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Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Mastriano doesn't have any money while Shapiro of course is well funded via the Democrat machine and just blanketing the airwaves with anti Mastrinao ads. It's sickening ![]()
That and because early voting is well under way in PA and they are counting on it not even mattering. I fully expect Fetterman's handlers to come up with some excuse an hour before the debate to get him out of it. | |||
Member![]() |
Speaking of early voting, how does that BS pass Const. muster? Isn't "election DAY" specified in the Const. as the first Tues. after the first Mon. in November? Where the fook did they come up with election month? | |||
I don't know man I just got here myself ![]() |
Expect Nov. 9 early AM mail in ballot vote dump from Philly just like in 2020. Close races, deluge of mail-in ballots could delay election results in some critical races | |||
Staring back from the abyss ![]() |
Couldn't agree more. In person voting, with an ID, on election DAY, with a paper ballot and a #2 pencil. Can't make it to the polls on election DAY? Too bad...so sad.
I hope Mastriano wins as he's clearly the best candidate, but this kind of kooky stuff will serve only to turn off people on the fence. ________________________________________________________ "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton. | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Fasting and prayer are pretty mainstream tenets of Christianity, hardly "kooky". ![]() | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Indeed. Way to feed into the leftist narrative, Gustofer. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Staring back from the abyss ![]() |
I hate to break it to you guys, but this isn't going to get him more votes. Most on the fence will see this as kooky and the media will play it up as far right extremism. It's not right, but it is what it is. He's not doing himself any favors with this. ________________________________________________________ "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton. | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
You don't know Pennsylvania then. We are practically the Northern Bible Belt outside of Commie shithole Philadelphia. | |||
Staring back from the abyss ![]() |
I think this kind of stuff turns off people in the middle and those are the votes he needs. This campaign needs to be about what is wrong in PA and what he will do to fix it, not about his fasting and prayer. Just my opinion. ________________________________________________________ "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton. | |||
Member |
[/QUOTE] I hope Mastriano wins as he's clearly the best candidate, but this kind of kooky stuff will serve only to turn off people on the fence.[/QUOTE] Fasting and prayer are pretty mainstream tenets of Christianity, hardly "kooky". ([/QUOTE] You want kooky. How's this: New ‘prophet’ on the campaign trail with Doug Mastriano is a prayer-coin salesman who calls Biden the ‘antichrist’ Lance Wallnau, a Texas-based evangelist, has a history of making outlandish claims and spreading conspiracy theories. Now, he's stumping for the GOP gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania. To be clear, this guy has appeared on stage with Mastriano. The "prayer coins" cost $45 each. There is more. I am not saying at all that this view is kooky. I am saying that nobody is going to win an election in PA with this view. Mastriano says that life begins at conception. Okay. Fine. But he also says that all abortions should be banned, including if the woman is a victim of rape or incest. He also says that all women should be prosecuted for murder if they have an abortion. Holding those beliefs is a sure way to lose an election in PA This one is kooky for a state like PA, even if it's not the case in Alabama or Mississippi. Mastriano posed in a confederate army uniform at a reunion of some of his fellow vets. All the others were in standard dress US Army uniforms. I could list more. So I'll just say it. Mastriano is a lousy candidate. This part of the race hasn't gotten enough publicity, but it's a fact. Josh Shapiro spent millions of dollars SUPPORTING Mastriano in the primary in an effort to get a weak Republican candidate nominated. He was successful with an assist from Trump who endorsed Mastriano. https://www.latimes.com/politi...-democratic-meddling | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
And the fact that you're just regurgitating leftist talking points like that shows that you don't know who he is or what his background is. OMFG! He "posed" in an EVIIIIILLLLLLL Confederate uniform? Burn him at the stake! He's got a PhD in HISTORY and taught HISTORY at the US Army War College and is an expert historian on Gettysburg and was wearing that as part of a faculty historical figures event. You think the guy dresses up in a Confederate uniform and prances around in a white hood behind closed doors too? It was taken at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, PA which has a whole lot of outdoor exhibits including a Civil War encampment. I've been there several times. He had a great comeback for this bullshit that Shapiro is trying to pull: “The one day I decide to dress as a Democrat, I get criticized,” | |||
Member |
I'm not a guy who doubles down when you present facts and context that the MSM doesn't mention. Thank you for providing context to the picture that I was not aware of. So yeah, that criticism was some dirty dealing by Shapiro. Just like the dirty dealing by Shapiro when he spent millions supporting Mastriano in the Republican primary. If you take that item out of my post, it still draws a picture of an unelectable candidate. I'm not routing for Shapiro. I am saying that the very likely loss by Mastriano should surprise absolutely no one. | |||
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Oz is nothing more and nothing less than the least stinky Turd in this election. Oz is trash but the dem canidate is FAR worse! Remember, this is all supposed to be for fun................... | |||
Big Stack |
No. It's not in the constitution. However it is established by federal law.
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Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
I think the Democrats are beginning to panic about John Fetterman, because all of a sudden he’s getting national attention, sympathetic puff pieces by outlets like New York Magazine and then you have this NBC interview and the observation made: “… in small talk before the interview, without captioning, it wasn’t clear he was understanding our conversation.” | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
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https://townhall.com/columnist...06/untitled-n2614043 An Epidemic of Cognitive Impairment? Victor Davis Hanson President Joe Biden, the nominal head of the Democratic Party, is 79. But he increasingly acts and sounds 89. Recently, Biden has pivoted repeatedly on stage with his arm outstretched to shake the hand -- of someone not there. On one recent occasion, Biden called out for Representative Jackie Walorski, R-Ind., who passed away in a car crash in early August. He was insistent, shouting to the crowd, "Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I think she wasn't going to be here -- to help make this a reality." Biden's fantasy was the reality that Walorski is no longer with us. Biden slurs his words. He truncates sentences. He speaks in a muddled voice that often makes comprehension impossible. When questioned, he grows irate, growls, and stutters. Biden's messaging is even more confusing than his medium. On any given day, Biden may impetuously announce that U.S. soldiers will defend the soil of Taiwan, or that the "killer" Russian President Vladimir Putin, unhinged head of nuclear Russia, must be removed from office promptly. If Biden doesn't like a question, he may deride the reporter as a "stupid son of a bitch." He habitually lies about everything from COVID-19 vaccinations being unavailable until his presidency to the nature of his son's military service. Biden confuses Iran with Ukraine. He calls a senior African American assistant "my boy." For much of the Trump presidency, leftist opponents sought to remove him by the 25th Amendment. A Yale psychiatrist diagnosed Trump in absentia and declared him deserving of a straitjacket forced intervention. Partisan charges grew so intense that Trump voluntarily took -- and aced -- the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Strangely, the same Left armchair psychiatrists offer no such worries about Biden's clear mental decline. One reason Biden enjoys immunity from removal is that his 57-year-old vice president, Kamala Harris, is seen to be even more incoherent and ill-informed. Harris cannot plead age as the cause of her mental confusion. Yet, the more the public sees and hears Harris' mixed-up word salads, and bizarre cackling spells, the more it is convinced that she is either ignorant or intellectually lazy -- or both. Recently while at the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas, she read from a prepared speech that the United States honors its "very important," "strong," and "enduring," "alliance" -- with the communist, genocidal "Republic of North Korea." For those other than the vice president, North Korea is the sworn enemy of the United States, and is officially known as the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea." Millions of Floridians remain currently displaced by Hurricane Ian. In response, Harris recently reassured them that impending federal assistance would be predicated not on need or individual disasters, but the basis of skin color. Translated that would mean that millions of the homeless, white middle-class should wait in line for relief, given Harris's promises to "fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts at the same place." Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi is 82. At times she too seems trapped in her world disconnected from reality. Pelosi recently mixed up Taiwan with mainland Communist China, and thus exclaimed "China is one of the freest societies in the world." She stood up and weirdly rubbed her clenched fists together when Biden in his state of the union address darkly mentioned the dangers of soldiers inhaling toxic fumes from burn pits. Of course, after one of Trump's SOTU addresses, Pelosi proceeded indignantly to tear up her copy of the speech on national television. More recently, Pelosi defended open borders and the vast influxes of illegal aliens by crassly claiming "We need migrants to pick crops." Pelosi's startling revelation of progressive condescension was reminiscent of NBC retweeting the liberal commentator who said of the movement of immigrants, "It's like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there." The Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania John Fetterman is running for senator in his home state. His handlers try to keep him from questioners. They duck debates. And they count on the media to edit videos of his increasingly rare and bizarre appearances. Why? Fetterman recently suffered a severe life-threatening stroke, the details, and prognoses of which he has yet to fully disclose. Like Biden, Fetterman is now severely cognitively impaired. He cannot finish a coherent sentence while campaigning. Almost daily Fetterman suffers long bouts of incoherence. He even becomes confused over where exactly he and his crowd are: "Send us back to New Jersey and send me to DC." The Democratic Party's top hierarchy is run by octogenarians and septuagenarians. In the case of Biden and Pelosi, their powerful positions and age-related cognitive disabilities startle both Americans and allies abroad. Why is the supposed party of youth dominated by such frail and forgetful elderly? Maybe because the alternative of the next generation of would-be leaders waiting in the wings -- like Kamala Harris or John Fetterman -- is more frightening still. [Or maybe even more frightening are “The Squad” members!!!]. --------------------- DJT-45/47 MAGA !!!!! "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." — Mark Twain “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” — H. L. Mencken | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
Whoops! I still think there will be an 11th hour rescinding of this "debate" scheduled for October 25th between Fetterman and Oz. He'll whine that Oz is "being mean" or some such other bullshit. Just to think, control of the entire Senate could come down to this race! All it took was one interview, and John Fetterman's odds of winning the Pennsylvania Senate race vs. Dr. Mehmet Oz have cratered. While he boasted a double-digit lead in the polls for the majority of this race (if the polls are to be believed to begin with), for the first time it's truly looking like he's in trouble. | |||
Member |
While neurological experts said they could not offer a specific diagnosis about Fetterman’s health, they noted that closed captions are a common tool for people with auditory processing or hearing issues, conditions which have nothing to do with overall intelligence," Morris reported. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sure. Who writes this crap?? Neuropsychologists do NOT consider aphasia perfectly normal. The liberal left is skewering the journalist who said the guy has problems. I guess this is the same group that would have visually impaired people drive them around town. | |||
Fire begets Fire![]() |
Pretty certain the senate is known as a deliberative body. If you can’t deliber, you can’t do the damn job. Very clear. "Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay - and claims a halo for his dishonesty." ~Robert A. Heinlein | |||
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