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Short. Fat. Bald.

Picture of TexasScrub
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Its a great day! 1 week 5 days post-ICU stay and I've got more energy than I used to!

I had some great bay shrimp for supper and the weekend off so there's that!

Thanks for asking and I hope you have a great weekend too!

He looked like an accountant or a serial-killer type. Definitely one of the service industries.
Posts: 2047 | Location: Victoria, TX | Registered: February 11, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of m1009
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Thanks for asking Para. Hope you are well! We’re doing pretty well, still working, not quite to retirement age yet. Doing our best to enjoy life, each other, and appreciate the little things in life. Right now, really happy it’s Friday, and we have the weekend to relax and do some things together.
Posts: 1153 | Registered: September 27, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
In Odin we trust
Picture of akcopnfbks
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Appreciate you asking. Overall I and mine have health and are content, which is more than many can say. It's summertime in Alaska, which is the absolute best time of year up here. The sun is out and it's in the 70's. Perfect weather. My beehives are all kicking ass so far, and looking forward to about 15 gallons of honey at harvest time. Except for the looming storm clouds that represent the end of America as we have all known it things are good, and as long as I don't think on that overmuch I can still mostly ignore it.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than omnipotent moral busybodies" ~ C.S. Lewis

Posts: 1767 | Location: The Northernmost Broadcast Point of Radio Free America | Registered: February 24, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Jack of All Trades,
Master of Nothing
Picture of 2000Z-71
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I am doing great! it's like the 3rd day of summer here, cruising around with the tops out on the Jeep. Mt lady got off from work early today and we had a great lunch on the patio of the Lakefront Hotel watching the seaplanes take off and land on Lake Hood. Probably take Bandit out for a hike tonight and get some photography in.

Life is good!

My daughter can deflate your daughter's soccer ball.
Posts: 11888 | Location: Eagle River, AK | Registered: September 12, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Feelin a bit old, lots of little pains and aches…

But then again, the last three stolen vehicle recoveries were all mine, and it’s nice hearing the kids say “how’d you find that?” Or “you ended up right in front of them!”

Heck, the last really good foot pursuit we had, I drove around to the next road out of the dead end and was able to walk up and “supervise” the arrest by my guys who did the run through the forest of blackberries chase.

So, yeah, do I kind of wish I was still twenty something (settle for late thirty/early forty something)?

Maybe. But I kind of like where I’m at. Still useful, and getting the next gen up to speed in a place that gives them not a lot of outside encouragement.

Plus, all those aches and pain just means I ain’t technically dead, and a technical win is still a win!

Bill R
Posts: 1142 | Location: Wet side of WA | Registered: October 24, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of creslin
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Dogs caught/killed a skunk last night.
Now they smell really damn bad.

This is where my signature goes.
Posts: 1566 | Location: Kernersville, NC | Registered: June 04, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sjtill
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I can’t believe my wife and I will both be 80 in July and August respectively. I feel fantastic unless I look at a calendar. My wife is having some problems, but nothing terrible.
We are still madly in love after 55 years in a week. Two of our three kids are happily married and have given us three wonderful grandchildren.
If it were not for the Left having completed their long march, humanity would be looking at a glorious and prosperous future.
And more and more it looks like President Trump will be returning to his rightful position, and is putting together a strong team to reverse the evil done to the country in the last 3 1/2 years.

“ What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.”— Lord Melbourne
Posts: 18381 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Rumors of my death
are greatly exaggerated
Picture of coloradohunter44
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Para, thanks for asking. I truly hope all is well in your world.

My life at 66 years of age. My son is doing well and working hard after his most recent promotion at American Airlines. We are proud. My wife and I will be married 39 years this November. Time has flown too quickly.

Recently I have lost two fellows I worked with for decades. Both younger than myself. I am currently helping with one of the brothers on one estate, and without a will, it hasn't been easy. Another good friend took a trip to Wisconsin and ended up in the ER with a serious infection in his spine. All this death and illness has caused me to reflect in many ways. I have stuff, all paid for, but friends and family seem more important now than ever. For those that read this. Write out a dang will! Our only dog is over 15 years old and declining in her health rapidly. This makes me very sad...

I appreciate the openness of all the previous posts, as this makes my complaints seem trivial. Everyone needs to slow down, enjoy the present, and appreciate what they have. My prayers and blessings to all.

"Someday I hope to be half the man my bird-dog thinks I am."

Posts: 10993 | Location: Commirado | Registered: July 23, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fourth line skater
Picture of goose5
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I've had the worst financial year of my life. My middle son has a master's degree from Florida State and is working at Trader Joe's. My youngest wants to be another gender. How am I feeling? Old and worn out, and glad I'm not 21 and starting this whole fucking shit show over again.

OH, Bonnie McMurray!
Posts: 7651 | Location: Pueblo, CO | Registered: July 03, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Main Thing Is
Not To Get Excited
Picture of wishfull thinker
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Thanks for asking Para, it gave me a reason to think about it. Basically, I'm an old country song, "heartaches by the number, troubles by the score" but that's the easy answer. Plato Said, or so I hear, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a terrible battle." And I don't think much has changed. But whatever battle I'm fighting at the moment and what I feel about life are two different things. How I feel is up to me; what happens to me is not.

I have four grandchildren, two live a ten minute drive away, two live in the frozen north, and we see them twice a year, all of them bring a great deal of joy and a fair bit of learning to my wife and I. The youngest of the bunch, a boy of three was at our house today. He's a wild man and tough to keep up with but he's a hoot. He was running down a little rise in the yard and took a fall that sent him butt-over-tin-cup and he started to cry. I was there in a few seconds and we sorted things out. I asked him if he was OK, he looked at his elbows and knees and said, "At least there's no blood." and off he went. He's three, and he's looking at the bright side while he still has tears.

So how do I feel? Good enough to perturb my wife, there's that, as a bonus. I have strong feelings about some political issues but they won't send me into a tailspin. I have learned that when I tell some of my like-aged friends that I like Tailor Swift they lose their shit, so that's fun. I'm part of what I guess one could call an alumni group of men with whom I went through Marine Corps Officer's basic training and then served with in Viet Nam. 219 in the school and I believe the number that went in-country was 195. 1968 was a very busy year. I mention this group because they are universally in a contagious good mood at our gatherings, moderated somewhat by the reason we are connected, but still I should pay 'em for what they do for me.

I am not immune to the crisis of the day, but I feel good and I'm looking forward to tomorrow, same as yesterday, and I hope you are too.


Posts: 6514 | Location: Washington | Registered: November 06, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
For real?
Picture of Chowser
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Thanks for asking. I am doing well. Missing my oldest since he got deployed last year but his kids are keeping my busy. My youngest just finished his junior year in high school and finally got his learner's permit so we're going to practice driving this summer. My daughter is doing well with her autism and we're all actually getting things done really well.

Personally health wise, I think I am doing better. I went from 238# to 190# in the past two years and I think I need to cut my metformin in half because my glucose keeps dropping when I go to bed. I have an appointment next week with my doctor to discuss this.

Professionally, I made it to retirement last May but elected to work another 5-8 years. They actually promoted me last fall so that helps. I can still retire anytime I want now but if I want that extra money I need to do at least five years (Ohio DROP program for LE/FD)

Not minority enough!
Posts: 8171 | Location: Cleveland, OH | Registered: August 09, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Alea iacta est
Picture of Beancooker
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Para, I’m glad to have read you are doing well. I am assuming that if you are well, so is your wife. Add that to my list of things I am grateful for.

I appreciate you asking. Overall we are doing okay. There are some issues with work, however at the end of the day, they really aren’t that big of issues.

We are currently in Boston (or one of the million suburbs here), and our son is getting married tomorrow. We met the bride for the first time last night. She’s a really nice lady, and shes very attractive. They are quite happy together and it’s enjoyable to watch them interact. They really are best of friends.

So to answer your question, we are doing very well. It’s a beautiful morning and the weather is awesome. I’ll be heading to my son’s gym/training facility and he will be doing a bunch of weight, fat, muscle scans. He has a very technical machine that scans your body, gives a 3D image of you, puts a low voltage current through your hands and feet and measures your true body fat content. It should be a pretty fun morning, and he is quite excited to do this for me.

Even when the fun of vacation is over and we are back home, I need to remind myself that we are very blessed and fortunate. We are doing very well, and are quite happy.

I hope you all have an awesome day.

Originally posted by sigmonkey:
I'd fly to Turks and Caicos with live ammo falling out of my pockets before getting within spitting distance of NJ with a firearm.
The “lol” thread
Posts: 4365 | Location: Staring down at you with disdain, from the spooky mountaintop castle.  | Registered: November 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Make America Great Again
Picture of bronicabill
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I am not well hardly ever any more! Maybe 1 day out of 10 I will feel like getting out of the house and doing something. Most nights I'm awake all night, then IF I can sleep it happens shortly after daybreak. My "get up and go" has got up and went...

I'm not suicidal, but I just really don't give a shit anymore whether I continue to be alive. I'll just hang out here until it's my time to go.

Edit to add: Sorry for that depression response, but it is what it is!

Bill R.
North Alabama
Posts: 4784 | Location: Madison, AL | Registered: December 06, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
chillin out
Picture of florida boy
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I'm doing well, thank you. I'm healthy and on no meds. Arthritis has slowed me down a little but I still do a lot of hiking, trout fishing, gardening and jeeping in our beautiful national forest up here in North Georgia. I have a wonderful wife and family and am very blessed and fortunate.

I practice Shinrin-yoku
It's better to wear out than rust out
Member NRA
Member Georgia Carry
Posts: 3818 | Location: Union County, Georgia | Registered: September 20, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Kinda old, I’m feeling age creeping up on me.

On the positive side I recently had a hip replaced, and it’s healing up nicely. PT is coming along, that’s the part that is giving me the olds. Working out takes way more time to recover than what I remember. Recovery has given me time to hang out with my grandson, and that’s been a blessing.

This surgery has shined a light on what old age infirmity holds. I’ve never been laid up like this before, which has been a real eye opener. At the same time it given me a peak at retirement, and I think I’ll catch on quick.

By the way thanks for asking.

----------The weather is here I wish you were beautiful----------
Posts: 5237 | Location: southern Mn | Registered: February 26, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
with Integrity
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Celebrated National Bourbon Day yesterday! Will celebrate Fathers day with my sons with a round of golf/fine Cigar on Sunday ! Will celebrate both of my Grandchildren's birthdays later this month!

Life is Good! Thanks for asking Para.

God Bless America !
Posts: 841 | Location: NW OHIO | Registered: December 31, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Cogito Ergo Sum
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Doing fine thank you. Been retired 5.5 years and loving it. Lots of ups and downs but that's why it's called life. There is a lot going on in the world and most of it I have no control over so I just take it as it comes and never stop hoping for the best. Take care and thanks for all that you have done here.
Posts: 5758 | Registered: August 01, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Had a rough patch lately. Old demons. Learning though.

Taking the Jeep up to the mountains this morning to listen to music and see pretty sights.

Tomorrow will be Father’s Day. This has been my best year with my kids ever.

So there is certainly good.

Knowing what one is talking about is widely admired but not strictly required here.

Although sometimes distracting, there is often a certain entertainment value to this easy standard.

"All I need is a WAR ON DRUGS reference and I got myself a police thread BINGO." -jljones
Posts: 11464 | Location: NC | Registered: August 16, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for asking, Boss, and I'm glad to read you are well. I'm a crotchety, old guy dealing with the normal aches and pains of the life stage. I don't do people much, so there's little aggravation on that end. Wish my dog didn't have terminal cancer but...

Originally posted by parabellum:
not the least of which is that we're above ground and breathing.

^^^this gets pretty damned important the longer in the tooth we are. I am grateful for it, AND...I can still cut my own toenails and put my pants on standing up! Smile

Posts: 784 | Location: in the PA woods | Registered: March 11, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official forum
Picture of stickman428
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Originally posted by vthoky:
Doing well, thank you.

I'm healthy, upright, and on this side of the grass.
I'm curious about many things, and have much to be grateful for.
I'm well-employed, and I love my job. And my team!
I've got good and healthy friends and family, and a lovely girlfriend. (Seems an odd term to use at my age, but... oh, well.) Smile
I've lived, I've loved, I've enjoyed, I've suffered, I've endured, and I've overcome.
I've built, I've broken, I've repaired, and I've destroyed.
I owe a lot of people a lot of thanks, and I try not to forget that.
I try to start the day with a moment of giving thanks for having received that day, and end the day with a moment to be grateful for finishing it.

Are there pains, hassles, challenges, battles, and bad habits? Yoobetcha!
Things in my town, county, country, and world that I don't like? Be certain.

But it's all worked out pretty well so far. Lord willing, that will continue.

"Keep a good attitude, persevere through adversity, and maintain your path. It's going to be a great day, one way or another."

I love the positive energy VThoky! That makes a tremendous difference in handling challenges. It changes your whole outlook on life too. In a world full of pain and suffering it’s refreshing to be around a person who has truly embraced the positive and fun aspects to life and focuses on them!

If you’re ever in my neck of the woods hit me up. I want to show you the rides that have broken my love of street bike motorcycles. It’s something that is arguably way more fun than any motorcycle I’ve ever ridden and I own a few fast ones….


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
Posts: 21238 | Location: San Dimas CA, The Old Dominion or the Tar Heel State.  | Registered: April 16, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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