With Black Friday electronic deals coming up, I was considering upgrading a shotgun training system my Dad and I share, called DryFire. Its a really cool unit that projects a moving laser on the wall, and you use your gun with another infrared laser to shoot the "clay". It calculates the needed leads and distance - complicated math and requires a bunch of measurements to get set up but has really helped us both with our shooting. Check it out at dryfireus.com.
To the point however, we currently each use our own laptops with this, and share the system back an forth a few weeks at a time. It can be upgraded to use a short or ultra-short throw projector and then project game animals/birds, and also be used for tactical pistol shooting. To this end, I'd like to get a cheap laptop and projector to use with it. What do I need to look at, any models to consider or write off? Thanks for the expertise!
Ideally, the projector would be able to cover a wall 9'X18', sitting 8' back from it. Does not need to be 1080p or 4K, these are much more basic graphics. The computer does not need to be powerful, but does have to use a Windows operating system.
Posts: 2184 | Location: NC | Registered: January 01, 2006
For a cheap laptop, you can't beat the HP laptops in the weekly ad from office depot. One or two weeks a month there is always an incredible deal on a new HP in there.