Blackrock Sits At The Apex Of The Deep State, Holding Unfathomable Power To Reshape The Global Economy

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September 04, 2023, 09:54 PM
Lefty Sig
Blackrock Sits At The Apex Of The Deep State, Holding Unfathomable Power To Reshape The Global Economy
From prior posts, some of you might remember that I have done a lot of business travel in China and also South Korea, and Some in Japan and India.

These assholes at Blackrock have to break the U.S. because we are the bastion of individual freedom and liberty. They want a global system like China where the elites control things and don't have to worry about voters or elections (or ballots as we are finding out here) or other trivialities.

And everything they are doing plays to China. Kill the West with disastrous energy policy due to "climate change" hysteria. Convince the youth that "gender" is whatever they choose on a whim. Destroy the nuclear family by incentivizing single motherhood. Push diversity over competence.

China isn't worried about "climate change" and is building many fossil fuel power plants. China pushes the nuclear family as the basis of societal stability and actively encourages marriage and children. Unwed births are illegal and punishable by fines (or worse). China does not care about "diversity". China does not give one whit to "transgender" lunatics. They are doing what it takes to succeed, and the more I watch what is happening, I am convinced THEY ARE FUNDING the organizations that seek to destroy the U.S.

But like all of the intelligentsia of the past, once Blackrock reaches their goal, they will lose power and be marginalized (or eliminated) but their new masters...