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Down the Rabbit Hole
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Originally posted by jljones:
Originally posted by ensigmatic:
Originally posted by jljones:
Vaccine, not a vaccine. Whatever it is the anti- has its own cult.
Like the pro- does not *snort*

The pro- May, but they don’t seem to occupy this forum. The only “pros” that exist on this forum are in the minds of anyone who doesn’t like those that dares to question the same tactics that were used in 2020 by the left. Instead of hearing how silly the tactics are, the must be “the man”. So, they have to be minimized and shouted down. Easiest way is to label them as “Pro”, instead of admitting there may be people in the middle with different views.

Sorta like claiming they are “angry” as a means to dismiss what is being said.

For the last three years, 99% of the information about Covid and the Vaccine has come from our Government and MSM. The Covid/Vaccine threads on this forum have been one of the few places where alternate points of view have been expressed without being censored. I guess even that is too much for you. Roll Eyes

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Originally posted by old rugged cross:
i am thinking another thread on this topic is not going to go over well.
I would rather we didn't have a new thread on the subject, but the OP is conducting a poll. This is not possible within an ongoing thread.

Members are welcome to comment, but there will be no bickering or sniping in this thread. State your experiences, your opinions, your beliefs, but be polite to each other, please.


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Picture of Mr. Peteroniman
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very helpful for most people by preventing them from getting really sick to the point of being admitted to the hospital when getting infected

I have seen no data to back up this claim, but it sounds good, yea

I have not gotten the shot, my advice if asked is to not get the shot, but I really don't care what you do


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My company gave me a religious exemption. It was easier than a medical exemption, I think they just needed to check a box. No vaccine. No thanks.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lawyers, Guns
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Originally posted by pedropcola:
My company gave me a religious exemption. It was easier than a medical exemption, I think they just needed to check a box. No vaccine. No thanks.

You are getting at the heart of the problem. Why did you have to seek an exemption in the first place? It's because your employer initiated a mandate.

Why did your employer have to check a box? It's because your employer was coerced to force this upon everyone.

Why did some employers make getting an exemption a relatively easy process and some take a hard-line stance against any exemptions? It's because they weighed differently the cost/benefit of how it would affect their businesses. Those businesses with government contracts, including everyone in healthcare, really had no choice. They were told they had to comply.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

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Knows too little
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Originally posted by TMats:
She saw a doctor who didn’t even want to talk about Covid, “It’s just another virus,” he said.

Precisely. This virus is following the typical course of all wide spread viral infections. As it get more infectious, it gets less severe.

Only idiots would chase a Corona virus mutations and try to make a vaccine for every variant.

The Corona virus mutates like a 4 y/o changes their mind.



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When this whole business started, I was wintering in Destin Florida and had 2 sets of retired friends. My wife and I spent a lot of time with these 2 couples and naturally had a lot of discussion about the shots. At the time, you had to prove some sort of Florida residency to score the shots. A bank statement, Utility bill, drivers license or 2 pieces of paper to show you weren't a snowbird. Both sets of snowbird friends managed to generate 2 forms and got the shots. Not knowing what the hell was happening, we laid back and took a wait and see attitude. Thank God we did. I'll never get another shot, inoculation or vaccination. I wouldn't put it past those bastards to put the snake oil in everything.

I'm sorry if I hurt you feelings when I called you stupid - I thought you already knew - Unknown
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Edge seeking
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I wouldn't put it past those bastards to put the snake oil in everything.

Or to give you the jab when you are under for anything.
Posts: 7832 | Location: Over the hills and far away | Registered: January 20, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I took the first two.

I would do it again, I am not getting boosted.

I am alive some of my neighbors are not.

I drilled down into the original medical papers.

The science was valid, but the studies were rushed.

I had a mild and unpleasant reaction to the shots and I had a very mild case of COVID.

If I was 20 years younger I would have let my body fight it on its own.

I am older and some of my neighbors that died are my age.

My local hospital is overflowing with COVID.

Beds are back in the halls for lack of room.

I think I made an educated decision.

Each to their own.
Posts: 4836 | Registered: February 15, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Took the J&J when president Potato mandated that all employees of Federal Contractors get jabbed. It satisfied my employer so I could keep my job and was the least offensive one (since it was more of a traditional/viral vector 'vaccine').

I'm still pissed as hell that my wife and I were both forced to get this shit to keep our jobs.

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None for me. Two of my nine grandchildren did not get any Covid jabs. I believe we are the only ones in the family un-jabbed.

My wife got the first 2 Moderna on the advice of her doc. She blindly trusted him, and pressured me to get it for the convenience of being able to do normal things again. She now agrees with my choice. All our kids and their spouses got at least 2 jabs. A couple of those were coerced by No-Jab-No-Job. The rest trusted the media, their doc, and their government. A few in the extended family jumped on the TDS bandwagon and gleefully did whatever Saint Fauci told them.

Knowing how intentionally we were lied to, and how corrupt the relevant institutions are, I am now very skeptical of all pharmaceuticals. They are rushing to replace existing vaccines with mRNA versions, and so I have become moderately anti-vaccine.

One beautiful 5 yr old grand daughter now has seizures since her Pfizer jab. I worry every day about my family's health.
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Experimental Gene Therapy, as I understand it.

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quarter MOA visionary
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Did the first two Phizer ~ to keep the wife happy and it was before we knew better.
None since now that we know it is a waste.
The early days of the Wu-Flu ~ everybody was confused.
It was hard to wade through the mass-indoctrination of the time (and still now to a lesser degree) and the sad thing is that with this failure it causes a doubt other vaccines and trying now to paint them all with the bad brush of uselessness. Frown
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Lawyers, Guns
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Originally posted by a1abdj:
I know it's been discussed, and people have made their opinions known. This is the first poll that people can participate in which will actually give us some data from our membership.

I'm interested in seeing the results.

I agree.

The results are interesting. So far, about 1/2 of the people answering have taken NONE of the shots, about 1/4 (24%) have taken the first series (2 Pfizer or Moderna OR 1 J&J). And the final 1/4 (26%) have taken one or more boosters.

My guess is that this likely differs somewhat from the general population in that Sigforum members would seem to be more informed and more skeptical of government.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
Posts: 25333 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: April 03, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I will clarify my thoughts on the shots:
You want to get the vaccine? Great! You do you.
You dont want the vaccine? Great! You do you.
It all very quickly (like lots of things in our society today) became Us versus Them. The info about gain of function research concerned me too.
It also very quickly became weaponized, politicized, and monetized. I dont want any part of those three things. Especially the money and who got rich off Covid.

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I am a physician, reservist and have not gotten the Covid vaccine. No one in my family either.

I believe in vaccines. They work. There is no disputing that. What I was not comfortable with with is how it was developed, tested and sold. Not gonna be a Guinea pig. mRNA vaccines have a horrible history. Not gonna be part of that. Have fought this at my hospital and it is not mandatory for employees.

Humoral immunity is best especially in something with a low mortality for reasonably healthy people.
Posts: 1783 | Registered: December 04, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Fighting the good fight
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Got the initial 2 Moderna shots in January 2021, as required by my job.

Then got COVID a year later in January 2022.

I have not done any boosters, both because they're not required as well as because I consider my bout of actual COVID to be a better booster than any booster shot.
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After doing a lot of reading, I chose to get Moderna 1 and 2 in March and April 2021 after daughter (MD-Phifzer) and my wife (RN-Moderna) were required to get them by their hospitals. Our son, other daughter, and her husband got theirs shortly thereafter.

My wife and doctor daughter have had the required boosters, but the rest of us stopped after the initial doses. When my doctor asked if I wanted the boosters at my annual physical, I declined and he understood, saying that the initial crisis has passed and they know how to deal with it now, as long as there’s not another mutation that changes the situation. In that case, the boosters might not be effective anyway.

Doctor daughter and son-in-law have both been COVID positive with mild cases; the rest of us have escaped so far.


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No shots for me. I've always had a pretty strong immune system. I've had a total of 2 flu shots in my life, and I can count the number of times I've had the flu on one hand. Once was when my employer did a "free flu shots for all employees" thing. I had a bad, although short duration (30 minutes) reaction to it. The other time was when I was being treated for cancer and my oncologist strongly recommended it. No reaction that time.

My parents both got the covid vaccine as soon as they were able to. They were 85 at the time. They took everything the government and CDC said as gospel. They literally locked themselves in their house for a YEAR. They had my sister do all their shopping for them. She would drop all the groceries/whatever into Mom & Dad's garage, and leave. Same with their mail. It would sit there in the garage for a week, then Dad would mask up, go out to the garage and spray/wipe everything down with disinfectant before bringing it into the house. They never got sick. Can't imagine why not. Roll Eyes

In 2019 I suffered a bilateral pulmonary embolism (the cardiologists in the hospital seemed really disappointed when it turned out to not be a heart attack). My heart did suffer some enlargement. Because of that, when my employer was considering mandating covid vaccinations in `21 (even though we were all working remotely by then - our CEO was an obedient lefty who basically did everything the lefties told us to do), I talked to my doctor about a medical exemption on the grounds of my embolism incident but he refused. They wound up not requiring the vaccine. I probably would have resigned if they had.

I'm not anti-vax in general. With the exceptions for flu and covid I've had everything that's been recommended, and would do it again. But the whole incestuous .gov/CDC/Pfizer/World Gov't marriage thing just smacks way to much of malicious intent for comfort.
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His diet consists of black
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I have not, and don't intend to. I don't even get the flu shot. I haven't had anything but the mildest of sniffles for years, and I can't even positively attribute those to Covid-19. I never liked the way the vaccines were rushed to market, let alone mandated. Sorry, you can't get rid of me that easily. Razz
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