Today I bought a ball cap with a logo from the 20th Engineer Brigade but didn't notice it also said Vietnam Veteran. I served in the 20th Engineer Brigade during desert shield/storm which is why I bought the hat in the first place. Since I'm not a Vietnam Vet I can't wear the hat so thought I'd give it away to a Vietnam Vet that did serve in the 20th ENG BDE. If you're a Vietnam Vet or know a Vietnam Vet that served in the 20th ENG BDE let me know and you'll get a free ball cap. Thanks
Posts: 1833 | Location: USA | Registered: December 11, 2005
Vietnam era vet here.. 1969-1970.. Korean DMZ..2nd Inf Div..5th /38th Field Artillery (105mm Howitizer)..God bless our troops be they past / present / future. ............................... drill sgt.
Posts: 2211 | Location: denham springs , la | Registered: October 19, 2019
Originally posted by drill sgt: Vietnam era vet here.. 1969-1970.. Korean DMZ..2nd Inf Div..5th /38th Field Artillery (105mm Howitizer)..God bless our troops be they past / present / future. ............................... drill sgt.
I served in same camp 11/65-3/67. Several years ago I was having dinner with a couple and the fellow mentioned serving in Korea. He served 5th/38th right after me. What a small world, to have been that same small part of it!
"Nature scares me" a quote by my friend Bob after a rough day at sea.