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No.Next question.
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Picture of Skins2881
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Went to get tested today, wanted COVID and antibodies test had to talk to everyone in the Dr office. They couldn't understand why I wanted both. I explained to no less than five Drs, nurses, front desk, PA's, etc. I wanted to know both if I currently have it or had it so I knew if I should even consider the vaccination. I was about to get angry, but after half a dozen times explaining why I wanted both tests they finally agreed to do both. Just take my damn money and do what I ask damn it.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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always with a hat or sunscreen
Picture of bald1
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Anyone care to weigh in on this? I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve this but it is reflective of a lot of what I'm seeing that the MSM is suppressing.

"I got this info from my niece, a doctor in medical research at Duke University Hospital.

It's interesting that people believe this shot for the Covid-19 is a vaccine..... it's not. It's not like any other flu shot. This shot will not keep you from getting covid-19, nor will it keep you from spreading covid-19, if you get it. This shot, if it works as it should, will only make the symptoms less severe. A steroid shot will do just about the same thing.... make the symptoms less severe.

If it were a true vaccine, it would prevent the sickness, like the polio, smallpox, and scarlet fever vaccines. Those diseases were just about wiped out in the US, because of the vaccines. Of course we are seeing a rise in these diseases because of the influx of people from 3rd world countries and because some parents think these vaccines are not necessary any more.

Take the shot if you want to, but dont expect miracles.

Added: FWIW, my niece said she wouldn't touch the shot(s) with a 10' pole. There were too many shortcuts and untested/unreliable methods used in the development of the shot."

Lost the citation source but offered here too as fodder for discussion.
Also from Pfizer CEO Bourla: "Every year, you need to go to get your flu vaccine," Bourla said. "It's going to be the same with Covid. In a year, you will have to go and get your annual shot for Covid to be protected."

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
Posts: 16650 | Location: Black Hills of South Dakota | Registered: June 20, 2010Report This Post
Aller Anfang ist schwer
Picture of Tavman
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Originally posted by bald1:
Anyone care to weigh in on this? I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve this but it is reflective of a lot of what I'm seeing that the MSM is suppressing.

"I got this info from my niece, a doctor in medical research at Duke University Hospital.

It's interesting that people believe this shot for the Covid-19 is a vaccine..... it's not. It's not like any other flu shot. This shot will not keep you from getting covid-19, nor will it keep you from spreading covid-19, if you get it. This shot, if it works as it should, will only make the symptoms less severe. A steroid shot will do just about the same thing.... make the symptoms less severe.

If it were a true vaccine, it would prevent the sickness, like the polio, smallpox, and scarlet fever vaccines. Those diseases were just about wiped out in the US, because of the vaccines. Of course we are seeing a rise in these diseases because of the influx of people from 3rd world countries and because some parents think these vaccines are not necessary any more.

Take the shot if you want to, but dont expect miracles.

Added: FWIW, my niece said she wouldn't touch the shot(s) with a 10' pole. There were too many shortcuts and untested/unreliable methods used in the development of the shot."

Lost the citation source but offered here too as fodder for discussion.
Also from Pfizer CEO Bourla: "Every year, you need to go to get your flu vaccine," Bourla said. "It's going to be the same with Covid. In a year, you will have to go and get your annual shot for Covid to be protected."

I have a friend that has a PHD in microbiology, and is a research scientist for vaccines. He definitely considers it to be one.
Posts: 1702 | Location: Bella Vista, AR | Registered: May 23, 2005Report This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
Picture of bald1
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Originally posted by Tavman:

I have a friend that has a PHD in microbiology, and is a research scientist for vaccines. He definitely considers it to be one.

Okay, for clarity please: "considers it to be one" what? A "true" vaccine preventative? Or just a symptom reducer? And does he work for or on behalf of any of the pharma companies producing or trying to produce Covid19 medicines?

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
Posts: 16650 | Location: Black Hills of South Dakota | Registered: June 20, 2010Report This Post
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Take the shot if you want to, but dont expect miracles.

Added: FWIW, my niece said she wouldn't touch the shot(s) with a 10' pole. There were too many shortcuts and untested/unreliable methods used in the development of the shot."

It is not unusual to have differences of opinion when it comes to Science esp. Virology. You make the best decision you can. BTW steroids are not innocuous,they nearly killed me.
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A teetotaling
beer aficionado
Picture of NavyGuy
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The new, soon to be released, J&J vaccine is different technology. It is similar to Flu vaccines since it is a dead covid virous that your body learns to defend against. And like flu vaccine, it's more like 60%~ effective at preventing infection, but also lessons the effects should you do get infected. One dose.

Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.

-D.H. Lawrence
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Posts: 159 | Registered: December 05, 2008Report This Post
Drug Dealer
Picture of Jim Shugart
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An excellent article IMHO. Thanks for sharing.

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
Posts: 15529 | Location: Virginia | Registered: July 03, 2007Report This Post
Truth Seeker
Picture of StorminNormin
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Well I got the Moderna vaccine 4.5 hours ago. I love a nurse that knows how to give a vaccine; barely even felt it. My arm is just as sore, or a hair more than a flu vaccine and that is it. The second vaccine is where I hear most people feel a little crappy for 24 hours. My second vaccine will be on 3/29/21.

NRA Benefactor Life Member
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Little ray
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Picture of jhe888
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I have had one shot, and I am due for the other in ten days. I haven't been real worried about being sick as I am relatively healthy, but I think this will help kill the spread, even if I don't fear for myself.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
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A teetotaling
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Picture of NavyGuy
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Originally posted by StorminNormin:
Well I got the Moderna vaccine 4.5 hours ago. I love a nurse that knows how to give a vaccine; barely even felt it. My arm is just as sore, or a hair more than a flu vaccine and that is it. The second vaccine is where I hear most people feel a little crappy for 24 hours. My second vaccine will be on 3/29/21.

Can't speak for Moderna as wife and I hand Phizer. First shot zero side effect save a tinny bit of sourness in the arm. Second shot we got the Sunday at 11:30 am, and at this time neither wife or I have any issue.

Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.

-D.H. Lawrence
Posts: 11524 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: February 07, 2007Report This Post
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I was just getting ready to sit down for my weekly conference call at 1500 today. Noticed my pharmacy had called 1 week after I had put my name on the list. Called them back and they said I could get 1st Moderna if I got there before 1630. I packed up my computer, drove there and finished my call via hotspot in the parking lot. Walked in the door at 1600. 35 min later I was walking out after the wait time

We see how I feel in the morning

Live today as if it may be your last and learn today as if you will live forever
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The air above the din
Picture of Aquilon
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Originally posted by bald1:
Anyone care to weigh in on this?

I'll take a shot at it. I guess it depends on what you consider a vaccine. The mRNA "vaccines" still do what a "traditional" vaccine does - they ultimately get your body to produce antibodies to a disease. These new mRNA vaccines do it in a different manner, by using a synthetic molecule to teach your body to generate spike proteins, instead of using an agent of an actual disease. Then your immune system kicks in and makes antibodies when it detects these odd new spike proteins floating about.

As I understand it, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA. The new J&J that just came on line is more "traditional" in that it uses inactive/dead adenovirus to get your system to create spike protein. Then, same process - your immune response reacts to these spike proteins and you make antibodies.

My doctor encouraged me to take the vaccine, and he took it himself. Also telling, he encouraged his wife and (grown) kids to get it as well. I realize there are other doctors out there who feel and advise differently. But ultimately, since my background is not in medicine or biology or virology or anything even close to science, I do my own research but then consult with and rely heavily on the advice of my trusted physician in making this, and many other, medical decisions.

From what I have read, I believe the vaccine can keep you from "getting" the virus. But this is tricky too, because what does "getting the virus" mean? Does it mean having enough viral load to become symptomatic, or to transmit the disease to others? Or does it just mean you got some virus particles in your system and your immune response took care of it and you were never the wiser? If you do "get" it, meaning become actively sick/symptomatic, it should be less severe because your immune system is prepared to respond to it. And I can't find where there is any settled science on whether or not you can still transmit the virus to others after vaccination. I don't think anyone really knows yet.
Posts: 967 | Location: Virginia | Registered: May 16, 2007Report This Post
Smarter than the
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Originally posted by bald1:
Anyone care to weigh in on this? I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve this but it is reflective of a lot of what I'm seeing that the MSM is suppressing.

"I got this info from my niece, a doctor in medical research at Duke University Hospital.

It's interesting that people believe this shot for the Covid-19 is a vaccine..... it's not. It's not like any other flu shot. This shot will not keep you from getting covid-19, nor will it keep you from spreading covid-19, if you get it. This shot, if it works as it should, will only make the symptoms less severe. A steroid shot will do just about the same thing.... make the symptoms less severe.

If it were a true vaccine, it would prevent the sickness, like the polio, smallpox, and scarlet fever vaccines. Those diseases were just about wiped out in the US, because of the vaccines. Of course we are seeing a rise in these diseases because of the influx of people from 3rd world countries and because some parents think these vaccines are not necessary any more.

Take the shot if you want to, but dont expect miracles.

Added: FWIW, my niece said she wouldn't touch the shot(s) with a 10' pole. There were too many shortcuts and untested/unreliable methods used in the development of the shot."

Lost the citation source but offered here too as fodder for discussion.
Also from Pfizer CEO Bourla: "Every year, you need to go to get your flu vaccine," Bourla said. "It's going to be the same with Covid. In a year, you will have to go and get your annual shot for Covid to be protected."

I'll weigh in. That whole script might as well start with "I saw this on the interwebs...".

I'll wager a box of ammo that you did not get that from your niece, who is a doctor in medical research at Duke University Hospital. And my wager extends to whoever posted that piece wherever you saw it (guessing Facebook), as in that person's niece is not a doctor....

Anytime you see something that starts like that, your immediate response should be to delete it without reading further.
Posts: 3589 | Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana | Registered: June 20, 2006Report This Post
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I want to take the vaccine that the C level employees of Pfizer and Moderna are taking. (hint: my new neighbor falls into that category)
Posts: 4983 | Location: NH | Registered: April 20, 2010Report This Post
Texas Proud
Picture of texassierra
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Received the 1st Pfizer shot this morning around 1100. So far I've experience zero side effects...not even a sore arm.

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Eye on the
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Originally posted by Aquilon:
Originally posted by bald1:
Anyone care to weigh in on this?

I'll take a shot at it. I guess it depends on what you consider a vaccine. The mRNA "vaccines" still do what a "traditional" vaccine does - they ultimately get your body to produce antibodies to a disease. These new mRNA vaccines do it in a different manner, by using a synthetic molecule to teach your body to generate spike proteins, instead of using an agent of an actual disease. Then your immune system kicks in and makes antibodies when it detects these odd new spike proteins floating about.

As I understand it, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA. The new J&J that just came on line is more "traditional" in that it uses inactive/dead adenovirus to get your system to create spike protein. Then, same process - your immune response reacts to these spike proteins and you make antibodies.

My doctor encouraged me to take the vaccine, and he took it himself. Also telling, he encouraged his wife and (grown) kids to get it as well. I realize there are other doctors out there who feel and advise differently. But ultimately, since my background is not in medicine or biology or virology or anything even close to science, I do my own research but then consult with and rely heavily on the advice of my trusted physician in making this, and many other, medical decisions.

From what I have read, I believe the vaccine can keep you from "getting" the virus. But this is tricky too, because what does "getting the virus" mean? Does it mean having enough viral load to become symptomatic, or to transmit the disease to others? Or does it just mean you got some virus particles in your system and your immune response took care of it and you were never the wiser? If you do "get" it, meaning become actively sick/symptomatic, it should be less severe because your immune system is prepared to respond to it. And I can't find where there is any settled science on whether or not you can still transmit the virus to others after vaccination. I don't think anyone really knows yet.

After skimming, I pretty much agree w Aquilon, one exception being J&J appear to be using a LIVE (albeit weakened or attenuated) adenovirus to deliver the vaccine (I don’t believe it could inject it into the cells to deliver the material if it were dead).

I read bald1’s post last night and couldn’t bring myself to respond, because I was too annoyed to think clearly (not w bald1, just the content he copied into the thread for us to view). No self respecting research doc would write that crap. It doesn’t gel. I know because I worked in pharm/tox/mechanistic research for a number of years, and my degrees ARE in biology and medical research based. I’m not saying I know that much more than anyone else, just that I know that kind of bs when I see it- and imho, that little excerpt was from an uneducated individual, doctor or not. At least someone that should modify or couch their phrasing to the general public. Btw, I believe it IS like a flu shot.. certainly not the same immunity as the childhood vaccinations most of us received, because, like the flu, it ALSO mutates and has new variants. So, I don’t disagree that we may need yearly reboots- we will see, but heck, how many people do we all know that got the flu after having the vx? For goodness sakes, even if it lessens the severity, that’s quite a help, in many people’s cases..keeping them out of the hospital, etc. I don’t have an opinion on whether one gets it or not, doesn’t faze me..but to say shortcuts, sloppy methods were used angers me.. I can’t imagine how many research scientists put all their blood sweat and tears over the last year into this, and to have her dis them all with such casual commentary... that pisses me off. I’ll reread again later when I’ve settled down.


"Trust, but verify."
Posts: 5672 | Registered: October 24, 2005Report This Post
Alea iacta est
Picture of Beancooker
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Update to Friday’s shot (second Moderna vaccination).

This morning I woke up with a terrible backache. This isn’t that uncommon. Might not be vaccine related. I have a mild tickle in my throat from time to time, and a runny nose that is quite annoying. Overall, I feel as if I have a minor cold.

Mrs. Cooker was feeling like this most of the day yesterday and the same this morning.

This may be a side effect of the vaccine and my body building antibodies. This may be that I caught a minor cold? This could be allergies?

I don’t ever get sick, and I have never had allergies, so I tend to think this is my body building antibodies.

Originally posted by sigmonkey:
I'd fly to Turks and Caicos with live ammo falling out of my pockets before getting within spitting distance of NJ with a firearm.
Posts: 4585 | Location: Staring down at you with disdain, from the spooky mountaintop castle.  | Registered: November 20, 2010Report This Post
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should
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I had Moderna #2 at 9:30 yesterday morning. No real sign of anything throughout the day.
Shortly after I went to bed last night I quickly developed what felt like the flu. Fever, chills, and aches and pains. The first 20 minutes were the worst, then it went to just flu like symptoms for the rest of the night. The worst of the fever was about 99.5 (I'm normally in the 97.7 range).
This morning I feel like I'm well past the worst of it, other than a sore arm. If this is the worst of it, well worth it for the chance to get past this mess. It took over 12 hours to have the first symptoms and then mostly gone after the next 12.

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