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The definition of fascism Login/Join 
Picture of mark123
The term fascism has come up a lot in recent news stories/youtube videos/everywhere you else look. When mentioned by a right-wing person to describe a left-wing person the leftist will usually say something like "a left-winger can't be fascist by definition, look it up in a dictionary".

I have an issue with this as we've all noticed that nazism has become defined as right-wing by academia over the years. However, it is the national SOCIALIST party. Leftists typically will say socialism is left-wing on the small scale but as it becomes nationalized it magically switches to right-wing. In my opinion, every point in the nazi platform lines up with the liberal mindset. Cradle-to-grave coddling, collectivism based on genetics, squelching opposing ideas, etc.

So, as far as I've understood fascism, at least economically, is a society that has individual ownership with central control. It's sort of a paradox in that definition but it seems to work when objectively viewed.

My question is, has fascism been defined a certain way by academia, regardless of fact, to demean their political opponents or does fascism actually hold right-wing views? I'm siding with the former.
Posts: 45429 | Location: Pennsyltucky | Registered: December 05, 2001Report This Post
Age Quod Agis
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Liberal Fascism

"I vowed to myself to fight against evil more completely and more wholeheartedly than I ever did before. . . . That’s the only way to pay back part of that vast debt, to live up to and try to fulfill that tremendous obligation."

Alfred Hornik, Sunday, December 2, 1945 to his family, on his continuing duty to others for surviving WW II.
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Bad dog!
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A good friend of mine recently published an excellent study of Fascism, called Fascism, The Career of a Concept.


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The Gipper explains it very well and very succinctly (44 seconds):

Link to original video:

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Calling someone a Nazi or Fascist because they lean right is an ad homonym attack. The economic views of Fascism and Nazism is a socialist view. Mein Kampf even states the companies are privately owned, but the state directs production. Plus look at the shit that has gone on the last year. A lot of antics the left have been playing has been right out of the late 20s/early 30s fascist playbooks for disrupting political cycles. Thanks to modern tech, like cell phone camera's, we've caught them acting bad and the left has had to switch gears.

About all that they can hang on the Right is believing in national greatness. Yes, we on the Right believe America is great. And we should be the shining example of freedom and economic growth for all. But looking around the world, every other country like to toot their own horn, even shit holes like North Korea. Since Putin likes to fly the Russian flag and claim Russia is the best, lets call him a Fascist and Nazi. Hehehe

A funny video could be made of quoting senior Democrats and matching them to positions from Mein Kampf, and ending with Pelosi talking about the Socialist Democratic Party with a subtitle Nazism=NSDP=National Socialist Democratic Party.

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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Most uses of 'fascism' nowadays are simply cases of hyperbolic slang for 'extreme' or 'strict' or 'intolerant' and have little to do with actual, much less historical, actual fascism.
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Picture of mark123
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Originally posted by 46and2:
Most uses of 'fascism' nowadays are simply cases of hyperbolic slang for 'extreme' or 'strict' or 'intolerant' and have little to do with actual, much less historical, actual fascism.
Yes, it's little more than a childish insult. All us doodyheads should take note! Razz

How to respond to a liberal stating "only a right-winger can be a fascist because it's in the definition"?
Posts: 45429 | Location: Pennsyltucky | Registered: December 05, 2001Report This Post
Coin Sniper
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I'm sorry... whenever the snowflakes scream fascist, all I can think of are the scenes of the Vietnam War protests from the movie Forrest Gump

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Originally posted by mark123:
Yes, it's little more than a childish insult. All us doodyheads should take note! Razz

How to respond to a liberal stating "only a right-winger can be a fascist because it's in the definition"?

Depends on the context...Where/when. If on the internet, you might as well just block or ignore because nothing you say will matter to a person like this.

If a family member in conversation...Depends on how much you like the family member, and/or how much you value peace and quiet Smile

If the person is really interested in an honest debate you can easily look up the definitions and discuss how they apply. Keep in mind that if they are younger or true believer leftists, they have been taught their entire lives that fascist=right wingers, period. That's the extent of the 'definition' for them. They won't believe anything you tell them that is different from what they believe.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
- John Adams
Posts: 29408 | Location: In the red hinterlands of Deep Blue VA | Registered: June 29, 2001Report This Post
delicately calloused
Picture of darthfuster
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It boils down to that Leftists project on the innocent what Leftists are guilty of. Fascism? That is an ideology of the Left. Socialism? Left. Communism? Left Progressivism? Left. Social justice? Left. Liberation theology? Left. Yet at every opportunity, the Left camouflages itself with the reputation of the righteous while casting its own notorious reputation onto the innocent opposition.

Again, Leftism can only succeed if the public is ignorant of history and detail. Since the Left has seized the education system, it is free to mislead, misguide, distort, omit, deceive rather than instruct and disseminate truth. The most effective lie is one laced with truth and that is what the education has become. Look at what it churns out....

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Picture of mark123
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Originally posted by darthfuster:
It boils down to that Leftists project on the innocent what Leftists are guilty of. Fascism? That is an ideology of the Left. Socialism? Left. Communism? Left Progressivism? Left. Social justice? Left. Liberation theology? Left. Yet at every opportunity, the Left camouflages itself with the reputation of the righteous while casting its own notorious reputation onto the innocent opposition.

Again, Leftism can only succeed if the public is ignorant of history and detail. Since the Left has seized the education system, it is free to mislead, misguide, distort, omit, deceive rather than instruct and disseminate truth. The most effective lie is one laced with truth and that is what the education has become. Look at what it churns out....
Yes, I think this is exactly what I'm getting at.

Fascism is only defined as right-wing because left-leaning academia has written and then taught this definition over the years. It's very Nineteen Eighty-four.
Posts: 45429 | Location: Pennsyltucky | Registered: December 05, 2001Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Little ray
of sunshine
Picture of jhe888
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Merriam Webster says:

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Nothing there about being left or right. It is the autocracy and regimentation that makes a government fascist. There can, and have been fascist socialists. The USSR, and Maoist China. China is currently becoming less socialist, but shows no signs of becoming any less fascist.

One could even argue that socialism and fascism go well together. It is harder to imagine real, free-market capitalism and fascism as part of the same system, but I guess it is possible.

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Originally posted by mark123:
Originally posted by darthfuster:
It boils down to that Leftists project on the innocent what Leftists are guilty of. Fascism? That is an ideology of the Left. Socialism? Left. Communism? Left Progressivism? Left. Social justice? Left. Liberation theology? Left. Yet at every opportunity, the Left camouflages itself with the reputation of the righteous while casting its own notorious reputation onto the innocent opposition.

Again, Leftism can only succeed if the public is ignorant of history and detail. Since the Left has seized the education system, it is free to mislead, misguide, distort, omit, deceive rather than instruct and disseminate truth. The most effective lie is one laced with truth and that is what the education has become. Look at what it churns out....
Yes, I think this is exactly what I'm getting at.

Fascism is only defined as right-wing because left-leaning academia has written and then taught this definition over the years. It's very Nineteen Eighty-four.

Both of you are exactly right, maybe CORRECT is a better word.

Posts: 11744 | Location: Western Oklahoma | Registered: June 18, 2008Report This Post
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should
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Fascism is whatever the lefties want it to mean at any particular moment as long as it can make the other side look bad.

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As an academic matter, "Naziism" and "Fascism" are both nationalistic variants of socialism.
"NAZI" actually stands for the German words for "National Socialism".

So they are both undeniably socialist.

But socialism continues to fail in every implementation, and becomes discredited. Just like Islamic sects warring with each othere because they all believe the other is not "pure enough" each new socialist variant has to rename it with a slight twist that its believer think will be more "pure" and therefore lead to the Utopia.

In the case of Naziism/Fascism the new element was extreme nationalism and national pride. That is the ONE aspect by which they are categorized as "right wing".
Trump is a "Nazi" or a "Fascist" simply because he advocates policies that put the nation first.

In reality, our education system has dumbed-down these concepts and so now people think anybody who is "mean" is a "Nazi" or a "Fascist". So Trump is mean against illegal aliens, so he is a "Fascist". Smile

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Posts: 6641 | Registered: September 10, 2007Report This Post
Picture of TigerDore
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This gets old and repetitive but it must be repeated over and over, or the fascist propagandists win.

The original Fascist, Mussolini, was a socialist. Almost all fascists are leftwing. By its very definition, fascism requires an all-powerful centralized government in order to function.

Conservatism, by its own precepts of limited government, cannot be fascist. It is impossible for a limited government to control every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Monarchial fascism is exactly what our founding fathers were fighting.

Noted fascists and their political philosophy:

Mussolini- Socialist
Hitler- Socialist
Stalin- Communist
Mao- Communist
Pol Pot- Communist
Ho Chi Minh- Communist
Castro- Communist
Guevara- Communist
The "Kims" of NK- Communist
Hugo Chavez- Socialist
Saddam Hussein- Socialist

The modern Left promotes a fascist oligarchy, or hegemony, in the form of a big daddy socialist government that will be benign and function only for the good of its people. Anyone that believes an all-powerful government will act altruistically should be denied the right to vote.

Posts: 8651 | Registered: September 26, 2013Report This Post
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Originally posted by jhe888:
Merriam Webster says:

...and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Nothing there about being left or right.

1: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

The intimate connection between "fasciism" and "Socialism" is in the "centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation". i.e. a government that advocates control of the means of production and distribution of wealth."

It would be impossible to have "free market capitalistic Fasciism" because they are mutually exclusive; in definitions anyway. They can always create a new nonsensical name for a new political movement.

"Crom is strong! If I die, I have to go before him, and he will ask me, 'What is the riddle of steel?' If I don't know it, he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me."
Posts: 6641 | Registered: September 10, 2007Report This Post
Picture of leavemebe
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Fascism and socialism are two peas in the same pod practically speaking. The "state" owns or controls most property and labor and can dispose of them as it sees fit. The natural rights of the individual, at least those not properly connected to the collective power, are easily ignored by the owner. Compare the National Socialist Workers Party "labor or concentration" camps and there inhabitants to the Chinese "re-education camps", or the Soviet gulag. No difference really.


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Socialism *IS* communism.

Link to a paper by Roger Nash Baldwin, founder of the ACLU, and many-time socialist candidate for President, in which he freely admits that the goal of socialism is communism, and also explains why socialists are willing to implement dictatorship if it helps "progress" toward the communist Utopia.

Why do you think "communist" Russia was called "the Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics" ?
"Communist" China and North Korea also bother refer to themselves as "Socialist".

"Crom is strong! If I die, I have to go before him, and he will ask me, 'What is the riddle of steel?' If I don't know it, he will cast me out of Valhalla and laugh at me."
Posts: 6641 | Registered: September 10, 2007Report This Post
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