Who turned off AT&T? DFW outage

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October 15, 2018, 09:55 PM
Who turned off AT&T? DFW outage
All our ATT Uverse has been out since around noon today. I’m hearing a fire at the data center in Richardson, TX has taken most of DFW down. I have my cellular data and that’s about it.

If you’re trying to reach family or friends in DFW’r you probably can’t.

It sure is relaxing at home this evening. Smile
October 15, 2018, 09:57 PM
Yup. We're right there with you (Fort Worth). Very quiet at our place.

Risk the consequences of honesty...
October 15, 2018, 09:57 PM


Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. Jack Kerouac
October 15, 2018, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by comet24:

I’m back up and running. Thanks for that link. I saw people commenting they were just getting back online. So I rebooted everything and all is good here at the north Texas compound.
October 16, 2018, 05:53 AM
Seems like AT&T craps out every 6-8 weeks in west Texas. Most businesses in Jerkwater have switched to other internet providers because of AT&T’s lack of redundant systems to provide reliable service. I have a Straight Talk phone that runs on Verizon towers for a backup to my ATT phone/internet service. Sure have considered dumping ATT altogether.
October 16, 2018, 08:33 AM
I started out with AT&T for my phone service years ago and then my service was taken over by CenturyLink. I live in a rural area and toward the end of September we had some heavy rains and my phone service went out. A technician checked it out, found a bad cable into their junction box located a half mile away and put in a work order. The work crew has been scheduled to come out on four different occasions and each time they were a no show.

I'm still without phone service. Dealing with their customer service has been a nightmare. It appears that I am the only one affected by the bad cable which probably explains the poor service.


"The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Benjamin Franklin
October 16, 2018, 09:03 AM
They call it Century Link because that’s how long it takes to get service.