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Ever witness/participate in a bar fight? Login/Join 
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5 years as a bouncer, so yeah, only in the e.r. one time,
he bit me in the calf.
btw , all 25 fights were over some woman,
only one fight was not

Safety, Situational Awareness and proficiency.

Neck Ties, Hats and ammo brass, Never ,ever touch'em w/o asking first
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Picture of TigerDore
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As the old saying goes, it isn't size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. The worst part about fighting someone smaller or a lot older is that it is a lose-lose proposition. If you win, all you did was beat up an old person or a small person. If you lose, you may have to turn in your man card.

Originally posted by rsbolo:
Witnessed a few, mostly college crap. Daytona Beach spring break, Panama City spring break, the thing I learned from watching those fights is this; there are people who think they can fight and people who CAN fight. Sometimes who can tell which person is which. Sometimes you can't.

I saw a kid who looked on the smallish side completely take down and make a huge dude his bitch. I learned later the smaller dude was a college wrestler. He actually made the big dude cry.
Posts: 9336 | Registered: September 26, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
blame canada
Picture of AKSuperDually
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Yeah, back in my lower enlisted days. Used to think it was fun. Ironically every bar fight I ever got in, I was at the bar underage.

I don't remember anyone getting overly hurt other than pride. Usually someone stepped in before then to break things up.

I've heard of them turning more serious, but I never witnessed one that went that way.

"The trouble with our Liberal not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan, 1964
"Arguing with some people is like playing chess with a pigeon. It doesn't matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon will just take a shit on the board, strut around knocking over all the pieces and act like it won.. and in some cases it will insult you at the same time." DevlDogs55, 2014 Big Grin
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Quite a few. As a cop, you cant just fight. You must subdue and take your opponent with you when its done. Makes for different experience.
Most memorable for me was when I waded in to stop a fight, the onlookers all joined forces and bodily picked me up and threw me out of the bar.
Nothing hurt but my pride.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
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Had a friend from the army who was very small and normally a nice guy. When he had a few drinks his whole personality changed and he started trouble frequently. Since I am a large fellow the person he started up with would usually throw down on me as they did not want to hit the small guy.

After the third time I walked out and left him running his mouth to a biker. The biker did not care what size he was and kicked his ass.

I quit hanging out with him. He eventually moved to Texas and was stabbed to death in a bar fight in the late seventies several years after I stopped hanging out with him.

Never had a problem since though as most of us I aged out of the bar scene.

Some never learn.
Posts: 626 | Registered: July 12, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Did you come from behind
that rock, or from under it?

Picture of Audioholic
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Back in the early 80s a bunch of us were in a local bar celebrating one of the friends enlisting in the Army. The bar was located not far from a Navy base gate and usually got a mix of military, locals and sometimes bikers but fights were rarer than one would expect. This particular evening about 7-8 Renegade members came in and started drinking.

A rather drunk, arrogant sailor got mouthy with one of the bikers but strangely enough the biker seemingly sloughed it off. He gave him a mean look but didn't really respond. It surprised me because Renegades were not known to be complacent.

A while later I felt the urge so I headed to the bathroom. Walked right into the middle of said biker handing the sailor his ass. The two other bikers in the bathroom looked at me, I looked at them and asked: "Can I piss now or should I come back later?" They just shrugged and pointed me to a urinal. I proceeded to take a piss in the midst of the asskicking and left the bathroom without incident.

It might have helped that I had long hair and looked like a biker but they weren't aggressive towards me. I went back to drinking with my group, the bikers went back to drinking with theirs and the sailor got hauled off by his buddies before the cops or MPs showed up. Cops arrived but there was nothing to be done so they left and everyone went right back to drinking.

I outgrew going to bars. Avoiding them cuts down on the statistical probability of getting involved in crazy shit. The only time I go to a bar now is if a really good band is playing, and that's rare.

"Every time you think you weaken the nation" Moe Howard
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Loves His Wife
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Worked the door for 5 years at a place you may have been familiar with Robin, The Country House near Medicine Lake. Saw lots of fights that I was charged with splitting up, being the bouncer made me the guy they wanted a shot at and at 6'185 lbs I wasn't a bruiser but was at the top of my game. All that time I only got hit once and that was getting sucker punched by a woman. I was plenty scared more than once and the other guys must have been to at the same time. Luckily it seems every time I was scared like that nothing came of it. I must have hidden it well and had a good reputation to back me up.

My roommate trained in martial arts with me. He was a little sawed off fucker that didn't quite know when to keep his mouth shut, especially when drinking. One night working the door I could see him spouting off to these two guys who I knew to be bad mama-jamas. My friend went to the cab before leaving and these two guys walked out the front door. I expected they were going around to the lower level so I went down to greet them at the lower level entrance taking the inside route. I got a call over the intercom to come the the upper front door. When I got there, some guy was laying on the ground twitching, covered in blood. It wasn't until I recognized the clothes that I realized it was my room mate. The two guys waited for him out the front door and ambushed him. He spent a week in the hospital and turned a strange man into a man so goofy you couldn't even be around him. Very sad.

Even though there was a witness to the two guys waiting out the front door with arms and fists cocked, almost taking him out by mistake, no charges ever filed against those guys. They were 86'd from the joint after that though.

I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.

Posts: 12978 | Location: Western WI | Registered: January 05, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Unflappable Enginerd
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I've heard and seen tons about little guys trying to pick fights with the biggest guy in the bar, or just guys bigger than them period.

Some of the best/worst ones usually revolve around the bigger guys that think they can do whatever they want because, well, they're bigger, and picking the wrong guy to impose upon. Seen my share of scrappy small guys decimate bigger slower guys.

I'm short and stocky, but I was a wrestler and have had a fair amount of hand to hand taught to me by my dear father, a vertically challenged USMC DI, throughout my youth. I may or may not have been one of the smaller guys that dished out my share, now I'm too old for that crap.

My father always told me, "Beware of the little man, for he must kill you". Wink


NRA Benefactor
I lost all my weapons in a boating, umm, accident.
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Semper Fi - 1775
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Kind of a consistent theme I read are stories where 'someone' was beat to the point where it left permanent damage.

Like so many other ain't like the movies and a head bouncing off the pavement can get really ugly, really fast.

All it all you got.
For those who have fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know

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Cat Whisperer
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I got in a handful of bar emptying brawls when I was 21-22.. REALLY stupid, and I'm lucky I wasn't arrested. The ones I recall weren't even over anything that directly involved me, someone calling a friends girlfriend a whore, etc. Really dumb


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The Unmanned Writer
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While in the navy was out with three others, one of whom got too drunk and wanted to fight someone about the other guy's girl. Buddy was being really stupid and expected the three of us to help.

We three verbally took up a collection to ensure we had enough $$ to bail him out. Pissed off drink buddy so much that we were willing to let him go jail he backed down from the fight.

We three never hung out with the idiot again.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

Posts: 14340 | Location: It was Lat: 33.xxxx Lon: 44.xxxx now it's CA :( | Registered: March 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Been in a couple but witnessed more...most memorable by far:

Sitting at a bar, corner seat, and to my left on other side of corner was a man and woman who seemed to be getting long very well. They were not bothering anyone and were very into each other. In the distance I notice a woman walking in "our: general direction but didnt give it another thought until she came up behind woman next to me, pulled her backwards by her hair onto the floor and started beating the shit out of her. Got broken up quickly but the guy with her never moved and just had a look of disbelief on his face...It all made sense when the woman who did the beating took off a wedding ring and threw it at them as she was escorted out.
Posts: 3987 | Location: Peoria, AZ | Registered: November 07, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Equal Opportunity Mocker
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Grew up in an oilfield town in the late '70's thru mid '80's, and then went into the Army>Infantry>W. Germany. So yes, I saw my share of rough fights and might have partaken in more than a few. I was always big (6'3"ish in 8th grade) so never got too many folks trying to fight me. I had a few incidents involving fisticuffs at Oktoberfest in Munich that involved a few of those (back then) 5 mark steins o' beer, and I can say they make excellent clubs.

Worst I every saw was a local tough in hometown who was high on whatever and beat up another guy. Deciding that the loser wasn't being apologetic enough (the guy was out cold), he drags the poor sap over to the closest car and begins slamming his head into the ground, then raising it quickly to hit the underside of a chrome bumper, then back to the ground, repeat. He didn't do it for many seconds before it was stopped and the cops showed up, but the face on that whack-a-mole guy looked like ground beef.


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving."
-Dr. Adrian Rogers
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It's not you,
it's me.
Picture of RAMIUS
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Oh yeah. Bartended for 8 years and bounced too.

Had some fun bar fights during that time!
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Never miss an
opportunity to STFU
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I managed the worse skid row bar in Flint, Michigan in 1972 and 1973 to pay my school expenses. Every bum, low life Son of a Bitch, loser, hustler, pimp, and jail birds who just got released from the county jail hung out there. I averaged 2 fights a night on weekdays and 4 or 5 on weekend nights. My cousin just came home from 'Nam, and I hired him to share the fun. I have a whole lot of stories to tell, including shootings, stabbings, fights with motorcycle guys, and even guys armed with cycle chains. To this day, when it's cold out the scars on my hands and arms stand out in living color.

Never be more than one step away from your sword-Old Greek Wisdom
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Picture of Skins2881
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Never been in a bar fight, I despise fighting, I've seen/heard too many one shot and guy died or was never right stories. I left the instant I thought something was going to happen.

I was involved in one all out brawl in college. Sitting on the front porch and some guy cuts through my yard, I politely asked him "please do not cut through our yard". He responds with a number of curse words and threats. I told him to go sleep it off and that his girlfriend wouldn't be the impressed with me beating the snot out of him. He left.

Ten minutes later he shows up with 5 of his friends who then proceed to beat my ass in my own house. Luckily my frat brother shows up. This guy was your typical stoner lover not fighter guy. I watched him pick up one, then a second guy off of me and throw the five feet through the air out the door and down the stairs. At this point my other friend steps in and the three of us chased off the five of them.

I call up as many of the brothers as I could 15-20 of them, we crack open a couple cases of beer and wait. Doorbell rings, one of the five guys is looking for his hat and promises he wants no trouble, so he looks around for it and 90 seconds later 15+ of his brothers show up. Well we had even numbers this time and beat the living shit out of them. Even my pole thin roomy, he took on the biggest guy of the bunch. This guy looked like he ate steroids for breakfast and HGH for dinner. Knocked him out in a few hits.

Cops come break it all up, we disperse. They go to the smallest guy in the frats house, bust all the windows in and beat him to a pulp with a post from a four Post bed. Then we went to an apartment of theirs and returned the favor.

The night ends with 20 of us in a two bedroom apartment and cops telling us that if one of us sets foot out the door before morning all of us are going to jail. 20 of us slept on the floor that night.

I don't think I've been in a fight since then, lucky no one died or ended up with brain damage. Bubba (tiny guy beat with post) was out of hospital the next day with a few stitches and bruises. Healed up within two weeks. After I saw what they beat him with I don't even low how that was possible.

20+ vs 20+ drunk college kids, most of which were gym rats in a brawl is a scary sight.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Picture of sleepla8er
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I avoided getting dragged into the one bar fight I ever saw between some rather large bikers down in Texas.

As the fight was going down, the lead singer of the band started playing "Slight Night" on his guitar. After he sang a few of the lyrics, the bikers just stopped at stared at him ~ Fight was over lol

The year was 1987 and the singer was Travis Tritt before he hit it big.

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Dies Irae
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Yes, in Victoria, Texas at a nasty place called the Crow's Nest. I acquitted myself well. A work acquaintance from out-of-state went there on another occasion and was beaten with a ripping hammer.
Posts: 5802 | Location: Fort Heathen, Texas | Registered: February 25, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mark123
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I always seemed to miss them. I had a friend that was 5'2" maybe 110 lbs. with a mouth that he refuses to control. Add to that he is a mean drunk. He'd always get beaten across the bar room and back then I'd hear about it afterward. Never happened when I was around. Not sure if it's because I was there as a protective presence or he was calmer around me.
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Picture of Blackmore
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Witnessed: Went to see a friend's band in a bar I'd never been to. Seemed like an okay place, but suddenly all hell broke loose - just like in the movies - right up to a chair through the big front window. Fortunately we got all the girlfriends up on stage and we dragged the amps and speakers together to hide behind until the cops got there.

Been in: Owned a bar with my brother in the early 80's. Actually a pretty mellow place but one time we did have to separate a couple of guys. I was 6'6" - 220 - at the time so I just bear hugged the instigator and goose walked him to the door while my brother watched the other guy.

Harshest Dream, Reality
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