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Parrot Head
Picture of Modern Day Savage
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I've been meaning to start a poll on this very subject for the last several days and just hadn't made the time to do so, so thanks Sigfreund for doing so.

Originally posted by RogueJSK:
No. But not because I'm anti-vaccine... I will most likely get it eventually.

No matter the industry, I dislike being an early adopter/unofficial beta tester for brand new things. This applies to a wide variety of things, from car designs, to electronics like cell phones, to software, to even medicine*. Instead, I prefer to wait and let them find and resolve most of the inevitable early bugs and problems before I adopt whatever it is in a later, more well-understood and better/safer/more reliable iteration.

So that's my approach to this brand new, hot-off-the-press COVID vaccine as well.

(*Medical caveat: If I was dying of a terminal disease, standard treatment had proven ineffective, and there was a new experimental treatment available that might work where more well-established treatments had failed, I would likely try it. That is not the case with this vaccine, though.)

Describes me almost to a T. I don't buy brand new gun designs or new tech, so something that affects my health is going to be scrutinized to an even greater degree than these.

Despite the fact that I fall into a higher risk age wise, and even higher by some of my health issues, I generally prefer not to rely on medicines or chemicals for my health, if not absolutely necessary (I do take several long term prescriptions).

Take a vaccine today? I don't fall into any of the early government distribution phases anyways, but even if I did, Hell No. IF the vaccines are mandated by an employer or for travel I may be forced to reconsider and take one at a later date. I've been pushing for the herd immunity approach from almost the beginning of the pandemic and I'm going to stick to that strategy as long as possible.

As an aside, I'm not convinced that, given many of the unreasonable mandated restrictions and some unreasonable fears surrounding the pandemic that, even if the majority of the population is vaccinated , that some of the lock down restrictions will be lifted or that life will return to the way it was before this pandemic.
Posts: 7324 | Location: the Centennial state | Registered: August 21, 2006Report This Post
Picture of Belgian Blue
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No... I won't. I have questions... Too many questions.

Are these different "COVID-19" vaccinations really going to help stop COVID-19?

Is there a Blue State version and a Red State version?

Are these "side effects" really the actual point of the vaccination?

Down the road will certain select groups of people all of a sudden end up sterile or mysteriously develop a previously unknown untreatable and terminal disease?

Has anyone taken a case of this "COVID-19" vaccine (like a box of a 100 or more vials) and checked it with a geiger counter? Wonder what it would read?

How 'bout them "COVID-19" tests... Are they actually cataloging everyone's DNA into an international database accessible by world governments and tech and other giant corporations?

Seeing as how the government intentionally exposed soldiers & sailors to radiation when they were testing the first atomic bombs... More recently how they treated Persian Gulf veterans who were exposed to burn pits and developed serious illnesses, I'm quite inclined to avoid ANYTHING and EVERYTHING the government and big corporations want me to get.

I'd probably have answers to these questions, but I'm fresh out of masking tape.

Posts: 5415 | Registered: October 18, 2002Report This Post
Muzzle flash
Picture of flashguy
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I voted "Yes" but would probably hedge a bit on "today". Reality suggests that I wouldn't be one of the very first to get it, even though I'm in the highly dangered group (I'll be 83 in 9 days). I'm also Diabetic. I have been asymptomatic so far, but have not been tested. I'm sure I do not want to catch COVID, due to my age and condition. I would confer with my doctor first.

I, too, have avoided the yearly flu shots, because they have sometimes given me the flu. However, the regular flu vaccines are "killed virus" types, and the new COVID vaccines are not--they are RNA segments that inspire the body's immune system to function against COVID. Presumably that means they are less likely to invoke the virus themselves.


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Chilihead and Barbeque Aficionado
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I’ll probably get one, after a few million other folks get theirs. We’ll see what happens to them first!

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Shall Not Be Infringed
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Nope, Not a Chance! As in, Not Just No, but HELL NO!

Let's see....Unless you're in a high risk segment of the population (and I'm Not), 99.5% + of those infected w/ COVID will recover w/o issue. The vaccine has only been touted as 90% effective!

Sooo, why would I ever consider getting the vaccine?


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fugitive from reality
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Not a chance. I have a condition that makes taking any 'new' medication an iffy proposition. I'll wait and see what side effects pop up, and even then I may never take it.

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Picture of UTsig
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I'm 76, pretty health, don't get a flu shot but I will get this. Others have mentioned millions having gotten it before them, I'll be somewhere down the line. I need to fly next year and there's no way I'm doing it with out the vaccine. You may not be able to with out it!

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Hell no, even if I hadn't already had it.

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Picture of sjtill
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Well, I’ve been studying, teaching and practicing evidence-based medicine for many years; I am in a high-risk group due to my age; and based on clinical trials the risk of my having a significant adverse reaction vs the benefit of protection is extremely low: otherwise said, the expected benefit greatly exceeds the expected cost/risk by many times.
So not only yes, but hell yes.

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Corgis Rock
Picture of Icabod
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Both of us worked in the medical field and know about vaccines. We are in the high risk category with age and pre-existing conditions.
I echo what sjtill what said; “ having a significant adverse reaction vs the benefit of protection is extremely low: otherwise said, the expected benefit greatly exceeds the expected cost/risk by many times.
So not only yes, but hell yes.“

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Another “hell yes” here
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Drill Here, Drill Now
Picture of tatortodd
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Since the poll stipulated today, my answer is no. Two reasons:
1. Other people need it more than me. I'm not high risk, I'm not in medical field, I'm not a first responder.
2. After 50ish million vaccination given, I'd like to see if the rate and severity of side effects is similar to other routine vaccinations. I'm not an anti-vaxxer (just had Tdap shot last week and flu shot in October), I'm just cautious.

However, if it were a two part poll where it included an option for March/April after side effects being at a rate and severity similar to other vaccines then I would answer yes.

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Posts: 24230 | Location: Northern Suburbs of Houston | Registered: November 14, 2005Report This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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“available today” was intended to indicate that it was appropriate for the patient today and it wouldn’t be depriving someone more deserving.

But what I should have also stated clearly was that “today” means we have only the information that’s available today about the vaccines. And that’s somewhat of a contradiction of the “available” part because someone who won’t be eligible/able to receive the vaccine for several months will have much more information about possible side effects and effectiveness than what we can know this “today.”

So try to wrap your heads around those two differing conditions. Smile

And although I always try to avoid getting involved in debates too early when I start a poll, my own reasons for Yes:

I am definitely concerned about the unknowns of not only a novel type of vaccine, but any new vaccine (although that doesn’t prevent me from getting every year’s new flu shot). I am not, however, deterred by the fact that it’s not effective for a small percentage of people and that it has been demonstrated to cause problems for an even smaller percentage. Despite the fact that many people are evidently not aware of it (or studiously choose to ignore it), the danger of the disease isn’t a black/white or live/die issue. Some not-zero percentage of the people who are getting COVID-19 are suffering from serious long term effects: Possible bad reaction to the vaccine versus more likely and possibly much worse consequences of the disease itself? No question there.

The most important reason for my wanting to be vaccinated as soon as possible, though, is because my situation isn’t just about me. My wife is disabled and seldom leaves the house. If she were to get the disease, it would be almost certainly from me. Am I willing to run a certain level of risk myself to help protect her? Also no question.


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Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
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for all of you thinking that you will get the vaccine and your life will then get back to normal...

what the hell are you smoking?

face it folks, the vaccine is going to be the clusterfuck of all clusterfucks, and life is never going to get back to normal as long as we continue to allow a segment of the population to suck air

the vaccine is just one more little death by 1000 cuts

The flu shot - 50% or 60% effective

which means you either will get it or you won't

and if you don't have the flu shot you either will get it or you won't

so why in hell would you get a flu shot or anything else thats nothing more than a crap shoot - just to be compliant?

there is no logical reason for anyone to get this abortion of a vaccine


but if you insist, give it to every democrat in the population first, and if it has significant and serious side effects and kills a bunch of them off, then the country is safe

if there are no adverse side effects and no major deaths, then we are safe

it would be a real hoot if more people died from vaccine reactions than died of covid...
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semi-reformed sailor
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Nope, I’m “that guy”...I had a stroke that they can’t explain...bad shit always happens to me...I’m like a shit magnet...if it’s raining and lightening and we are all standing around...I’m the guy who gets electrocuted...nope nope nope...

plus I’m allergic to the base of some vaccines...which is why I never got them in the 70s and always had to have a doctor note to enroll in school....when I was in bootcamp they wouldn’t let me call my pediatrician and I wound up getting he shots and then wound up in the ward with a 104° fever

I don’t buy new cars in their first year or guns or basically anything...let someone else work out the kinks....maybe by then I won’t need it.

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Yes, I will get the vaccine whenever it becomes available to those of us who are not in the health field or are essential workrs.

If you think you can, YOU WILL!!!!!
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A Grateful American
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Picture of Blackmore
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I'm going to wait for when there are millions of doses administered in what they won't admit is actually a giant BETA test.

Besides, my lifestyle and precautions have worked so far (touch wood) and, in the just in case I HAVE had an asymtomatic case, I would like the chance to be tested for antibodies before any "required for travel" mandatory vaccination.

Harshest Dream, Reality
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Voted no. I would absolutely not take it today.

Eventually, probably, unless I get the virus first and develop my own antibodies. I’d prefer to see a good quantity of other folks “beta test” it before I take it. I’d like to have a better understanding of the risks and rewards than is currently possible.

If I misunderstood the question, I apologize.
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Picture of Skins2881
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Originally posted by 2Adefender:
I’ll probably get one, after a few million other folks get theirs. We’ll see what happens to them first!

This. No desire to be a human guinea pig.


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