How did you lean / teach to ride a bike

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April 22, 2018, 10:20 AM
How did you lean / teach to ride a bike
I think it was spring of 1970 and dad took us to look at used bicycles at this place down by the railroad tracks in an older part of town. I believe my older brother was on leave and went with us too.
So dad haggled and made a deal. I wanted the one with training wheels but dad wasn't having nothing to do with it.
So off we went with the 2 bicycles and they both needed painting.
We stopped by a hardware store on the way home and dad asked what color we wanted well Marzy piped up the loudest and said GOLD!
With my older brother replying, hey don't we have some paint from those pedal cars?
Ugh. Set they wayback machine for a few years earlier where dad and Richard repainted our pedal cars. As usual Marzy got the color HE wanted. Red. Well I got green.
So guess what color MY bicycle got painted. Green.
Fast forward to 1980. We got our first cars. Very used cars.
Can you guess what color mine was? Yes. Green.

Anyway, we learned to ride the bicycles by the next afternoon, Marzy on his magnificent golden chariot and my toad green two wheeled future of color choices.
Ugh, my CR-V is green. My Dodge 4X4?
You guessed it. Green.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
April 22, 2018, 12:02 PM
I will offer my experience as a child and as a father.

As a child I got a bike with training wheels. My mom and dad watched me go down the street a ways and come back. Then I told them I didn't want the training wheels so they took them off. I rode down the street (no helmet of course) and crashed. Got back on the bike and from that point on I had it figured out.

My daughters were no different. They were embarrassed to have training wheels and would rather crash a few times than ride with training wheels. One had no trouble. The other also had no trouble but became a regular crasher. More because she was looking at her phone while riding Frown

It is good to be protective of your children. But it is also good to let them fail and figure it out without telling them step by step what to do. Just my 2 cents of course.