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Admin/Odd Duck

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Originally posted by lbj:
I read an article somewhere today that said all this fake news the last couple of days is not moving Trump's base.
In fact, it hardening their support.

The media never understands anything these days.

Originally posted by braillediver:
The people I know who supported Trump are just pissed and fed up now.

I hope this means they support Trump even more fervently than before?

New and improved super concentrated me:
Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal.

There is iron in my words of death for all to see.
So there is iron in my words of life.

Posts: 31446 | Registered: February 20, 2000Report This Post
Coin Sniper
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Missouri State Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated!’

A Missouri state senator said in a now-deleted Facebook post that she hopes President Donald Trump is assassinated.

Maria Chappelle-Nadal acknowledged on Thursday that she wrote a post which read: “I hope Trump is assassinated!”

She made the comment in an exchange with a left-wing activist who claimed that his cousin is a Secret Service agent.

It seems like the Secret Service should be lining up people for investigations and interviews based on this information.

By the way, where are the protests against a government official supporting the assassination of the President?

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
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Lawyers, Guns
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Originally posted by Fenris:
Originally posted by sigspecops:
They're engaging in scorched earth politics and they'll stand by and let the country burn to get rid of Trump.

I believe that they could not succeed at removing Trump short of civil war. Of course, I also believe that they want a civil war.

Some might but most haven't thought that far ahead. Some of them don't know that they won't get Hillary if they get rid of trump. Roll Eyes

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25339 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Report This Post
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Originally posted by Fenris:
Originally posted by sigspecops:
They're engaging in scorched earth politics and they'll stand by and let the country burn to get rid of Trump.

I believe that they could not succeed at removing Trump short of civil war. Of course, I also believe that they want a civil war.

This point about a Civil War is trending on The Forum. I cannot believe that there are members here that want it to happen.
Still it is a growing possibility.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
10mm is The
Boom of Doom
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Originally posted by mrmn50:
Originally posted by Fenris:
I believe that they could not succeed at removing Trump short of civil war. Of course, I also believe that they want a civil war.

This point about a Civil War is trending on The Forum. I cannot believe that there are members here that want it to happen.
Still it is a growing possibility.

I have children. I most certainly do NOT want a civil war. If it goes hot, many will die. Many times more will suffer greatly. And there is guarantee who would win. If the Left wins, the constitution and individual rights will be gone. We will live under the tyranny of power.

Though neither I nor any sane person want a civil war, the left does and they are not sane. But make no mistake, they intend to win.

God Bless and Protect our Beloved President, Donald John Trump.
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Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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I thought the following blog post was very insightful...

from Link

My wife took our two boys, one five and the other 11 years old, to the younger ones kindergarten open house on Monday. At the event, which was organized by the PTA, were several food trucks.

After showing our kindergartner-to-be his new classroom, my wife got into one of the food truck lines. This one was selling "gourmet sandwiches," whatever that is. I imagine the word artisanal appeared somewhere on the menu. Perhaps there were heirloom tomatoes as well.

While standing in line, my wife noticed that the truck was covered with political bumper stickers, all of them left wing and anti-Trump. As she moved closer her eye caught one that read, "The last time we let Christians run government, it was called the Dark Ages."

My wife turned to our older boy pointed to the sign and said, "I can't give this man my money." He took a look and said, "Okay, Mom. Let's try one over there."

When she told me this story, I responded that I would have probably waited in line until I was up front, then told the owner why I wouldn't be giving him my money. She looked at me and said something that's stuck with me all week:

"No, I don't think anything at all about someone like that. It didn't make me emotional. I just wasn't giving him my money. Any further thought isn't worth my time."

And of course she was right and my knee-jerk response would have been wrong. What a great example she is to our kids.

What would have been accomplished by confronting that food truck owner, especially in front of a bunch of kids? He's got some opinions I don't like. So what? It's not like I'm going to change his mind about anything. Most likely, a person who would put a sign like that on their place of business would welcome a bit of conflict and drama. Why else put it there when it can only cost you money?

Which leads us to Charlottesville...
Obviously, the focus of the country has been on the two extremist groups in conflict, Antifa and the White Nationalists/Nazis. But neither group is going to be what ultimately drives future escalation.

Antifa is the spark meant to inflame the country. But Antifa is small. The only way to build upon their initial is to create a raging bonfire fueled by the emotional responses of more moderate citizens.

It's the everyday people you see freaking out on Facebook that provide the momentum for further escalation, and it's primarily motivated by two things--in-group signalling and a need for drama.

If you use social media, you know what I'm talking about. "Nazis in America!" they shriek. "We can't have this! What have things come to?"

Here's what these emotionally driven people are missing. Literally nothing has to be done to stop Nazis in America except to ignore them. They are a marginalized and hated group. They have no money, no institutional backing, no power and no message capable of winning converts. People aren't going to decide that they want to be Nazis because they march down a few streets yelling slogans.

The escalation that we'll be seeing in the next few weeks couldn't happen if people just went about their business and allowed these goofs to wave their flags, say a few sig heils and give an idiotic speech or two. Without a response, they'll get bored and go home. It's the conflict that they crave--the attention and the drama that these losers don't get in everyday life. Let's face it, they're not in it for the intellectual stimulation.

The problem for the rest of us is that Antifa and their low-information supporters, including many on the #NeverTrump right, are motivated by the same thing. When you see a Facebook freak-out about Nazis, you know you're dealing with a bored, unfulfilled person--a victim of a dull, unadventurous existence and no sense of purpose in life.

There's a downside to how comfortable we've become. Once people have their needs met without an accompanying struggle, they get bored and create their own drama. And this one has the added advantage of allowing you to pretend you're fighting the same evil that our brave military men did during World War II.

Those on the left have convinced themselves that they're "fighting hate." They're doing nothing of the sort. What they're doing is empowering a group that would otherwise be insignificant to anyone's everyday life had they not had their sense of relevancy affirmed by the attention that they receive.

To give your time and emotion to someone who is doing nothing more than shouting irritating words at is to give them power over you. It validates their fantasies of being significant players on life's stage. After all, YOU care enough to yell and scream at them. They must matter, right?

This need for drama has become pathological on the left, including some even using their children as an excuse for their hysterical overreactions. "What am I supposed to tell my children when they see this kind of hate?" they lament self righteously as they drag their kids into their unnecessary, self-created drama.

The fact is you don't have to tell your kids anything except that those people are a bunch of big-mouthed losers who don't matter to anyone. I know that kids are accepting of this explanation because I've given it to mine. They intuitively grasp when someone is a fringe-y type outcast. There's no need to blow up a group of block-headed goofs into bigger than life boogie men.

But the left can't help it. This is their culture now.

Two days ago, I saw a man on the news who'd been hit by the car that was driven into the crowd of Charlottesville protesters/rioters. He'd driven all the way out of state to be a part of that mess, citing his own bi-racial upbringing as a reason for why he needed to get involved.

Whether the man knows it or not, he's lying about his motivations. He unknowingly put his own life at risk for a bit of thrill seeking and drama. I also noticed that they described the middle aged man as a "former EMT" so unemployed and on disability is a good bet-- a guy who's bored and has lots of time on his hands.

During the interview, I spotted the man's daughter behind him. She would have been fatherless if he'd been standing a few feet over. And for what? A stupid protest about someone else's stupid protest about a statue?

Theodore Dalyrymple describes man's unending frustration as the conflict between two irreconcilable needs--security and risk. A young woman lost her life in Charlottesville because that internal conflict put her unknowingly in harm's way.

I think that it's sad that someone would lose their life over something so stupid and trivial as all of this. And of course it's not her fault, but tragically she won't be the last to make the mistake of unnecessarily inserting oneself into a volatile and dangerous conflict, the very nature of which provides no hope for a positive outcome... and pay the ultimate price for it.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
Picture of Ironmike57
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I have not read all 389 pages in this thread. So forgive me if I may have missed something.

Does anyone else think that Trump will not survive one year as president, yet alone his full term?

I stopped watching the news after the election. But I cannot escape all of it. I just do not see any good news about him and I realize that the Media has a big ax to grind.

My wife and I agree that Donald will not last.

Then, today, I came across this.

Any thoughts?
Posts: 2105 | Location: Florida | Registered: July 26, 2010Report This Post
Peace through
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Horse shit
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Picture of Ironmike57
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I didn't say I believe the article. I just have been feeling this way lately. I hope that I am way wrong. I voted for him and I wish him the best of luck.

Originally posted by parabellum:
Horse shit
Posts: 2105 | Location: Florida | Registered: July 26, 2010Report This Post
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Originally posted by Ironmike57:
I have not read all 389 pages in this thread. So forgive me if I may have missed something.

Does anyone else think that Trump will not survive one year as president, yet alone his full term?

I stopped watching the news after the election. But I cannot escape all of it. I just do not see any good news about him and I realize that the Media has a big ax to grind.

My wife and I agree that Donald will not last.

Then, today, I came across this.

Any thoughts?

You do not have to dig very deep to find quite a bit of good about President Trump and his administration.
Will he resign?? Not only no but hell no!!
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Report This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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Picture of chellim1
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“The circle is closing at blinding speed,” Schwartz tweeted. “Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice.”

In a follow-up tweet, he added: “Trump’s presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner.”

Tony Schwartz is full of shit. That's what he wants, but that's not what's gonna happen.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25339 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Report This Post
Peace through
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You asked for thoughts.
Posts: 110967 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Now in Florida
Picture of ChicagoSigMan
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There is not a chance in the world Trump is going to let the far-left thugs and the mainstream media (not to be redundant) hound him out of office.

If they want him gone, they are going to have to scrounge up the required votes to impeach him, which also isn't going to happen.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
Picture of Ironmike57
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Yes sir. Keep them coming. I feel like I need a shot of confidence.

Originally posted by parabellum:
You asked for thoughts.
Posts: 2105 | Location: Florida | Registered: July 26, 2010Report This Post
Made from a
different mold
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Originally posted by Ironmike57:
I have not read all 389 pages in this thread. So forgive me if I may have missed something.

Does anyone else think that Trump will not survive one year as president, yet alone his full term?

I stopped watching the news after the election. But I cannot escape all of it. I just do not see any good news about him and I realize that the Media has a big ax to grind.

My wife and I agree that Donald will not last.

Then, today, I came across this.

Any thoughts?

What indication have you and your wife seen that suggests he will resign within the year? Everything the left has thrown at the man, he has handled spectacularly. He calls them on their bullshit and has pulled the blinders off of many people that have otherwise been in the dark about the behaviors of the left. Fewer and fewer people are buying what the media is pushing, and that is due to President Trump. The media and the rest of the left are at a point now, where they must begin their final descent so to speak. They have driven a giant wedge into their own base with identity politics, so they are hemorrhaging more voters than they are picking up. Not one chance that this man gives up the presidency!

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
Posts: 2893 | Location: Lake Anna, VA | Registered: May 07, 2012Report This Post
stupid beyond
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Here is all u need to know about the article...

Over the past few years, he[ghostwriter]has been an outspoken critic of the former businessman, now President.

You both are looking at the wrong chessboard. You need to understand NEWS SITES GET PAID BY ADVERTISERS AND REQUIRES PROOF OF CLICKS. These bullshit articles get people to read it hoping they are true, i.e clicks. The news is nothing more than click bait. Breitbart and drudge included, though they are better than most.

Here is how the news creates articles.

Manager: we need more clicks guys pizza hut is gonna pull thier ad. Lets make a story about trump resigning.

Editor: we need someome to be an expert and verify our position, someone who knows trump.

Writer: what about trumps ghostwriter, hes been ripping trump on twitter. Ill DM him on twitter.

Ghostwriter: hell ya ill be in the article, i spent 18 months with that ahole.

Manager: [2weeks later] great work everyone, all the people who want trump gone clicked and all the trump altright read it and panicked. We saved the pizzahut advertisement.

Thats how it works.

In the off he chance we would resign, eff it, hillary isnt prez, 2nd amendment is safe for now. Tons of regs are abolished already.

What man is a man that does not make the world better. -Balian of Ibelin

Only boring people get bored. - Ruth Burke
Posts: 8250 | Registered: September 13, 2012Report This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by lbj:
I hope this means they support Trump even more fervently than before?
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Report This Post
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Ironmike, always remember President Trump is not a politician & as such is surrounded by "Never Trumpers." Makes no difference, Dem or Rhino., they are the Swamp.
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Report This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Originally posted by Ironmike57:
Yes sir. Keep them coming. I feel like I need a shot of confidence.

Don't believe the hype, all the left has now is the media to attack us (legally), so it's an all out assault.
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by Ironmike57:
Yes sir. Keep them coming. I feel like I need a shot of confidence.
Donald Trump's ego, love for this country and his will to fight will never permit him to quit.

It's a wet dream for crying leftists who have nowhere left to turn but childish fantasy.

It's one of the very last things Donald Trump would do. It's beyond laughable.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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