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Ilhan Omar (D-MN): Anti-Semitic Congresswoman who married brother now in hot water for affair with married man Login/Join 
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And the fun continues.

Speaker Pelosi Admonishes Freshman Omar Over Israel Tweet
Laurie Kellman, AP 2/11/2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday insisted that freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar immediately apologize for tweets saying that members of Congress are being paid by a powerful interest group to support Israel. "Congresswoman Omar's use of anti-Semitic tropes and predjudicial accusations about Israel's supporters is deeply offensive," Pelosi said in a statement issued by her office and signed by other Democratic leaders after a bipartisan backlash against the Minnesota Democrat. "We condemn these remarks and we call upon Congresswoman Omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments."

The statement came after Omar tweeted over the weekend that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is paying members of Congress to support Israel. Omar is one of the two of the first Muslim women to serve in Congress. Omar did not immediately respond.

The leaders' statement came in the hours after a pair of powerful House chairmen rebuked Omar for the remarks. Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel said he would not tolerate them and found it "shocking to hear a Member of Congress invoke the anti-Semitic trope of 'Jewish money.'" He said he will emphasize to members of the panel of both parties that the American-Israeli relationship is important. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler named Omar in his statement and said she had failed a test of leadership.

AIPAC responded Sunday night: "We are proud that we are engaged in the democratic process to strengthen the US-Israeli relationship. Our bipartisan efforts are reflective of American values and interests. We will not be deterred in any way by ill-informed and illegitimate attacks on this important work."

Original text at

A call for an apology rather than the resignation she would demand from a Republican?

After a bipartisan outcry?

Gee, thanks, Nan.
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I'm actually starting to wonder if she will be able to hang on for 2 years. The 5th district is very liberal, but it is also home to a good chunk of the MN Jewish population.
Posts: 9166 | Location: The Red part of Minnesota | Registered: October 06, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by MNSIG:
I'm actually starting to wonder if she will be able to hang on for 2 years. The 5th district is very liberal, but it is also home to a good chunk of the MN Jewish population.
Yeah, don't hold your breath. There is no other group in the entire world that votes against their interests in such a blind and foolish way as American Jews.

If this offends anyone here, well, you're just going to have to be offended, because what I said is the truth. Speaking politically, these people are blind, suicidal idiots. Again, if you're offended, be my guest, because it's the truth.

I've given up trying to understand their stupid behavior when it comes to politcs.
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by MNSIG:
I'm actually starting to wonder if she will be able to hang on for 2 years. The 5th district is very liberal, but it is also home to a good chunk of the MN Jewish population.
Yeah, don't hold your breath. There is no other group in the entire world that votes against their interests in such a blind and foolish way as American Jews.

If this offends anyone here, well, you're just going to have to be offended, because what I said is the truth. Speaking politically, these people are blind, suicidal idiots. Again, if you're offended, be my guest, because it's the truth.

I've given up trying to understand their stupid behavior when it comes to politcs.

Direct hit!!

I have been saying this for years!

Frankly, I am puzzled by this "phenomenon".


There has never been an occasion where a people gave up their weapons in the interest of peace that didn't end in their massacre. (Louis L'Amour)

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Liberalism apparently is more important to leftist Jews than the survival of Jews and survival of the State of Israel. That's my take-away from their irrational behavior.
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Unflappable Enginerd
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Liberalism apparently is more important to leftist Jews than the survival of Jews and survival of the State of Israel. That's my take-away from their irrational behavior.
The vast majority of the US Jewish population doesn't give a rip about the State of Israel. So yeah, sad but true.


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This gal is hitting it out of the park.

Omar apologizes for Israel comments

Look, you hate Jews. You’ve made that clear since the moment you got to Minnesota, and before you completely scrubbed the internet it was on your Twitter too.

I don’t hate a lot of people, but this I do not like her, I do not like her one bit. She has figured out how to parlay rich, white-guilt from Minneapolis into votes. “LOOK HOW ENLIGHTENED WE ARE! SHE WEARS A SCARF AND LOVE’S ALLAH SO WE VOTED FOR HER! YAY!!!” It does not hurt that Minneapolis is also home of the largest Somali population in the United States....but whatever.

And yes, you did marry your brother. You can keep editing your Wikipedia page if you like, but the proof is all online.

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Count me amongst the group that just doesn't understand why American Jews support and vote for the anti-Semetic, Jew-hating (redundant, I know) demoshit candidate. This explains a lot of it, but it still absolutely baffles me...

Originally posted by parabellum:
Liberalism apparently is more important to leftist Jews than the survival of Jews and survival of the State of Israel. That's my take-away from their irrational behavior.

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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I am eager to be corrected by someone who really knows, but my understanding about many Jews who don’t support the establishment of the state of Israel is that it (or the return to Jerusalem or whatever) wasn’t supposed to occur until the arrival of the Messiah. And because that hasn’t happened yet (Jesus doesn’t count), establishing a Jewish state is illegitimate.

I suspect that like many other things people believe or don’t believe, it’s nevertheless a convenient excuse regardless of how devout they are about everything else. And based on an article or two I’ve read, devout Judaism is dying in this country. If someone doesn’t self-identify all that strongly with the basic religion and there are other factors influencing one’s political beliefs, I can easily see why many nominal Jews don’t feel that it’s politic to support Israel.


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Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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As an American Jew, I'm not offended. In my experience, when it comes to Israel there is a fundamental tension in American Jews, a desire for Israel to be strong enough to protect itself and all that requires, and a deep-seated cultural aversion to GOP and empathy with social justice and Dems. They can be at odds, sometimes wildly, yet there it is. Most American Jews I know are liberal to flaming liberal, but not so much that they want to "de-claw" Israel.
Posts: 3557 | Location: Alexandria, VA | Registered: March 07, 2011Report This Post
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You would think that anyone who cracked open a history book of the 20th century and read about the persecution of Jews in Europe and in America would see the clear picture.

"Some people are alive today because it's against the law to kill them".
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Objectively Reasonable
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I don't understand Jewish support-- even secular Jewish support-- for ANY Democrat. I just don't get it.

Mom's family were Catholics in Bavaria during the Nazi rise to power. Their Jewish neighbors and friends refused to believe that the rantings and pronouncements of Hitler and his ilk were anything but rhetoric meant to rally their "base" no matter how plain the Nazis were about their vision and intentions. Towards the "beginning of the end" my grandmother pleaded with one neighbor to get out while they could. They didn't. Soon they were barred from practicing their profession, their accounts receivable were basically declared null and uncollectible, and they were prohibited from selling their assets. Then one day they weren't there any more.

Now we have far-left Dems openly calling for the destruction of Israel and the death of Jews, Dems who can influence funding and can muddy or delay the confirmation of policy-level foreign affairs specialists and diplomats and rally behind their next candidate... who, if they want any prayer of the Presidency, need the support of the radicals.

My take-away from the "family experience" some thirty years before I was born? Believe that rabid anti-Semites mean every word they say, don't EVER let them ascend to positions of power, and hound them from office at any cost.
Posts: 2589 | Registered: January 01, 2004Report This Post
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Originally posted by GWbiker:
You would think that anyone who cracked open a history book of the 20th century and read about the persecution of Jews in Europe and in America would see the clear picture.

Jews have been discriminated against in the U.S., but there was no persecution to any degree close to the countless pogroms in Europe. And that may be part of the reason that very many American Jews really have no appreciation of what the existence of a sovereign Jewish state actually means.

More and more I’m thinking that the current state of U.S. politics and society is in no small part due to something similar for the country as a whole. When generations grow up with no serious external threat to their way of life, then the trivial becomes more and more important and the proposed “solutions” to those trivial issues become more and more outlandish and bizarre.


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— Neville the Appeaser
Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Report This Post
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Originally posted by GWbiker:
You would think that anyone who cracked open a history book of the 20th century and read about the persecution of Jews in Europe and in America would see the clear picture.
You would think. Or, about the history and successes (not) of communism, socialism, fascism, etc.
Posts: 4101 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: August 16, 2003Report This Post
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Originally posted by mikeyspizza:
Originally posted by GWbiker:
You would think that anyone who cracked open a history book of the 20th century and read about the persecution of Jews in Europe and in America would see the clear picture.
You would think. Or, about the history and successes (not) of communism, socialism, fascism, etc.

I guess this is the result of a dumbed down educational system that is more interested in gender studies than actual history.

Posts: 13703 | Registered: January 17, 2011Report This Post
Info Guru
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She has now won the coveted endorsement of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Backs Democrat Ilhan Omar

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Picture of kz1000
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Originally posted by BamaJeepster:
She has now won the coveted endorsement of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.

Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke Backs Democrat Ilhan Omar

Mazel Tov!

"Yidn, shreibt un fershreibt"

"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
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Originally posted by Batty67:
They can be at odds, sometimes wildly, yet there it is. Most American Jews I know are liberal to flaming liberal, but not so much that they want to "de-claw" Israel.

Yeah they, and their congress critters, hand billions to Israel yearly to build walls. When it comes to the US, basic sovereignty and control of borders is heinous and racist. Same with unchecked African/ME invasion of Europe and the US. Of course, that can't happen to Israel.
Posts: 10110 | Location: Woodinville, WA | Registered: March 30, 2004Report This Post
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One thing I will never understand, no matter how hard I study it, is why Minnesota and in particular Minneapolis is so hell bent on turning itself into a third world country.
Posts: 3718 | Registered: August 13, 2005Report This Post
Semper Fi - 1775
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Originally posted by dusty3030:
One thing I will never understand, no matter how hard I study it, is why Minnesota and in particular Minneapolis is so hell bent on turning itself into a third world country.

Living here my whole life, I really believe it comes down to very liberal women, married to very wealthy men, who feel helpless in their quest to save the world; so they look for ways to show the world that MN is not all redneck gun lovers. Minneapolis in particular has pockets of these neighborhoods that Democrats have identified as targets for this nonsense.

Omar came out of nowhere and beat longtime incumbent Phyllis Kahn in the DFL primary, and most of us thought Phyllis was as loony-left as you can get.

And if it cannot get any worse, my 'woke' state voted Keith Ellefson as the Minnesota Attorney General.

Good times.

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