s microelectronics came from China, which Russia has used to make missiles, tanks and aircraft. Nearly 70% of Russia’s approximately $900 million in machine tool imports in the last quarter of 2023 came from China.

Chinese and Russian entities have also been working to jointly produce unmanned aerial vehicles inside Russia, and Chinse companies are likely providing Russia with nitrocellulose needed to make propellants weapons, the officials said.

Beijing is also working with Russia to improve its satellite and other space-based capabilities for use in Ukraine, a development the officials say could in the longer term increase the threat Russia poses across Europe. The officials, citing downgraded intelligence findings, said the U.S. has also determined that China is providing imagery to Russia for its war on Ukraine.

The officials discussed the findings as Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to travel to China this month for talks. President Joe Biden has previously raised his concerns directly with Chinese President Xi Jinping about Beijing indirectly supporting Russia's war effort.

While China has not provided direct lethal military support for Russia, it has backed it diplomatically in blaming the West for provoking Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to launch the war and refrained from calling it an invasion in deference to the Kremlin.

China has also said it isn’t providing Russia with arms or military assistance, although it has maintained robust economic connections with Moscow, alongside India and other countries, amid sanctions from Washington and its allies.

Xi met in Beijing on Tuesday with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who heaped praise on Xi's leadership.

Russia’s growing economic and diplomatic isolation has made it increasingly reliant on China, its former rival for leadership of the Communist bloc during the Cold War.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who returned to Washington this week from a visit to Beijing, said she warned Chinese officials that the Biden administration was prepared to sanction Chinese banks, companies and Beijing’s leadership, if they assist Russia’s armed forces with its ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

The Democratic president issued an executive order in December giving Yellen the authority to sanction financial institutions that aided Russia’s military-industrial complex.

“We continue to be concerned about the role that any firms, including those in the PRC, are playing in Russia’s military procurement,” Yellen told reporters, using the initials for the Peoples Republic of China. "I stressed that companies, including those in the PRC, must not provide material support for Russia’s war and that they will face significant consequences if they do. And I reinforced that any banks that facilitate significant transactions that channel military or dual-use goods to Russia’s defense industrial base expose themselves to the risk of U.S. sanctions.”

Meanwhile, China on Thursday announced rare sanctions against two U.S. defense companies over what it called their support for arms sales to Taiwan, the self-governing island democracy Beijing claims as its own territory to be recovered by force if necessary.

The announcement freezes the assets of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems and General Dynamics Land Systems held within China. It also bars the companies’ management from entering the country.

Filings show General Dynamics operates a half-dozen Gulfstream and jet aviation services operations in China, which remains heavily reliant on foreign aerospace technology even as it attempts to build its own presence in the field.

The company also helps make the Abrams tank being purchased by Taiwan to replace outdated armor intended to deter or resist an invasion from China.

General Atomics produces the Predator and Reaper drones used by the U.S. military.
Posts: 7666 | Registered: October 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The hole we are digging for ourselves in Ukraine is getting very deep.

The hole is not is not stopping Putin. The influence of Putin in South America, Africa, & India is greater now than ever before. The countries that are resisting Putin the most are those that were controlled by the Communist's during the Cold War. Even Armenia is resisting more after Putin punished them by letting Azerbaijan force 100,000 Armenians from land they had for centuries.

An Example;


If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!

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Shall Not Be Infringed
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^^^Cool, let's STOP digging then! Any influence Russia (PUTIN!) has in South America, Africa and India is primarily due to their close relationship w/ China, which had already established itself there and has been developing/exercising it's influence MUCH longer than the proxy war we're currently prosecuting in Ukraine. Everything we've the done by our actions in that effort has pushed them closer together, which has both strengthened and expanded their relationships!


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I wonder what type of yacht Zelensky is planning on building once the $60+ billion check hits his account. I can only imagine how luxurious Hunter Biden's cabin will be.
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"Russia’s Investigative Committee has revealed today that some of the money that had been used to fund terrorist attacks on Russian soil in the past few years came from Burisma Holdings – the infamous Ukrainian oil and gas company that has ties with US President Joe Biden and his son Hunter."
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Ukraine's Zelensky calls for same 'unity' from allies as for Israel

Ukraine has in recent months grown increasingly frustrated at delays in Western aid, including air defences it says are urgently needed to repel deadly Russian attacks.

In a post on Telegram, Zelensky thanked allies who had responded to Ukraine's call for more air defences but said "the intensity of Russian attacks requires greater unity."

"By defending Israel, the free world has demonstrated that such unity is not only possible, but also one hundred per cent effective," he said.

"The same is possible in defending Ukraine, which, like Israel, is not a NATO member, from terror," he continued, calling for "political will" from Ukraine's allies.

Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba also invoked Western support for Israel in a press conference earlier, in which he called for more support "as soon as possible".

"We see that when allies act as one in a very coordinated way, not a single missile falls on the targets, reaches targets in Israel," Kuleba said alongside his Norwegian counterpart.

"Everything we are asking from partners, even if you cannot act the way you act in Israel, give us what we need and we will do the rest of the job," he added.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Peace through
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The difference is that the leadership of Israel is prepared to do what must be done without any foreign assistance, whereas Ukraine leadership are grifters with their hands out 24/7 and who are demanding assistance in every possible way.

Israel will prevail against its enemies. Ukraine is dead meat. It's only a matter of time before capitulation.

Giving money to Ukraine is throwing it down a black hole, an absolute waste. Providing aid to Israel is a good investment, since they are our only true ally in the region.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Lawyers, Guns
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"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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House advances $95B foreign aid package covering Ukraine, Israel

– final vote set for Saturday
The vote was 316-94 with 165 Democrats voting yes and 151 Republicans also voting yes.

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"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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