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Live Slow,
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Find the video of General Kelly at the press briefing today. Talk about a grand slam!

No shit, I was glued to the tv when he talked about all the sacred things we used to hold dear in this country that are now gone, and how dishonoring the sacrifice of a service member should be the last straw.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."
- John Wayne in "The Shootist"
Posts: 3537 | Location: California | Registered: May 31, 2004Report This Post
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Jeff Sessions got a thorough and demeaning shellacking here on the Forum, criticizing everything from his haircut to his shoe shine, his acts and omissions, Trump had no business picking this country boy buffoon and wet noodle for an important job, the biggest mistake Trump ever made, he should resign and jump in front of a train or something.

I thought he would do pretty well. Twenty years in DOJ, two years as Alabama AG, twenty years in the Senate. He’s been around the track with the big boys, and for quite a while.

He’s certainly more than a match for the likes of Franken and Blumenthal.

I could not agree more with this ^^^^^^^^^. I think that many folks have not given Sessions enough time to get things rolling. I believe that he will do a great job as AG, and certainly is not intimidated by any democrat, or republican for that matter. He knows how to proceed and get things done.
Posts: 6832 | Location: Az | Registered: May 27, 2005Report This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
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General Kelly just excoriated that bitch libtard democrap congresswoman for her disgusting actions regarding Presidents Trumps's call to a Gold Star family. He also noted that this same jackwad had in a brief speech simply taken credit some years back for getting money for a memorial to fallen FBI agents in Dade County at its dedication. She had absolutely no words about the fallen men or their agency. Sick. Just plain sick.

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
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I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
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General Kelly’s remarks are here.

Watch it.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Peace through
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Originally posted by bald1:
General Kelly just excoriated that bitch libtard democrap congresswoman for her disgusting actions regarding Presidents Trumps's call to a Gold Star family. He also noted that this same jackwad had in a brief speech simply taken credit some years back for getting money for a memorial to fallen FBI agents in Dade County at its dedication. She had absolutely no words about the fallen men or their agency. Sick. Just plain sick.
The bitch is probably regretting her lying bullshit now, if only because she managed to make herself look as stupid and selfish as she actually is.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, lady.
Posts: 110964 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Legalize the Constitution
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Find the video of General Kelly at the press briefing today. Talk about a grand slam!

“Empty barrels make the most noise.”

Incredible. Thank you for directing me to General Kelly's press briefing.

despite them
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Bad dog!
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When the camera turned from General Kelly to the audience of "journalists"-- much as I loathe them, I was surprised by the revulsion I felt. Words fail me.

A real man facing a pack of jackels.


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Chip away the stone
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Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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General Kelly certainly doesn't suffer fools lightly, does he?


Acta Non Verba
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God, Family, Guns, Country

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Picture of bigdeal
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by bald1:
General Kelly just excoriated that bitch libtard democrap congresswoman for her disgusting actions regarding Presidents Trumps's call to a Gold Star family. He also noted that this same jackwad had in a brief speech simply taken credit some years back for getting money for a memorial to fallen FBI agents in Dade County at its dedication. She had absolutely no words about the fallen men or their agency. Sick. Just plain sick.
The bitch is probably regretting her lying bullshit now, if only because she managed to make herself look as stupid and selfish as she actually is.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, lady.
That would require a measure of self reflection. I assure you, breathing, bladder control, and trying to string a small handful of words together to complete a coherent thought is at the outer limits of her mental ability.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
Posts: 33845 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: April 30, 2006Report This Post
A Grateful American
Picture of sigmonkey
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Originally posted by JALLEN:
Find the video of General Kelly at the press briefing today. Talk about a grand slam!

“Empty barrels make the most noise.”

"the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב!
Posts: 45004 | Location: Box 1663 Santa Fe, New Mexico | Registered: December 20, 2008Report This Post
Political Cynic
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I think he was very polite in his comments and I'm sure they went right over her head

I am pretty sure she didn't learn a damned thing today, nor did she realize that she did anything wrong

she is a mentally defective person

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

Posts: 54275 | Location: Tucson Arizona | Registered: January 16, 2002Report This Post
Chip away the stone
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I think he was very polite in his comments and I'm sure they went right over her head

I am pretty sure she didn't learn a damned thing today, nor did she realize that she did anything wrong

she is a mentally defective person

It's more than possible the EB (empty barrel) was already stoking dislike of Trump if it already existed in the Gold Star family, or planting it if it didn't already exist.
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
Chip away the stone
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Kelly gives an 18-minute defense of Trump and evisceration of Rep. Wilson. The headline about it at "Cleaning Up After Trump."
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Report This Post
Cursed be he who moves my bones!
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Kelly gave a beautiful presentation. I have huge respect for the man.
Posts: 8394 | Location: Western Washington State | Registered: November 04, 2003Report This Post
Cursed be he who moves my bones!
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Originally posted by mutedblade:
Originally posted by oddball:
Originally posted by showpro:
That's from your perspective. From Obama's supporters' perspective, he was relentlessly attacked. For goodness sake, Donald Trump was one of the attackers.

Are you really that obtuse? Fox News and conservative sites were the only ones highly critical of Obama around the clock. Not the "mainstream" media (who all claim neutrality), including the NYT, WashPost, TIME, Newsweek, LA Times, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ESPN, PBS, NPR, etc. etc. etc.

If you do not recognize that the constant, widespread vicious attacks on Donald Trump and his family by the above listed and beyond are unprecedented in modern history, you are being intellectually dishonest, or you absolutely have no clue.

This guys head is so far up his ass, he probably can't see daylight anymore. That's the problem with folks like him. Seems that when it's their turn at losing, they'd rather make up shit to stir the pot, than actually do something constructive and find a better person for the job. I'm glad they do actually. It draws the attention of eyes that would otherwise be focused on something less important. A lot of folks that couldn't have cared less about politics have begun seeing the unhinged nature of these morons, and are now actively trying to stop them from spreading their nonsense, albeit a little late, but I'll take it.

For now, I am not going to add him to my ignore list. Ignoring these fucks is how this country got to the point it is now. I'd rather irritate the absolute piss out of him and make him go away on his own. Who knows, maybe he'll have a come to Jesus moment and see that he was wrong all along.... Roll Eyes

Honestly, all of this is WAY over the top. I think your reactions to me say more about you than me. Why all the anger? Why feel so threatened by one guy's opinions?

There used to be a time on this forum where people could discuss differing opinions without all the attacks and name calling. One by one, the people who had slightly different opinions have left (people like Jar come to mind). There was a time where I was happy to see them go, too. But my views have moderated, just a bit, over time. I'm still right of center, but not right enough for this particular crowd (by which I don't mean the whole forum, just this particular subgroup in this thread who don't like my differences of opinion).

I don't want to see the president fail. Wanting to see any president fail is self-destructive. Quite the opposite. I want to see him succeed. I want to see him govern. So far, I see little hope of that.

To those lamenting that I'm not posting links with proof or whatever: it's really not possible to debate 10 people at once in this format, so I apologize for not answering every challenge or question with reams of data. I also feel that it would be a waste of time and energy, anyway, because no amount of data is going to change anyone's mind. I've played that game in the past and that's how it goes.

I'd simply implore you to take a step back once in a while and try to look at things from the other side's perspective. Play your own devil's advocate. Do it honestly and openly, with some empathy. You'll learn a lot.
Posts: 8394 | Location: Western Washington State | Registered: November 04, 2003Report This Post
Oriental Redneck
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W bashing Trump. FU Bush! Mad

George W. Bush comes out of retirement to throw shade at Trump as he denounces 'bullying and prejudice' in politics and praises the value of immigration

George W. Bush hinted Thursday at his dissatisfaction with Donald Trump, complaining in a New York City speech that 'bullying and prejudice' has become a caustic norm in American public life.
At an event hosted by the George W. Bush Institute, the 43rd U.S. president rattled off a thinly veiled litany of complaints about the current commander-in-chief, focusing on both his tone and his isolationist policy choices.
'Our young people need positive role models,' he said. 'Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children.'
'Bigotry seems emboldened' in today's America, Bush added. 'Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.'
Trump's tenure has been marked by a seemingly endless stream of outraged posts on his Twitter account and a dramatic political polarization among U.S. voters as the truthfulness of his public statements is questioned daily.

He told reporters in the Oval Office a few hours after Bush spoke that he wasn't aware of what he said.
'I didn't see it. I didn't see it,' he said.
Bush also slapped in Trump's direction with a reference to Trump's controversial statements following an August race riot in Charlottesville, Virginia that left an anti-racist protester dead in the wake of a white supremacist march.
At the time, Trump claimed that there had been violence on 'both sides,' drawing howls of protest that he was legitimizing the Ku Klux Klan.
Bush never mentioned Trump's name or the Charlottesville scandal, but drew his only mid-speech applause by saying that 'people of every race, religion and ethnicity can be fully and equally American.
'It means that bigotry or white supremacy in any form is blasphemy against the american creed.'
The former president took issue with a laundry list of Trump priorities, especially his trend toward isolating the United States through foreign policy and avoiding multilateral trade agreements.
And he took an obvious shot at Trump's zeal for hardening border security and moving to limit levels of legal immigration.
'We've seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,' he said.
'We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, forgetting that conflict, instability and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism.'

Bush continued: 'We've seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places where threats such as terrorism, infectious disease, criminal gangs and drug trafficking tend to emerge.'
He left little doubt about laying his complaints at the current president's feet, saying that 'when we lose sight of our ideals, it is not democracy that has failed, it is the failure of those charged with preserving and protecting democracy.'
Bush has largely stayed out of the spotlight since Trump took office in January, but attended his inauguration and reportedly commented afterward: 'That was some weird s**t.'
Arizona Sen. John McCain engaged in his own Republican-on-Republican violence last week in Philadelphia, hinting during a speech at the National Constitution Center that the Trump administration had lost its way.
'To abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems, is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history,' McCain said.

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Posts: 28861 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Originally posted by showpro:
I'd simply implore you to take a step back once in a while and try to look at things from the other side's perspective. Play your own devil's advocate. Do it honestly and openly, with some empathy. You'll learn a lot.
Pray tell, just what "side" would that be? What is is that you're imploring us to consider? Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Empty words, man.

You've witnessed the years when Obama was shitting on this nation, its people, its Constitution, its police and military, all our traditions, our religion, everything.
You've witnessed the struggle to keep Hillary Clinton out of office, You've witnessed these things and more, including all the people in this nation who are "normal" to be considered xenophobic fascists simply because we don't agree with this "progressive" bullshit.

You've seen all this and you know this forum and who runs it and you still have the gall to talk about how people who disagree get run off. Oh, like "Jar", a name no one but you remembers.

Just what in the fuck do you think you're doing? You know where you are, you know my stance on Donald Trump and the whole playing field, and you pull this "people who disagree get run off" shit? Just what do you think you're doing? As if the position that I and others take on this board is a surprise to you? And you have to whip out ancient forum names to prove your point.

What is your problem? We're supposed to change for you? Again, you know where you are, and yet you come in here spewing this shit and then act all righteous that you are being condemned merely for speaking the truth.

Donald Trump alone kept Hillary Clinton out of office but you are ungrateful and can only bitch about the man, and you're telling us that we need to open our minds??? You can't see the truth even with it staring you in the face. You're in no position to lecture us about how we view the world.

Your boy lost. It's been a year. Get over it and try acting as if you actually care about this country.

Originally posted by showpro:
There was a time where I was happy to see them go, too.
Oh, gosh, that's terrible. That's not fair. Are you fair? I don't think you're fair. It's only fair to let people come in here and say whatever they want. Unbelievable that you would suggest that no one can have a dissenting opinion and then in the next breath, acknowledge that people who got banned deserved to be banned, and people who left needed to leave because they were in the wrong place.

You've got a lot of nerve and myopic vision, partner. Selective memory, too. When you are the one tasked with making the decisions around here and you're the one people want to focus on to criticize for making the tough decisions, then you can comment on these things. Until then, keep it to yourself.
Posts: 110964 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Oriental Redneck
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Originally posted by showpro:
...Wanting to see any president fail is self-destructive...

Too bad BHO succeeded with Obamacare, thanks to his criminal accomplices in Congress. Roll Eyes


Posts: 28861 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008Report This Post
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Originally posted by showpro:
I'd simply implore you to take a step back once in a while and try to look at things from the other side's perspective. Play your own devil's advocate. Do it honestly and openly, with some empathy. You'll learn a lot.

I stand back and take stock of the gun grabbers point of view all the time. Am I doing good when I do that showpro? Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Do they have a valid point when they say "nobody needs a high cap magazine"?
Do they have a valid point when they refer to semi-auto rifles as assault weapons?
Do they have a valid point when the try to limit the number of guns per month you can purchase?
Do they have a valid point on the "gun show loophole"?
Do they gave a valid point on ...
Do they gave a valid point on ...
Do they gave a valid point on ...

If your answer is no, then why the fuck should I try to take on their perspective? If you answer is yes to any of them then sorry, conversation is over.

What you're asking (imploring) me to do is just plain stupid with a little liberal bullshit slant added in for good measure.
Posts: 7859 | Registered: October 31, 2008Report This Post
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