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If anyone want to go on the shithole that is Twitter, Sidney Powell is retweeting posts that Strzok edited the FBI agents’ 302’s.
This is very preliminary and not a reliable source, but something to keep an eye on.


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Sidney Powell is very legit. She is Michael Flynn's lawyer.

What she just released is a formal court filing to compel the prosecutors to release material that will help Michael Flynn.

document is here:

Very well written and easy to follow. Highly recommend it for an informative read.

Powell writes that Lisa Page edited Flynn's 302 to make him look guilty.

going thru the doc. Powell appears to be loaded for bear.

Flynn will ask the court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the conduct of the FBI and prosecutors.

David Bowdich was part of the plot to trap Flynn. Bowdich is currently Deputy Director of the FBI.

I can't even summarize this well. The FBI doctored the 302 interview form to make Flynn look guilty. What a mess.

She calls out Joseph Mifsud and Stefan Halper as CIA/FBI operatives.

Powell asks for Clapper's phone records to confirm that he told the Wash Post words to the effect "take the kill shot on Flynn"

She asks for any evidence the govt used an illegal FISA warrant or abused the NSA database against Flynn

The govt trapped Flynn's original lawyers in a conflict of interest over FARA.


one more thing (unrelated to Flynn)

Fox News reporting that the DoJ IG report will shed light on why Durham is conducting a criminal probe
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Sdy, thanks for the link. I read the SCRIBD document, so look forward to how the MSM deals with this.
I told my patients that being a cardiologist was a bit like being a lawyer. You don’t want to know one, but if you need one, you need the best, and you need him—or as in this case her—right now.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
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Partial dichotomy
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Originally posted by Pipe Smoker:
A lot of MSM blather, but this too:

“…Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry, according to two people familiar with the matter. The move gives the prosecutor running it, John H. Durham, the power to subpoena for witness testimony and documents, to impanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges…”

Other interesting stuff in the article.

Fox's version:

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CTH has a good post on the Sidney Powell filing


One point to be cautious of - When Powell says James Baker was the leak of Flynn calls to the Wash Post, she is not referring to the James Baker who was General Counsel at FBI.

She is referring to a Col James Baker who was Halper's handler. This James Baker is at Office of Net Assessment

So who is Col James Baker of ONA ?

May 2015

Jim Baker, a retired Air Force colonel, has been tapped to run the Pentagon’s legendary Office of Net Assessment, taking over from Andrew W. Marshall, who recently retired after four decades running the Pentagon’s internal think tank.

Baker, who currently serves as a top adviser to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was chosen by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who passed over several of Marshall’s acolytes who were in the running for the position, according to officials familiar with the decision. His selection reflects Carter’s desire to shift the focus of the office, which has concentrated on long-term threats to the United States that were often overlooked by a Pentagon consumed by more immediate concerns.

Def Sec Ash Carter under Obama. I really didn't like Carter

Under Baker’s leadership the office will focus more on near-term threats

like spying on the Trump campaign and trying to set them up

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part 1 of 4

A number of blogs have commented on Powell's filing

Here is a list of comments and direct quotes

Sydney Powell was hired to defend Michael Flynn in June 2019. (just 5 mos ago)
Flynn dropped his former defense team (reason is revealed in this filing)

Powell has been reviewing a lot of material she requested from the govt prosecutors. The prosecutors have been reluctant to provide the requested items. Powell requested a security clearance to review some docs. The prosecutors refused that request, saying there was nothing classified that was useful to the defense

A tactic that the prosecutors have been using is that they only want to provide Powell w material that specifically addresses Flynn’s confession to lying to the FBI in an interview on 24 Jan 2017. Flynn was literally 4 days into his new job as National Security Advisor. The FBI interview was a dirty trap sprung by Comey and McCabe. (more in the filing). Like the entire Russia collusion fantasy, it was a set up.

from the filing:

For eighty-seven years, the Supreme Court has held that “[t]he first duties of the officers of the law are to prevent, not to punish crime. It is not their duty to incite to and create crime for the sole purpose of prosecuting and punishing it. . . [I]t is unconscionable, contrary to public policy, and to the established law of the land to punish a man for the commission of an offense of the like of which he had never been guilty, either in thought or in deed, and evidently never would have been guilty of if the officers of the law had not inspired, incited, persuaded, and lured him to attempt to commit it."

In this case, high-ranking FBI officials orchestrated an ambush-interview of the new president’s National Security Advisor, not for the purpose of discovering any evidence of criminal activity—they already had tapes of all the relevant conversations about which they questioned Mr. Flynn—but for the purpose of trapping him into making statements they could allege as false.

This includes a still undisclosed discussion by the lead agent to use news of the “Steele dossier” as “a pretext to interview some people;” the FBI Director’s calculated decision (contrary to FBI/DOJ protocol) not to notify the White House Counsel that the FBI wanted to speak with a key member of the President’s staff; a strategically-planned personal call from FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, designed to prevent Mr. Flynn from seeking the advice of counsel or notifying the Department of Justice; planning and rehearsing tactics calculated to keep Mr. Flynn “relaxed” and “unguarded” so as not to alert him to the significance of the conversation; anxious text messages between Agent Strzok and his paramour, Lisa Page— McCabe’s Special Counsel—disclosing the deep personal involvement of these officials and others in an enterprise without a legitimate law enforcement objective

Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence— which it had in its possession all along
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part 2 of 4

Despite a polite reminder from this Court that its Brady order is paramount,1 the government’s response depends heavily on its assertion—forty-five times in twenty pages—that Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty, and thirteen assertions that he waived any right to further Brady material

What it elides, however, is that its “disclosures” were so limited, misleading, untimely, or deliberately trivialized as to render them meaningless—and in some instances, outright deceitful

Judge Contreras, who accepted Mr. Flynn’s plea only days before, was suddenly and inexplicably recused—only for it to be disclosed much later that he was a topic of conversation in the Strzok-Page texts because he was a friend of Agent Strzok

The government is still suppressing crucial evidence.

As news of the “salacious and unverified” allegations of the “Steele dossier” dominated the media, Strzok wrote to Page: “Sitting with Bill watching CNN. A TON more out. . . We’re discussing whether, now that this is out, we can use it as a pretext to go interview some people.”

January 23, the day before the interview, the upper echelon of the FBI met to orchestrate it all. Deputy Director McCabe, General Counsel James Baker, , Lisa Page, Strzok, David Bowdich, Trish Anderson, and Jen Boone strategized to talk with Mr. Flynn in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target. Ex.12. Knowing they had no basis for an investigation,6 they deliberately decided not to notify DOJ for fear DOJ officials would follow protocol and notify White House Counsel. They decided not to tell Flynn their true purpose nor give him 1001 warnings, so as to keep him “relaxed.”

They planned not to show him the transcript of his calls to refresh his recollection, nor confront him directly if he did not remember. In short, they planned to deceive him about the entire scenario, and keep him “unguarded.”

The next day, at Comey’s direction to “screw it” in contravention of longstanding DOJ protocols,7 McCabe personally called Flynn to pave the way for the uncounseled conversation. They used their “pretext” to circumvent DOJ and ambush interview Mr. Flynn in the White House

Strzok admitted Flynn was alone, “relaxed and jocular,” “unguarded,” and saw the two agents as “allies.”

the FBI had already read the transcripts of his phone calls, and the agents knew there was no criminal intent or any crime in his conversations.

The agents returned from interviewing Mr. Flynn, describing their excitement over it, and with a belief contrary to what they expected, that he had been honest with them

Not long after, the FBI and DOJ wrote an internal memo dated January 30, 2017, exonerating Mr. Flynn of acting as an “agent of Russia;” and, they all knew there was no Logan Act violation

On February 10, 2017, the news broke—attributed to “senior intelligence officials”—that Mr. Flynn had discussed sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, contrary to what Vice President Pence had said on television previously. Overnight, the most important substantive changes were made to the Flynn 302. Those changes added an unequivocal statement that “FLYNN stated he did not”—in response to whether Mr. Flynn had asked Kislyak to vote in a certain manner or slow down the UN vote. This is a deceptive manipulation because, as the notes of the agents show, Mr. Flynn was not even sure he had spoken to Russia/Kislyak on this issue. He had talked to dozens of countries

Second, they added: “or if KISLYAK described any Russian response to a request by FLYNN.” That question and answer do not appear in the notes, yet it was made into a criminal offense

The typed version of the highly unusual “deliberative” 302 by that date already included an entire section from whole cloth that also serves as a criminal charge in the Information and purported factual basis regarding “Russia’s response” to any request by Flynn. The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not
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part 3 of 4

Flynn resigned and left the White House on February 13, 2017

The next day, Valentine’s Day, Strzok texted: “Also, is Andy good with F 302?” Page replied: “Launch f302.”

The same day, David Laufman in the National Security Division of DOJ, with whom they also worked, personally called Covington & Burling to pressure them to file the FARA registration form for Flynn Intel Group

Also, the same day, Strzok and Page discussed the Bureau’s leak to the press regarding a New York Times article describing the FBI’s interview of Mr. Flynn. Again, the government has withheld these texts in contempt of this Court’s order and Brady

April 20, 2017, Strzok texts Page: “I had literally just gone to find this phone to tell you I want to talk to you about media leak strategy with DOJ before you go.”

on May 10, in an important but still wrongly redacted text, Strzok says: “We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal chargeable way. Soon.” Page replies: “I agree. I’ve been pushing and I’ll reemphasize with Bill [Priestap].” Ex. 2. Both from the space of the redaction, its timing, and other events, the defense strongly suspects the redacted name is Flynn. But, whether it is Flynn or someone else, it shows the extraordinary deliberation of specific (and now mostly fired) elements of the FBI to “target” certain people in their pretextual investigation

Mr. Mueller was named Special Counsel on May 17, and the Flynn 302 was reentered on May 31, 2017, for Special Counsel Mueller to use. The government has refused to produce unredacted text messages for this crucial time.

Not only did Mr. Van Grack not disclose a single text message before Mr. Flynn agreed to plead
guilty, but Special Counsel apparently managed to control the press on the issue until the plea was entered on December 1, 2017, in Judge Contreras’s court. It defies credulity to suggest that it was only unlucky for Mr. Flynn that the story broke the very next day. Part of the evidence we request includes communications between the press and SCO, which will likely establish that Special Counsel intensified pressure on Mr. Flynn to plead immediately while it was pressuring the press not to explode the truth that destroyed the entire case

The government’s assertion that Mr. Flynn “is not charged with being an agent of Russia and the government has never alleged in this case that he was an agent of Russia” is false

That was the FBI’s public pretext for investigating Mr. Flynn—although the agents did not inform Mr. Flynn they were actually “investigating” him for anything

Obviously, someone in DOJ understood Mr. Flynn was accused of being a Russian agent, because there is an internal document dated January 30, 2017, exonerating Mr. Flynn. Having been publicly and falsely accused of treason and being a “foreign agent,” assertions which also misled this Court, Mr. Flynn is entitled to all documentation that exonerates him.

Mr. McCabe pointed to Mr. Flynn’s “very public interactions with Vladimir Putin and other Russians.” These “interactions” seem to have arisen from the work of CIA/FBI operatives Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud

Mifsud was present at the RT dinner in Moscow, and it is his cell phones recently obtained by the government that are expected to confirm that he was working for “western intelligence.”

Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s “handler” in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon,

and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of “take the kill shot on Flynn.” It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense
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part 4 of 4

The government fails to acknowledge, however, that Covington & Burling was the very firm that Mr. Flynn paid more than $1 million to investigate, prepare, and then defend the FARA registration in response to NSD/FARA section’s and David Laufman’s demands.

By August 2017, when the government threatened Mr. Flynn with criminal charges related to the same FARA registration, former counsel were immediately caught in the vice of an intractable conflict of interest that they never escaped until Flynn engaged new counsel

The original 302 is crucial to this as are the original notes. The government elides the truth that the FBI has it and any other drafts prior to February 10, 2017. The FBI can retrieve it from its Sentinel system that logs and serializes the drafts, or the FBI can retrieve it from the file or sub- file in which it is buried.

Neither the FBI nor its Sentinel system loses the most important of its reports that is supposed to support the federal felony of the President’s National Security Advisor

The government publicly asserted the “FBI had an open investigation into the Government of Russia’s (‘Russia’) efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Campaign and Russia, and whether there was any coordination between the Campaign and Russia’s effort.”

However, the Brady material disclosed long after the plea and still undisclosed evidence shows that the agents asked him nothing relevant to “efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.”

The agents did not ask even a single question about any coordination

They asked no question related to election interference or coordination between the campaign and Russia, and policy discussions by the incoming National Security Advisor were none of the FBI’s business.

It is no accident that McCabe himself approved the Flynn 302 the day after Mr. Flynn left the White House—three weeks after the interview and a prolonged “deliberative process”

The government has long known that Mr. Flynn pre-briefed the DIA on his meeting with Turkish officials in New York in September 2016, yet it produced nothing until August 2019—again, when Mr. Van Grack learned it was being produced elsewhere. This undercuts (i) the government’s contention that he ever worked as an “agent of Turkey”

There is no doubt the DIA information is exculpatory. Senator Grassley has stated that it is exculpatory of Mr.Flynn, and it consists of his own statements and communications.22 The DIA reports the defense requests will not only exonerate him of being any kind of foreign agent but evince that the FBI/DOD knew this all along

The Letter from Sir Mark Lyall Grant to the Incoming National Security Team Invalidates Any Use of Information from Christopher Steele, Further Undermines Any "Russia" Connection, and is Being Suppressed.

It was written by the United Kingdom’s National Security Advisor, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, and hand-delivered January 12, 2017, from the British Consulate to the incoming National Security team in New York. It was not classified. Protocol dictates that it was also provided to the then active national security advisor—Susan Rice. This was two weeks before the pretextual interview of Mr. Flynn, and it eviscerates the credibility of Christopher Steele whose false and unverified assertions mention Mr. Flynn and were used by the FBI to obtain illegal FISA warrants that likely reached the communications of Mr. Flynn

Given the clear and convincing evidence herein, this Court should issue an order to show cause why the prosecutors should not be held in contempt; and should dismiss the entire prosecution for outrageous government misconduct


there are several attachments still under seal
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couple of audios w Sydney Powell

The next court hearing for Flynn is 11 Nov 2019

Powell expects some "fireworks"

Edit: I just heard Sydney Powell say the next court appearance will be 7 Nov (rather than 11 Nov)

This message has been edited. Last edited by: sdy,
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I learn more from this forum and by reading sdy's posts that I do anywhere else.

You can't truly call yourself "peaceful" unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of great violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless.

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Festina Lente
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Suddenly, today, McCabe drops his wrongful termination case against DOJ. Wassup Andy?


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Festina Lente
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Rumor. But I like where it is heading. Criminal investigations can have such effects...

BREAKING: Former FBI general counsel James Baker has reportedly ‘flipped’ and is now cooperating with the Barr-Durham investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation -

Jack Posobiec

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Originally posted by fpuhan:
I learn more from this forum and by reading sdy's posts that I do anywhere else.
Yeah, I dig it, cat.

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We will never know world peace, until three people can simultaneously look each other straight in the eye

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I think this means McCabe can take action against the FBI in the future ("without prejudice")

but he can't bring a new case against DoJ IG ("with prejudice")

Maybe some lawyer members can comment

Sheer speculation: Maybe McCabe figures he is likely to be charged criminally. He may need to keep his $ to defend against those potential charges. Just a guess

BTW, the McCabe lawyer who signed the dismissal letter was David Snyder. McCabe's main lawyer is Michael Bromwich.

(Same Bromwich who represented Christine Blasey Ford.) Michael Bromwich is a former DoJ IG under Bill Clinton
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Oh come on Andy you big puss! Dont drop the case, you were wronged! You are a true patriot, keep fighting the good fight against orange man bad, all my lib family on Facebook stand with you!

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not sure what this means, but

From Undercover Huber twitter

Just to correct some reports I saw yesterday, Andrew McCabe has NOT dismissed his wrongful dismissal lawsuit against the DOJ and FBI - at least not yet. He dismissed his related *FOIA* lawsuit.

McCabe had two different lawsuits pending against DOJ/FBI

Case 1: FOIA (18-cv-01389) - filed May 2018
Case 2: Wrongful dismissal: (19-cv-02399) - filed Aug 2019

The FOIA case (01389) sought documents related to his firing, such as the Inspector General internal manual and other docs

Very late on Friday, McCabe filed to dismiss this lawsuit - but NOT the wrongful dismissal one

The other case - and the more consequential one - is the wrongful dismissal case (02399) which is still ongoing

The DoJ hasn't responded publicly to McCabe's complaint and on 10/14 asked for an extension of time to respond to Nov 1 (next Friday)

There is little public info about McCabe's wrongful dismissal case:

—8/8: McCabe filed public complaint
—8/16: McCabe filed a *sealed* motion
—8/23: DOJ responded to *sealed* motion
—8/23: Judge Moss GRANTED McCabe's motion
—10/14: DoJ asks for more time until 11/01
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This is some material I posted a while back, but this is a timely reminder

The pics will be Strzok/Page text messages w my annotations. This is my interpretation of the texts, it may not be accurate.

The text time stamps are GMT. You need to subtract 4 hours to get Eastern time


INBOX = Strzok

Strzok had just returned from London where he held interviews in the Australian embassy.

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