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Picture of 08 Cayenne
I'm looking for over the ear noise cancelling headphones that do not require a phone to play music. I've wasted the better part of the evening looking for one. Need noise cancelling for airplane travel and music for working out. Thanks
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Truth Seeker
Picture of StorminNormin
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I have always enjoyed my Bose noise canceling headphones that do not require, but allow for a device to be connected for music or phone. The Bose are mostly designed to drown out the sound of airplane engines.

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I'm a Bose fan boy. Doesn't mean they're the best but for me, I prefer them over the others. I'm also pretty hard on them and they seem to take a good beating.
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Coin Sniper
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I bought a set of Bose for my first trip to Japan. Best decision I made for that trip, and every trip afterwards.

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Picture of Aeteocles
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I've not seen any active noise cancelling headphones with their own built in media players. At least nothing worth mentioning.

Most ANC headphones will cancel noise without a media player.

However, most will need a media player to play music. These days, the preference is wireless connection over bluetooth to a phone. Presumptively, you could use a wired set with a iPod or other mp3 player. Some mp3 players may also support bluetooth.

I like my Sony WH-1000XM3 and Bose QC-35ii. The Bose are more comfortable and lighter wearing. The Sony sound better.
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Another vote for Bose.

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Itchy was taken
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I use a Bose Quiet Comfort corded headset almost all day, every day. I am extremely happy with Bose. An external entertainment source is required.

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Picture of mark123
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Cleer Flow are really nice. but an external source is required. Bluetooth or cord.

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Picture of aileron
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Bose for the airliners, and Bose aviation headsets for my planes - for decades.
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Not as lean, not as mean,
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When you say "don't need a phone to play music" are you wanting a built in music player, or an audio input that you can use a separate audio source with?

I have not seen the built in player models, but many have Aux In capabilities that you can plug into the onboard entertainment or a standalone music player.

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Picture of 08 Cayenne
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I have an I12 but it is a work phone. When I try to play any music on it I get an error saying "the administrator has turned off music with explicit content". If I can't listen to it I'm guessing I can't download it. Also being a work phone it could be taken off me tomorrow. So I was hoping to find something where the media is downloaded right onto the headphones. Or another type of audio source. I would prefer it to be wireless or bluetooth.
Posts: 1595 | Location: Ohio | Registered: May 27, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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You can pick up nice, used iPods all day long on EBay or other sites. If you’re concerned about losing the phone, then a used media player is your best route.

Also, another vote for Bose.

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Picture of Redhookbklyn
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Bose QC35 and an iPod or iPad.

Made the trips to China and back a little more bearable.

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To be odd man out, I have SonyWH-1000X M3. They work extremely well on my riding mower and any place else I have used them.

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Serenity now!
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Bose fan here.. QC35 II.. there's a newer version but you can get older generation much cheaper, just need to keep an eye out on deals.


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My wife gave me a pair of "airpods" for christmas. If I'm flying commercial somewhere, sitting in a terminal, at home on a computer, or where ever, they're great.

I use a little MP3 player, forty bucks or so off amazon. It goes eight or nine hours on a charge, has an internal 32 gig memory, and has a 128 gig mini memory card, boosting capacity substantially. I just spent twelve hours flying, and used the little music player for some long oceanic streatches.

For headphones with a cord, or wireless, I use Bose.
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Picture of Tgrshrk99
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Originally posted by bettysnephew:
To be odd man out, I have SonyWH-1000X M3. They work extremely well on my riding mower and any place else I have used them.

+1 Mine have been great.

Just another schmuck in traffic - Billy Joel
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Fourth line skater
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I choose Bose, but the Sony was pretty good too.

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Political Cynic
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I have Bose for my aviation headset but also my travel headset - Bose X and QC30.

Nice thing about Bose is that I sent my X back for overhaul to replace a few worn pieces and they refurbed the whole thing. New ear cups, microphone, cable. Cost me shipping. The QC unit is going back this year as I’ve worn out the ear cups.
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Don't Panic
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Originally posted by 08 Cayenne:
When I try to play any music on it I get an error saying "the administrator has turned off music with explicit content".

There apparently are ways to enable/disable that setting. You could try changing that setting unless your work has that setting blocked. It could be that it was just some default setting they didn't bother tweaking, and if so, you may be able to change it on your own.

One link discussing that setting from 2 years ago, as a starter

From your use of 'any music' in the above, it appears this doesn't care whether you're playing Beethoven's 9th or some street rap. If that's true, then the feature itself is not working correctly.

Now, if you're actually playing explicit music, and are concerned that you may have to hand the phone in without notice, and the employer might look at your stored songs and then freak out...then, the setting is not going to help with that. Wink

RE: noise-cancelling headphones, per se....Bose fan here. First set maybe 20 years ago, currently QC 35 wired, but they now come in wireless as well.
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