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Seeker of Clarity
Picture of r0gue
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check dresser drawers between clothing that is folded, and closet things (pockets and such).
Pro-Tip: Look under things. Sometimes it's in a more obvious spot than you might imagine, but under something that rarely gets moved.

Best of luck!

Posts: 11513 | Registered: August 02, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Wife lost hers in Key West.

We didn't miss them till the next morning, and it was raining like hell, flooding damn near all in site. After an uneasy breakfast we figured they had to be at the restaurant we'd been at the night before.

After the rain tapered in the afternoon we went to the restaurant, parked where I estimated we'd parked the night before. Opened my door, looked down and by golly there one ring was, wedged down in the coral rock, the silver and the aquamarine glinted from the sun so I could see it easy. And about a foot away was the second, a gold ringed garnet.

She'd taken them off in the car to rub lotion on her hands on the way to a restaurant. She got out of the car forgetting they were in her lap so they fell out and onto the crushed coral parking area.

I'd dug up those stones myself in N.C. and had them set so they meant a little extra to us.
Yeah, we had some help from above on this excursion and it makes for a hellava story!

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Back in Black
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Shortly after upgrading my wife's diamond with a much larger one, she lost her rings at work. She took them off to wash her hands and forgot them on the sink. She was in a different bathroom than usual, one that is shared with a trade school. They were unfortunately stolen, never to be seen again. We hadn't gotten around to insuring them yet, so it was a complete loss. Still incredibly pissed when I think about it.
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Picture of usp_fan
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I've been going through dog poop for four days because we're pretty sure my wife's ring is in the dog. X-ray set up for today to provide proof.
Posts: 2517 | Location: Bismarck, ND | Registered: March 31, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My money is on the dog.

Good luck finding them wherever they are.
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Picture of Perception
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Originally posted by safespot:
Originally posted by lbj:
Don't run the electric kitchen sink dispose all unit just yet.

Sink was the first thing that came to mind, though I was thinking P-trap instead of Waste Kang.

chongosuerte, let me know if you start thinking it may be somewhere a metal detector would help. I'm in your area and have one you can borrow. I also have a pinpointer you can borrow if you think it would help.

This would be an interesting experiment. Two SigForum favorites pitted against each other. Dave Truong diamond ring vs Waste Kang, only one can survive.

"The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford, "it is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them. They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards."
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard, then the wrong lizard might get in."
Posts: 3637 | Location: Two blocks from the Center of the Universe | Registered: December 30, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
No good deed
goes unpunished
Picture of cheesegrits
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Originally posted by trapper189:
Check any floor vents as well.

If you haven't already checked them, I second the floor vents. My mom had a ring slip off her finger and my husband had to fish it out of a floor vent.

I hope you guys find her rings.
Posts: 2705 | Location: The Carolinas | Registered: June 08, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Hobbs
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Since alcohol was involved, she may not remember taking them off. Speak with the friends that were over and see if they recall anything about her rings.
Posts: 4876 | Location: Bathing in the stream of consciousness ~~~ | Registered: July 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Dick0550
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I'm sure you've already checked 50 times by now, but with my wife and alcohol they end up in the bed somewhere because she forgot to take them off before sleeping. So we have to dig around the sheets, the pillow cases, and then down the headboard and under the bed to see where they went off to.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups
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Picture of Prefontaine
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Look in trash, clothes hamper, check around the sinks. I’m notorious for this type of thing at home with ring, cross necklace, keys. They always turn up, usually in the stupidest place imaganable. Start looking places where you’d never think and they’ll turn up. I’ve been there. Best of luck chongo

What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
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Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Originally posted by Dick0550:
I'm sure you've already checked 50 times by now, but with my wife and alcohol they end up in the bed somewhere because she forgot to take them off before sleeping. So we have to dig around the sheets, the pillow cases, and then down the headboard and under the bed to see where they went off to.

I stripped the bed this morning and am currently washing the sheets.

Emptied the hampers a few times over the weekend, washing through all them after the sheets.

About to go out and pull the trash bags out of the can and go through them one last time.

Pulled apart every couch, lifted them up, under cushions and between cracks.

Searched both kids' rooms. My son's room becomes the laundry folding room/disrobing-to-not-wake-up-spouse room when he's at his mom's. I'd give that room a 30% chance of hiding the rings still.

Checked kitchen drain/garbage disposal. None of the other drains in the house would allow a ring.

One faint possibility is it was laid on a shelf above one of the toilets and accidentally knocked in. Hard to imagine it happening, but I'm running out of ideas.

Our heat is from ceiling vents, so no floor registers to check.

The dog is an unlikely suspect. He'll eat food that drops on the floor, but he's cautious. I'd be very surprised if he ate it, though I haven't ruled it out.

We've checked every pocket of every coat/jacket, and I've washed the clothes she was wearing that night.

The friends left before she took it off. We talked to them and they remember her wearing it, and I looked at a couple of pictures from that night and the rings are on her hand.

Checked vacuums, checked under rugs, washed all the bathroom rugs...

The only 3 ways it could have left the house are through a drain, through the trash, or out the dog's bum.

Hopefully I'll find it in the trash, but it'll be the third time going through it.

Knowing what one is talking about is widely admired but not strictly required here.

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"All I need is a WAR ON DRUGS reference and I got myself a police thread BINGO." -jljones
Posts: 11486 | Location: NC | Registered: August 16, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Originally posted by Mustang-PaPa:
Have you gone through her purse?

She went through it at least twice.

I was really thinking like Dick0550, and hoped to find it in the sheets this morning. We had looked around/under the bed, and ruffled the sheets and comforter, but hadn't pulled the sheets off the bed yet.

Knowing what one is talking about is widely admired but not strictly required here.

Although sometimes distracting, there is often a certain entertainment value to this easy standard.

"All I need is a WAR ON DRUGS reference and I got myself a police thread BINGO." -jljones
Posts: 11486 | Location: NC | Registered: August 16, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Hobbs
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Get down on your hand and knees with a flashlight held at or just slightly above the floor and shining across the floor. Anything on the floor will "pop" in that light. Take time in each room to make sure the floor is well covered.
Posts: 4876 | Location: Bathing in the stream of consciousness ~~~ | Registered: July 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Censored
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Check freezer, frig and then backtrack her nightly routine as she gets ready for bed. We had a similar incident at our house and the ring was found in the sock drawer.
Posts: 2223 | Location: United States | Registered: February 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by safespot:
Originally posted by lbj:
Don't run the electric kitchen sink dispose all unit just yet.

Sink was the first thing that came to mind, though I was thinking P-trap instead of Waste Kang.

chongosuerte, let me know if you start thinking it may be somewhere a metal detector would help. I'm in your area and have one you can borrow. I also have a pinpointer you can borrow if you think it would help.

The pinpointer is a good idea. I lost a gun part a while ago and found it in the trash can using my pinpointer. Also, check the dog using the pinpointer. My friend was at the dentist a while back and when drilling, bit came out of the dentist's drill and friend swallowed it. Located it in his stomach with the pinpointer and followed it all the way through the tubes until it was ready to be discharged. Found it when he pooped it out.
Posts: 271 | Location: Weatherford, TX | Registered: April 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Music's over turn
out the lights
Picture of David W
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Keep looking, last year around this time my wife said "my diamond($15k) is gone" about an hour into our Costco trip. I grabbed a push broom and we started looking. Before we got to Costco we had already been to breakfast and Home Goods so we did not even know if it was there. We looked for over an hour and I said I am going to go check the Christmas section, it was one of the first places we went when we got there. I rounded the corner and about 30 feet away I saw it glimmering on the floor. It was about 2 feet away from 2 sets of customers, I think the Christmas lights helped folks not notice the diamond laying on the floor.

So keep looking! One thing you got going for you is it was insured, her ring was not, 11 years of procrastination almost cost us a fortune. It is now insured and when it was revalued it had gone up $1k in value. This was truly our Christmas miracle which our 2.5 year old remembers each time we go in Costco.

Good luck!

David W.

Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud. -Sophocles
Posts: 3657 | Location: Winston Salem, N.C. | Registered: May 30, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by chongosuerte:
I’m still waiting for us to find them in the folds of a sheet or something, where they were accidentaly launched when an article of clothing they were on was picked up or something.

The day we were going to fly to see our friends in Oregon my wallet went missing... Yeah, my ID for boarding the aircraft, credit cards for renting a car, credit cards for entertainment, etc., etc., etc. We were beside ourselves trying to figure out where it went. The last place I stopped (7-11) I used a credit card. OK it must be there. Then I remembered I had made an online purchase the night before. OK cool, we know it's in the house. Found it about 2 hours before we had to go the airport. I dropped it on the floor and someone inadvertently kicked it under the fridge. I found it when I spilled some water on the floor and was cleaning it up. If your post is correct the wedding set is in your house. You'll find it.
Posts: 7858 | Registered: October 31, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Excellent ideas, thank you all. Working on them.

Just went through the trash since Friday night. Thankfully it was only 3 bags. This was the third time, but I opened every single paper towel, Kleenex, etc., in there. No luck.

Knowing what one is talking about is widely admired but not strictly required here.

Although sometimes distracting, there is often a certain entertainment value to this easy standard.

"All I need is a WAR ON DRUGS reference and I got myself a police thread BINGO." -jljones
Posts: 11486 | Location: NC | Registered: August 16, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Crusty old
Picture of Jimbo54
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Originally posted by LS1 GTO:
Originally posted by Jimbo54:
Originally posted by chongosuerte:
I love my wife, best one I've ever had...and she never really looses anything, but we're pretty sure she lost her wedding ring set. Made by our own Dave Truong, of course.

We hosted friends on Friday night. She had the rings on then. I went to bed early because I had to be up for work at 03:30. When I came home early Saturday afternoon she asked if I had seen them. She took them off after her girlfriends left, getting ready for bed, and hadn't left the house all day.

We looked up and down, all around...looked through every bit of garbage/recycling, drains, disposal, laundry, under all the furniture and cushions, every drawer, every coat pocket, bathroom name it. And then we did it again. And then we did it again with a friend helping.

Don't think the dog ate it, but at this point we think it has either been thrown out inadvertently or she put it somewhere before she went to bed that was the best hiding spot in the house (she had the better part of a bottle of wine, I'm sure).

The rings are insured as an add-on to our regular insurance, thankfully, but I don't like the idea of what impact filing a claim would be. "Loss" is a covered situation. Despite that, if it doesn't turn up I think we will file--though I'm not sure how long we will wait. Not really in a hurry.

The irony is that her mother lost her wedding ring at about the same point in her marriage, and they just celebrated their 42nd anniversary. Big Grin

My question is why would she take them off in the first place? My wife hasn't taken hers off in 38 years. I asked her what it take for her to take them off and she said hand surgery or death.


As an aircraft electrical I don't wear a ring and my wife removes her rings when she sleeps or cleans.

To each their own brother

I never wore my ring when around machinery either. My wife on the other hand never worked around machines so she just leaves them on. Maybe I had the false assumption that most people did the same. It wasn't my intention to offend anybody but after re-reading my post I can see that it could have.



"If you can't be a good example, then you'll have to be a horrible warning" -Catherine Aird
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Slayer of Agapanthus

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Dirty clothes hamper, shake 'em all out.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye". The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, pilot and author, lost on mission, July 1944, Med Theatre.
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