Anyone know what's going on with Rush? He hasn't been on all week, of course Monday doesn't count, but still, with all going on, where is he? I haven't heard all of each show this week, was something said? I checked his FB page and it looks like the last entry was 9/2.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Ripley,
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Posts: 8704 | Location: Flown-over country | Registered: December 25, 2008
Originally posted by darthfuster: He said his bosses worry that he doesn't take enough time off so they asked him to go on vacation.
So who does Rush answer to? I don’t know anything about the radio industry so it’s a real question. Isn’t the show he produces created by him and his own company? Sure the affiliate stations that broadcast his show control their own realm but I assume they need Rush more than Rush needs any one of them.
Posts: 6594 | Location: Modesto, CA | Registered: January 27, 2005
I'm not a Limbaugh fan but happen to catch his show on occasion.
About a week or so before his absence he explained to his audience that he had no plans to take a vacation or be absent from the show any time soon. A few days later he announced that he would indeed be taking a vacation and apologized to his audience and explained that there were some people who had concerns for him and urged him to take some time off. He seemed intentionally vague as to who was urging him to take time off but I assumed it was his staff, his wife, or friends or some combination of them all.
Posts: 7324 | Location: the Centennial state | Registered: August 21, 2006
Originally posted by Modern Day Savage: I'm not a Limbaugh fan but happen to catch his show on occasion.
About a week or so before his absence he explained to his audience that he had no plans to take a vacation or be absent from the show any time soon. A few days later he announced that he would indeed be taking a vacation and apologized to his audience and explained that there were some people who had concerns for him and urged him to take some time off. He seemed intentionally vague as to who was urging him to take time off but I assumed it was his staff, his wife, or friends or some combination of them all.
That makes it sound like he was adviced to rest per a Doctor, IMO.
Posts: 6594 | Location: Modesto, CA | Registered: January 27, 2005
After he lost his hearing, he explained how corporate (EIB network) had insisted he get regular medical exams and take the time off he had coming. This was apparently written into his "key man" insurance policy. About this time of year, they account for his remaining vacation days and he uses them. It's been a politically activ year, I imagine he has passed on quite a few. This was posted on his website for a good long while after the addiction/hearing incident.
Posts: 17376 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006
He's back and very much still on his game. Loved his comparo today between the reactions to both Hillary's loss and Williams tennis loss by the respective "establishment elites." The "blame game" knows no bounds.
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