Hybrid bike advice

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November 01, 2021, 07:27 AM
Hybrid bike advice
So, just putting this out there.

I am 49, in good health, and enjoy biking.

A few years ago a friend who has biked across the US multiple times bought a trike. I thought he was crazy, and it seemed odd to me. Until I rode it. Wow, it was so much fun, like a go kart for adults.

I have since bought 2 Terra Trike Tour IIs, for my wife and myself, and biking has never been so enjoyable.

Yes, they are heavy, yes you move slower with 3 wheels than 2. Yes, not as easy to transport to trails without a truck.


My butt does not hurt, wrists don't hurt, neck is fine, I can go 1/2 a MPH up a hill and zoom downhill. Hands don't fall asleep, just incredibly comfortable.

More than $1000, but, I don't think I will even go back to 2 wheelers again.

Got to several bike shops, and test ride whatever you are considering.