Bad Words vs Acceptable Words

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January 27, 2019, 07:06 PM
Bad Words vs Acceptable Words
Could not get Karmanator to work. George Carlin as always sums it up well:

January 29, 2019, 09:36 AM
Many excellent responses and comments to my original post have been made, and the vast majority I agree with, and/or have shed some thought-provoking light on the subject.

I have nothing new to add at this time other than my compliments to you all for a well discussed subject which I shall continue to monitor. Keep calm and carry on!

Bill R.
North Alabama
January 29, 2019, 05:35 PM
Foul language is not a new phenomenon. John Flavel, 17th century puritan, addressed the same issue in his day. He wrote:

1. Some will happily tell us that they would not swear as they do if they could gain credit to what they say without it; but the incredulity of other provokes them to add many swear words to their single affirmations.
2. Others tell that they only swear in their passion when provoked by injuries received from others and if men did not wrong them, they would not swear.
3. Some plead that swearing has become “modish,” the badge of character for a man that gives them reputation among men of their own rank and quality, and that they would be looked upon as fools, unfit for their company, if they did no swear.
4. And some will confess the practice is evil, but that they have gotten into such an ill habit and the sin so customary, they don’t even know they are swearing.

I read those 4 points and think, he nailed it, nailed it, nailed it, and nailed it. People swear out of pure narcissism and keep doing it until it become pure negligence.

"I enter a swamp as a sacred place—a sanctum sanctorum. There is the strength—the marrow of Nature." - Henry David Thoreau