The Trump Presidency : Year III

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November 04, 2019, 08:33 AM
The Trump Presidency : Year III
Why can't this Ciaramella guy be called in for testimony?

He says he's not the whistleblower, so there's no protection there. Seems like he knows something worth hearing about. Subpoena him.

November 04, 2019, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by a1abdj:
Why can't this Ciaramella guy be called in for testimony?

He says he's not the whistleblower, so there's no protection there. Seems like he knows something worth hearing about. Subpoena him.

November 04, 2019, 09:00 AM
Rev. A. J. Forsyth
Their lawn sucks. Trailer trash!

Indeed. Need some grub control at a bare minimum.
November 04, 2019, 10:11 AM

Judge Nappy has lost his damn mind.
November 04, 2019, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Leemur:

Judge Nappy has lost his damn mind.

He's just a scorned woman, pay him no attention.

November 04, 2019, 10:25 AM
Judge Sour Grapes really wanted to be on SCOTUS and now he's throwing a perpetual temper tantrum. Remember, Joe diGenova calling Judge Sour Grapes a "fool" on FoxNews is one of the reasons Shep Smith took his Barbie Doll and went home.
When you have guests on your own network flat-out calling you a fool, you're kinda done. Everyone knows what Judge Sour Grapes is about and I haven't taken him seriously since Donald Trunp became President. Everything he says about President Trump is a slam. His bias couldn't be more obvious.
November 04, 2019, 11:24 AM
Oh you don't say, do you? Roll Eyes

To quote Warden Norton from Shawshank: you're thick as thieves, you are

Attorneys Admit 'Whistleblower' Had Contacts With Other Presidential Candidates

November 04, 2019, 02:09 PM

Big Grin Maybe the Nationals winning wasn't so bad
November 04, 2019, 03:11 PM
These anonymous sources are like Antifa. They like to wear masks and throw stones.

The Justice Department is demanding identifying details about the senior Trump administration official who has written an anonymous book, warning in a letter to the publisher on Monday that the author may be subject to nondisclosure agreements.

The letter, signed by Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt, asked for details or copies of the author's nondisclosure agreements "or the dates of the author's service and the agencies where the author was employed, so that we may determine the terms of the author's nondisclosure agreements and ensure that they have been followed."

Publication of the book may violate nondisclosure agreements based on the individual's work or access to classified information, the letter states, "if the author is, in fact, a current or former 'senior official' in the Trump administration."

Hachette Book Group confirmed that they'd received a letter from the Trump administration and said that they would not comply with the requests because the publisher is not party to any contracts with the U.S. government and intends to keep the author's identity secret.

"Hachette has, however, made a commitment of confidentiality to Anonymous and we intend to honor that commitment," the publisher said. "Please be assured that Hachette takes its legal responsibilities seriously and, accordingly, Hachette respectfully declines to provide you with the information your letter seeks."

The author's literary agency, Javelin, accused the administration of trying to "intimidate and expose" the official in a statement.

"Our author knows that the President is determined to unmask whistleblowers who may be in his midst. That's one of the reasons 'A WARNING' was written," the literary agency, Javelin, said in a statement, referring to the soon-to-be-published book. "But we support the publisher in its resolve that the administration's effort to intimidate and expose the senior official who has seen misconduct at the highest levels will not prevent this book from moving forward."

The senior Trump administration official first debuted as an anonymous critic in a 2018 New York Times op-ed, claiming that they and others sought to thwart the president's agenda from inside the government.
November 04, 2019, 03:29 PM
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns? I mean why? I looked, can't find a real reason. Just more witch hunt?

NRA Benefactor CMP Pistol Distinguished
November 04, 2019, 03:34 PM
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns?

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.
November 04, 2019, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.

What he's "hiding"? Who the fuck are you? Roll Eyes

Maybe he's playing people like you with a game of "Brer Rabbit and the brier patch"?

Ever stop to thing about that, pinhead?

November 04, 2019, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.

His tax returns are his business, not ours.

November 04, 2019, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns?

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.

But what gives just anyone the right to look, just because there MAY be something? Or they want there to be something. i.e. witch hunt

NRA Benefactor CMP Pistol Distinguished
November 04, 2019, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns?

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.

I do not care how rich he is or is not. I don't care if he has ever paid a penny in taxes or not. I just know he is the best chance we have for saving our country. I pray every day that he will be re-elected. God Bless President Trump.
November 04, 2019, 03:59 PM
President Trump advocates private health care.

The Democrat candidates seek government-run health care.

Today, the UK's National Health Service, government-run health care, announced that those who use undefined racist or sexist remarks or gestures will be denied health care. LINK

This is yet another problem President Trump seeks to see America avoid: letting political correctness determine who gets healthcare.

Traditionally, health care knew and knows no politics.

If a person is sick, they can get care. Not necessarily so, if leftists get control.

Like China telling their people that they could have benefits only if they earn social credits and their recent edict telling their people that they must have only the "right" public opinion, government control most-inevitably leads to coercion.

President Trump does not want political correctness. How much more do Americans not want that in order to qualify for medical treatment?

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (former Chief Justice) once said of the law, ". . . in order to know what it is, we must know what it has been, and what it tends to become." LINK

I think his quote also applies to government coercion of speech.

What the UK's National Health Service brings us is yet another cautionary tale.

President Trump's reelection helps rescue us from more than the left's failed economic policies, it rescues us from a political correctness that could literally kill those who dissent.

The left complains about the limits on their mere lifestyle choices but we may be, more importantly, fighting for life itself.

True, there is no guaranty that leftist here would go as far as the UK's left, but are we willing to risk it? Not I.

NRA Life Member
NRA Certified Range Safety Officer
November 04, 2019, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns?

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.
Personally, I'd still like to have a look at Barry the Wonder Putz's transcripts and tuition records from Harvard. Think that's ever going to happen? Trump's been president for almost four years now, so his tax records are almost irrelevant at this point. Just something else for the left to exploit (regardless what's in them) if Trump put them out there now. And as mentioned above, unless the left has something they can file charges for to force disclosure of his tax returns, this is nothing more than another political fishing expedition.

Guns are awesome because they shoot solid lead freedom. Every man should have several guns. And several dogs, because a man with a cat is a woman. Kurt Schlichter
November 04, 2019, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:
Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.
Get the fucking Hell out of my thread.

Get OUT of my thread. Hear me? Get. Out.


Do not let me see you in this or any thread dealing with President Trump. I have had it with your sniping at the man.

This will give you more time to figure out what the man meant by "you need an ID to buy groceries."
November 04, 2019, 04:39 PM
Joey D 11/4/19

No description this morning. Joe's segment is grouped together with other segments for the 7AM hour. His segment starts at 2:08:48 from the third marker.

"All great things are simple, and many can be expressed in single words: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope."

--Sir Winston Churchill

"The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose."

--James Earl Jones

November 04, 2019, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by zipriderson:
What is the probable cause (if the term applies) for wanting Trump's tax returns?

Because every President provides them, and he promised to reveal them from the start of his campaign. We're kidding ourselves if we think he is going through the court system on this just for fun. He has something to hide. Perhaps he's not as rich as he says. Perhaps he pays less tax than he's indicated.

Whatever it is, people want to know what he's hiding.

I do.

personally, I'm less interested in Billionaires that become President and work for free than I am for scumbags that become politicians and leave as millionaires

I'd like to see tax returns from every congresscritter

what would be a real hoot is if Trump releaes his tax return and someone figures hes due a refund

that would be a real kick in the nuts for the democraps wouldn't it...

they're fishing, and fishing isn't a good enough reason

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC