Just getting over a 48 hour bug >>>>>>>>>>

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August 11, 2018, 05:04 PM
Just getting over a 48 hour bug >>>>>>>>>>
Thursday night I had a very hard time sleeping as my mouth was always dry and I was thirsty. So about once an hour I would wake up and drink some and try to go back to sleep. I probably got about 2 or 3 hours of solid uninterrupted sleep. I woke up Friday morning feeling like I got beat up. My whole body was sore and I felt weak. I went to work and spoke with my manager and she too said the same thing happened to her. Thankfully I was able to leave early and went home and drank more fluids and slept. I would wake up every few hours use the bathroom, drink more fluids and go back to sleep. However each time I woke up I can tell I was getting better. Sometime last night I had massive diarrhea so now I know why I was so thirsty and where all my fluids went that previous night. I slept most of the day today and now I am feeling about 90% back to normal. Thanks for reading. God Bless Smile

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"Always legally conceal carry. At the right place and time, one person can make a positive difference."
August 11, 2018, 05:23 PM
Glad you feel better.

My kids go back to school next week and my wife and I are dreading the back to school sick.
August 11, 2018, 06:48 PM
Yeah, those 48-hour bugs can feel like the worst two months of your life.

Glad you’re feeling better.
August 11, 2018, 09:20 PM
It's gotten the wife and I as well as my dad. Think he had it the worst but it put a hamper on a few plans this week for sure.

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.