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While we are at it, who do you think was the worst? Explanations are welcome, though not necessary.
Posts: 1378 | Registered: July 14, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Best is a tossup between Reagan & Daddy Bush. The worst was Jimmy Carter. Actually Johnson & Eisenhower did OK.


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Favorite (which is not the same as best) - Reagan
Worst - the current occupant, Biden

Best is hard to say as I did not experience first-hand Washington or Lincoln, but they have to be top 5 for sure given their contributions to the country.

"Don't mistake activity for achievement." John Wooden, "Wooden on Leadership"
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In Odin we trust
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In my lifetime or of all time? In my lifetime it was Reagan, though that isn't saying much. The worst in my lifetime has been Obama. All time I'd go with Coolidge or Madison as the best, and take your pick of Lincoln or Obama as the worst.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than omnipotent moral busybodies" ~ C.S. Lewis

Posts: 1829 | Location: The Northernmost Broadcast Point of Radio Free America | Registered: February 24, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Best: Ronald Reagan

Worst: FDR

Posts: 1069 | Registered: February 02, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
delicately calloused
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Hard to tell. Most of them were dead before I became sentient. Carter destroyed my dad’s industry at the wrong time for our family. So he impacted my future negatively but Wilson and FDR really F’d it up much worse. LBJ is right up there. The best? I understand Coolidge had the right principles. The easy ones like Washington and Lincoln for obvious reasons. I witnessed Reagan. He was pretty good except for amnesty before solid border security and the Hughes Amendment. I’m going with Donald Trump for the best policies and the fortitude to resist the raging tempest that is the lying hypocritical Left. He has risen to the office and there’s no doubt he loves this country. I believe Biden will prove out over the next decades to be the most destructive though.

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In my Life Time:

Best= Ronald Reagan- He defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot and he brought the US Hostages home from Iran by just putting the fear of God into them.

Worst= Jimmy Carter- His actions gave us the problems we’ve faced for the last 45 years= Afhanistan, Iran, The rise of islamic terrorism and the 1 China policy.

In the future it’ll be Obama / Biden. Their actions are creating the problems America will face for the next 45 years.


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Get Off My Lawn
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In my lifetime, best was Trump. Worst is Obama Part III- Biden.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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Best: Ronald Reagan
Worst: Joe Biden

I feel like this is a trick question.

Proverbs 28:1
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I knew I liked Teddy Roosevelt because he cured his own asthma by will and putting on muscle. Definitely a man of his time. Definitely got the most out of 60 years.

Mark Twain wasn't found...another reason I like him
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In my lifetime, best likely Reagan (he had 2 terms). Trump would be near the top also with only one far.

Worst O'Bummer/Biden. That combo was far worse than Carter.
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Calvin Coolidge.

My man Silent Cal.

In my lifetime, Trump.

Worst? Well, being in the moment, it's hard to imagine anyone worse than FJB.


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Jack of All Trades,
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Best, Teddy Roosevelt one of the best legacies of his presidency the National Park system.

Worst, Carter we're still dealing with his failed policies in the Middle East.

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Favorite: Ronald Reagan.

Worst: The current JB.

I don't like being older, but I wouldn't trade my teenage years in the late 80s for anything. Reagan was a stateman and patriot. The East feared him and the majority of Americans loved him. It was a great time in America.

As for the current man and worst president, I can't even say his name. Knowing what we had in the WH with Reagan versus what we have now is a national tragedy.
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quarter MOA visionary
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Best (in order) Trump, Reagan
Worst: (in order) Obama, Carter, Biden

Biden dropped due to him not actually making any of the decisions.

Trump by FAR is the best.
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Official forum
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From a fun standpoint as well as the economy the Trump presidency earns the top spot in my opinion. No other presidents come close. I was a young kid during Reagan’s presidency. I was probably only 6 years old when Reagan left office. This is judging presidents during my life time.

I wasn’t alive when Nixon was president but he is in my eyes one of if not THE most fascinating presidents of the United States.


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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Best: President George Washington. He was the only man to hold the Presidency who didn't want the job.

Worst: Biden. By far.

I believe Carter was fortunate to be replaced as the worst Worst President in History by Obama.

Obama made damned sure Biden came along to knock Obama from the ignominy of being the Worst President in History.

Carter replaced LBJ as the Worst President in History by not dealing with Islamofascism when it first reared its ugly head in Persia.

LBJ replaced JFK as the Worst President in History due to utterly fucking up the war in SE Asia, especially in Laos.

JFK replaced Grant as the Worst President in History due to getting the US into the war in SE Asia.

As for the rest, there are few I think did an adequate job.

Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt (for his actions related to the military during WWII, not so much for the social programs)
Harry Truman

Noticeably absent is Reagan who I came to loathe after he lied during an oval office speech, flat fucking lied, to the American people about trading arms for hostages.

Ford wasn't much worse, but he damned near ran the nation into financial ruin.

Nixon, well even though he got the US out of SE Asia, there was Watergate and everything touched by Kissinger.

Bottom line: In my lifetime, there has been one good President, a fellow named Trump, but he too has feet of clay. His big mistakes were not canning every Schedule C (political appointee) employee, reassigning every member of the career Senior Executive Service to a post on the far side of the nation, and writing himself a pardon for all crimes ever committed, even if there were none.

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Harry S. Truman.

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Prepared for the Worst, Providing the Best
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My favorite was TR, because the man was a true badass and tried to live to his ideals. I didn't necessarily agree with all of his policies, but the man understood freedom and personal responsibility coupled with a healthy view of how those things applied to being a man.

The dude spent time as a cowboy working out in nature, did a lot to preserve some of the great natural wonders of this country during a time when industry was chewing up the landscape. He fought corruption at the NYPD by putting his own boots on the ground, quit his cushy job as assistant secretary of the navy to go fight in the jungles of Cuba, and finished a campaign speech despite having been shot in the chest. How can you not have respect for a guy like that?

During my lifetime, I have to say Ronald Reagan. I was too young to remember him, but growing up in former communist Europe I got to see the results of his Presidency firsthand, and it had a profound impact on my life, particularly in my formative years.

Worst has gotta be Biden. I didn't like Obama, either (especially what he did to healthcare), but at least he failed to accomplish most of the stuff he set out to do. He did set the groundwork in place for the Biden admin, though, and Biden has brought a lot of his bullshit ideas to fruition.
Posts: 9879 | Location: In the Cornfields | Registered: May 25, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Uppity Helot
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Best Ever : Truman or Lincoln
Best in my lifetime (Born in 1974): Reagan or Trump
Worst Ever: LBJ
Worst in my lifetime: Joefucktard
Posts: 3218 | Location: Manheim, PA | Registered: September 04, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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