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The sheriff seems to be of the mindset that he himself has no responsibility. I think his days as sheriff are numbered. _____________________ Be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you. | |||
Member![]() |
I have been watching and listening to commentary on the Florida school shooting with a mix of disgust, anger, grief, and interest since I first heard of the shooting. The comments here are often thoughtful and insightful, which I appreciate. There is also a good bit of vitriol, which is understandable given the innocent lives that were lost and the failures of law enforcement. First let me tell you where I am coming from, to put my comments in perspective. I retired from two law enforcement agencies, one a municipal agency and the other as a special agent in a federal/military criminal investigative agency after 42 years in law enforcement. I have been shot at and have shot back and have been a firearms instructor continuously since 1971. I am a Vietnam veteran and served two tours in Southeast Asia. My duties over the years range from nuclear weapons sentry to chief of police; have worked on countless security details for U.S. and foreign dignitaries, including the President of the United States. I mentored hundreds of special agents in a military active and reserve career spanning 37 years, and visited dozens of countries in an official capacity. As a civilian officer, duties ranged from patrol officer to detective, polygraph examiner, watch commander, SWAT member and commander for 7 years, and ultimately retired from a 225 member department as chief of police. About the only jobs I never worked in were K9 officer, K9 dog, and motorcycle officer. Since retiring in 2011, my son and I have had a firearms training and private investigations business, including bodyguard services. One of the services we offer is training for prevention, mitigation, and response to active shooter situations. We have researched every mass shooting/murder that we could find data on for the past 100 years. Along the way we have picked up a few things that are relevant to the conversation. Here is a brief summary of presentations I have been making over the past 5 years. Mass killings of school children in the U.S. is not a new phenomenon. The worst recorded mass killing of school children in the U.S. occurred in Bath, Michigan, in 1927. 37 elementary school children and 7 adults were killed by a school board member who dynamited the school. Although not a school killing, 38 people were killed by a dynamite bombing on Wall Street in 1920, and of course everyone knows of Timothy McVeigh's murder of 168 people in Oklahoma City. The Columbine High School killings, which is often pointed to as the genesis for school shootings in recent memory, was not supposed to be a shooting. It was planned as a bombing but fortunately the bomb did not detonate, otherwise there may have been several hundred casualties. Their plan was to set off the bomb in the cafeteria at lunch time and then shoot the survivors as they evacuated. If we look at the school shootings since Columbine, as well as other non-school shootings, in almost every single instance the perpetrator studied previous mass killing incidents as part of their preparations. If he wanted his own Wiki page, he had to top a previous body count. There is no common profile, however in almost every single incident there were clues known to others around them that were either ignored or not understood, which is why "see something say something" is so important. They were nearly all narcissistic, inadequate personalities and saw themselves as victims. Almost every killer had significant mental health issues and should never have been able to possess a firearm by anyone's measure. We MUST find a way of getting that information into the NICS so they cannot buy a gun. Almost every one of them did not expect to survive the incident. They are not afraid of being killed; their greatest fear is of being interfered with before they finish what they came to do. Mass killers want a soft target-it's why they choose wide open venues that are "gun free" zones, with large numbers of helpless victims, and the least likelihood of being interfered with. And they want their victims to remain in place while they slaughter them. Unprotected schools, college campuses, and large gatherings are perfect targets for them. I don't have to make my venue a fortress; I only need to make it a harder target than the one down the road. First and foremost is the physical security of the venue. Security from attacks should be built into facilities design, and retrofitted in older buildings. Single points of entry that are monitored, ballistic barriers, metal detectors, biometric access, zoned access control, hardened classroom "safe rooms" and monitored security cameras should be standard in all public schools. Police dispatch centers should be able to monitor those cameras real time. Security barriers should be layered so there is no single point of failure. With modern construction materials that are available, facilities do not need to look like the inside of a bank vault. We do it in airports every day, so why not schools. Security protocols must be carefully developed and trained, and enforced to ensure they are being followed. The best security system in the world is of no use if it is not administered properly and it should be tested periodically to ensure security protocols are being followed. Even with a great physical security system in place, the greatest threat is from the insider who has free access to the inner ring of security. Again "see something, say something" comes into play. Procedures must be in place to immediately deal with individuals who are threatening, and at a minimum exclude them from the inner security circle. The people who know these killers know something is not right in almost every case. School administrators, mental health professionals, law enforcement, and families can find ways to work together to identify and counter threats. Once you put them under the microscope, the threat becomes apparent. Administrators and employers are almost afraid to exclude disruptive, threatening individuals from schools on legal grounds. That needs to stop. Don't tolerate them and get them out. Juvenile criminal cases need to be treated like criminals; mentally ill cases need to be treated like they are mentally ill, not because of their status, but because of their behavior. Society has a duty to provide services but the miscreant can be dealt with outside the secured environment. Armed personnel inside the venue are an essential "final layer" of security. The idea that an armed individual alone will secure the facility is naive. He may or may not be in the right place at the right time to make a difference. The armed individual should be seen as the last line of defense when all the other layers of security have failed. We are often asked whether teachers/employees should be allowed to go armed on campuses. That is a local decision, however if you choose that option the people who are armed in the facility with responsibility for protecting others must have adequate training and expertise in firearms. Having a concealed firearms license may be a feel good measure and may be better than a sharp stick, but does not ensure competence with a firearm. Those who carry in school should have a special duty to be expert with their firearm and have a rigorous training regimen. My local sheriff once told me that he would be willing to deputize school staff who were willing to go through certification training. If you look at attempted assassinations in the U.S. since the 1960's where there are professional protection details, there is rarely an opportunity or time for the security detail to use their firearms, but firearms must always be an option. If a protectee is threatened, you evacuate him out of the kill zone to a safe place in a hurry. This is generally impractical in schools due to the number of children involved so shelter in place is often the best option. If the worst happens and all the other security measures to prevent an attack have failed, the critical incident response must be effective. As someone once said, you may not be able to control whether the storm happened, but you can control your own response to it. The first and most crucial step in critical incident response is to understand and correctly articulate the threat. An accurate description of the incident determines the speed and quality of the response. Exercising response plans and good instant communications are crucial to a good outcome. It is essential that exercises be conducted in coordination with local law enforcement and EMS first responders so that everyone involved understands the nature and location of the threat and how the response will proceed. The Columbine incident caused a sea change in the way law enforcement agencies responded to active shooters. Prior to Columbine, standard protocol was to secure the perimeter until SWAT arrived. That did not work at Columbine and caused harsh criticism of law enforcement for not going in immediately. The protocol was changed and most agencies trained for the first officers to go in immediately and counter the threat. About the same time we started seeing patrol rifle programs emerging throughout the country. A failure to go in while the shooter was active is indefensible. It should be mentioned here that in the early days of SWAT teams there was an East Coast philosophy and a West Coast philosophy. The East Coast philosophy promoted by NYPD held that you secure the perimeter and negotiate with the bad guys; the West Coast philosophy adopted by LAPD was far more aggressive and held that you get in there and take care of business quickly. Those concepts have evolved to a more hybrid middle ground in the thousands of teams that have been formed over the years, but many senior officers grew up with one or the other of those philosophies that may still influence their policy making. One final comment here is the role of the Fourth and Fifth Estate in perpetuating mass killings. The media will not report on it out of self interest, and as Dana Loesch stated, the media loves a mass killing. But the media attention to these mass killers gives them a celebrity that appeals to the dark minds of prospective killers. This is probably the most onerous, and difficult to address of all the issues that confront us. CMSGT USAF (Retired) Chief of Police (Retired) | |||
Info Guru![]() |
150+ House democrats sign on to bill being introduced to ban semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns. http://www.washingtonexaminer....pons/article/2650087 House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons House Democrats have introduced a bill banning semi-automatic firearms in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., announced Monday he is introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. More than 150 Democrats have signed on in support of the legislation, Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., said. "Today I joined @RepCicilline and 150+ of my colleagues to introduce the assault weapons ban. It’s time for Congress to listen to the will of a majority of Americans and pass sensible legislation to get these weapons of war off our streets. #NeverAgain #MSDStrong," Deutch tweeted. The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds. Cicilline’s legislation names 205 specific firearms that are prohibited, including the AK-47 and AR-15. “Assault weapons were made for one purpose,” Cicilline said in a statement. “They are designed to kill as many people as possible in a short amount of time. They do not belong in our communities.” Deutch vowed during a CNN town hall last week to introduce a bill banning semi-automatic weapons. The town hall featured students, teachers, and parents from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, and occurred one week after a gunman opened fire there. Seventeen were killed and several were injured in the shooting. Police said the shooter used an AR-15, and the incident has reignited the debate over stricter gun laws, including whether a ban on semi-automatic weapons is needed. “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
Go ahead punk, make my day |
Don't be surprised by this. They are simply attempting to make the most of the crisis / tragedy. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
![]() Freakin' children. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Cut it out | |||
No ethanol! |
^^^^^^^^^^^ from HayesGreener Thank you for all the time it took to put those thoughts on screen. I found them interesting. This would be great to apply to coming training and policy format. As the old expression goes (yes, well before Trump), when you are up to your ass in alligators, it can be difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp. So today, how can we boil this threads wisdom down to the few minutes (seconds?) of attention span that John Q Public will listen to, in order to convince him that the evil is only within the person, not the implement? We know every t-shirt expression about spoons=fat, pencils=mistakes, and not every swing dick makes is a rapist, but the liberal side of non-thinking does connect the guns as the "cause". This is the predictable insanity we push back against. ------------------ The plural of anecdote is not data. -Frank Kotsonis | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
I agree: Great post, HayesGreener. ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
A Grateful American![]() |
Thank you for your words of wisdom from a life of dedication. Hence, my "CUT". While I am very vocal in my posts concerning the BCSO, the "High" Sheriff, and certain SD that may or may not have failed in the defining moment of their lives, I do "Support and Respect" the majority (and the office) of Law Enforcement Officers as a whole. I also want to believe and permit them to "police themselves" as expected of the professionals they are. I have no issue with any LEO who "wants to go home to loved ones at the end of duty", and anyone that is dismissive of that, will expect my ire. That said, in the case of this incident, I found in the beginning, and in the time since, no compelling evidence that the SD had any reasonable defense for not moving to engage the threat, and, moreover in the evidence that others did so while he did not. And the failure up to this point in time, comes from Sheriff Scott Israel, and it is my hope that he and his actions see the light of day, for those who were cut down, and for the good LEO/LE personnel who stand the thin blue line. And, after that, I am willing to do anything I can to help you get your message and your thoughts, ideas etc, moved forward to make a difference going forward to deal with the problem that resulted in this event. You have a wealth of experience, knowledge, motive, ability and much more than can be exploited going forward. Thank you, Chief. sigmonkey "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
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Leave it to the liberal media to make sport of our president's heroism in light of a tragedy. Trump is a lot braver than 99% of people I know to willingly run into the line of fire unarmed to try and stop an active shooter. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/2...lorida-shooting.html | |||
Member![]() |
My thought is many Americans wouldn't think twice.
...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV | |||
Sigforum K9 handler![]() |
Here's the thing man. Most of these libs don't actually *know* any real Americans. Real Americans are sorta like bigfoot. They have heard they exist, but they have never actually seen one. There are lots of authorities that will tell you all sorts of stories about what real Americans are like. Most of it is made up, because the subject matter authorities have never actually seen a real American either. Most liberals and LSM types have seen some grainy images that purport to be Americans, but they've never really seen any in person. | |||
wishing we were congress |
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A Grateful American![]() |
Has no one told her, it is not prudent to post while drunk? "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
wishing we were congress |
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Be not wise in thine own eyes ![]() |
Wow! What an ego. Scott Israel had 5 Broward County Sheriff Department cars painted with his smiling face. Great use of taxpayer dollars. ![]() ![]() “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden “Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 | |||
wishing we were congress |
wiki: the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO) is a public safety organization responsible for law enforcement and fire protection duties The Sheriff's Office is composed of 5,800 employees, including approximately 2,800 certified deputies and approximately 600 firefighters Annual budget $ 730 million Scott Israel, a Democrat, was elected as Sheriff by a 53% - 47% vote in 2012, defeating incumbent Sheriff Al Lamberti, a Republican. | |||
Oriental Redneck![]() |
Posting while drunk implies she has moments of clarity. Q | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
In an "Ingraham Angle" exclusive, Laura Ingraham aired a purported internal email from the Broward County Sheriff's Office that directed employees to defend Sheriff Scott Israel. Ingraham said the email was given to her by a source and that their veracity was "confirmed" by a second source. It urges all staff members to vigorously support Israel as he "find[s himself] up against a flurry of media allegations." "He stood with us, and now we must stand with him," the email reads. "The focus should be on getting to the bottom of what happened," Ingraham said. "[It] shouldn't be about saving [Israel's] job." Ingraham said the emails continue a pattern of defensive public relations by the department at Israel's lead. She said that, apart from the sheriff's repeated statements defending himself and criticizing the National Rifle Association, the Democrat's past actions also garnered media attention. In 2015, Israel wrapped decals of his face on five taxpayer-financed sheriff's office cars, Ingraham reported. She said they were dubbed "Israelmobiles," and were often driven by members of a "community outreach team" allegedly staffed by his campaign supporters. Ingraham called for President Donald Trump to order Attorney General Jeff Sessions to open his own investigation into the shooting, as well as the department's actions in relation to it. Link Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
אַרְיֵה![]() |
He is not unique. Jerry Demings, Orange County FL Sheriff (husband of ex-Orlando Police Chief Val Demings, who left her service pistol in an unlocked car to be stolen), wears four stars. I live in the adjacent county: Seminole. I believe that our sheriff only wears three stars. הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים | |||
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