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Today, Virginia Gov Ralph Northam endorsed a bill that would allow the killing of BORN children Login/Join 
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by bigdeal:
So who's foruth in line for the governor's position? Probably should start looking into their background now.

I think it's actually a Republican.


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 30908 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
Wait, what?
Picture of gearhounds
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Originally posted by stickman428:
Gearhounds, very good question! I’ve been wondering the same thing. Such behavior would be labeled “Trumpian” or possibly “fascist” and probably delt with quickly. The Dems have created a zero tolerance, zero forgiveness policy within their own party and enforce it pretty harshly when people go off the reservation or push back against the party. The blue dog Dems are now extinct for the most part and the democrat party remains basically a badly damaged warshipship, taking on water, listing, and veering hard left towards jagged rocks.

But really, what would they DO? What if they held their ground? It’s not like they could remove him, and as we’re seeing with Northam, they’d have nothing to lose. To self terminate basically means your political career would be over. To hang tight and say “fuck off” while making the constituents happy could actually work. I’m hoping they continue to fold though- it makes great theatre Big Grin

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Go ahead punk, make my day
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The rest of us watching the VA-Leftist-ShitShow.

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Peace through
superior firepower
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Everyone is guilty of something, but when the leftists set the bar for guilt at ground level, this is what you get.

Or, perhaps I sould say, this is what they get.

Buncha suicidal assholes...


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The Democrats should have enough recipes for preparing crow to create a whole cook book. Big Grin

I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
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Jonathan Allen

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Justin Fairfax said “fuck that bitch” as he tried to discredit his accuser during a private meeting Monday night, sources tell @NBCNews’ @GeoffRBennett and me.

8:47 AM - 6 Feb 2019

Not a surprise that someone being accused of assault would say that in private, but funny watching the trainwreck play out in public.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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^^^ I believe he pronounced it "beeotch."


Acta Non Verba
NRA Life Member (Patron)
God, Family, Guns, Country

Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 30908 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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And boys and girls, if you don't think this is karma in action...
Posts: 109058 | Registered: January 20, 2000Report This Post
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should
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And now even Eddie Murphy shows how bad it really is. Smile

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Originally posted by parabellum:
And boys and girls, if you don't think this is karma in action...

The hypocrisy of the left know no bounds.

I do have to wonder, while I don't think we are seeing the end of the Democratic party, are we seeing a descent into irrelevance that could last a decade or more?

I want to say this again because everyone needs to remember this. When you continue to throw money at political races the way Michael Bloomberg has thrown money at Virginia Democrats, eventually you elect the best candidates money can buy.
Posts: 6711 | Location: Virginia | Registered: January 22, 2001Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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4 days ago:

Virginia Attorney Gen. Herring calls for Northam to step down

Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring released a statement on Saturday, calling for Gov. Ralph Northam's resignation. Northam continues to face criticism for a photo that was featured on his page in the 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook.

"It is no longer possible for Governor Northam to lead our Commonwealth and it is time for him to step down," said Herring in a statement.

"I have spoken with Lieutenant Governor Fairfax and assured him that, should he ascend to the governorship, he will have my complete support and commitment to ensuring his success and the success of our Commonwealth," he said.


wonder how Herring feels now ?
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Picture of fpuhan
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Herring's admission was an attempt to have us all downplay the significance of something that happened 35 years ago. "We all did it then," seems to be his point. We didn't know how other people would consider this. Please forgive us our youthful transgressions.

In another era, this may actually have worked. But the Left has everyone so fired up now about every little PC peccadillo, that Herring's attempt to calm the waters may have just cost him his political future.

Karma, indeed.

You can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of great violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless.

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Made from a
different mold
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Originally posted by bigdeal:
So who's foruth in line for the governor's position? Probably should start looking into their background now.

Right now the line of succession is this:

Governor Ralph Northam = Racist

Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax = Rapist

Attorney General Mark Herring = Also Racist

Speaker of the House of Delegates Kirk Cox (Republican) = Dems would deem his name offensive and part of the "Patriarchy" just because it sounds like COCK which might be used to RAPE someone. If unable to become interim Governor the House of Delegates would convene to fill vacancy

No thanks, I've already got a penguin.
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NYTimes Stealth Edits ‘Dark Makeup’ Headline on Mark Herring Blackface Scandal

The New York Times stealth edited its headline of its report on Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring (D) admitting to wearing blackface at a college party, switching its description of him dressing in “dark makeup” to wearing “blackface.”

In a statement Wednesday, Herring confirmed he donned brown makeup and a wig as part of his costume to resemble rapper Kurtis Blow while studying at the University of Virginia. The developing comes as two of Virginia’s top lawmakers — Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax (D) face scandals of their own, throwing the state’s executive brand into further turmoil.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
Mark Twain
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Drug Dealer
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Christ on a crutch, ya just can't make this shit up. Big Grin

When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth. - George Bernard Shaw
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wishing we
were congress
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Fairfax chief of staff responds to NBC claim that Fairfax said “F--- that b----.”

Lt. Gov. Fairfax’s chief of staff and policy director acknowledge to @NBCNews that the lt. gov. used the “F” word to refer to the situation, but dispute that he used the “B” word at all or used any heated language directed toward Vanessa Tyson.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Vanessa Tyson put out a public statement about the alleged sexual assault

Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Get my pies
outta the oven!

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Would it be wrong to say this is me as I watch this Virginia Democrat Shitshow unfold? Big Grin

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Lawyers, Guns
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^^^ I see what you did there...

Big Grin

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Festina Lente
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Time for the Dems to bring back seppuku as the only appropriate way to restore family honor to individuals like this that bring such shame to their themselves and their party...

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