Anyone remember thus chick from Tucker Carlson's show? The "Liberal Sherpa"

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December 11, 2022, 04:42 PM
Anyone remember thus chick from Tucker Carlson's show? The "Liberal Sherpa"
Yeah, well, she's been arrested for abusing her mother and stealing a quarter of a million dollars from her. I guess she just got tired of waiting for mom to die, so...

Kidnapping, false imprisonment and a whole laundry list of stuff. Oh, and this gem of a human being also accused Tucker Carlson of sexual harrassment a few years back. Roll Eyes

December 11, 2022, 04:45 PM
I do. I thought she was just a liberal whack job.
I guess she’s also a thief.
December 11, 2022, 04:47 PM
She's worse than a thief. Ol' mom should count her lucky stars that she's still breathing.
December 11, 2022, 05:06 PM
I saw her once on Tucker's show, she seemed to be one of the commies that appear so that Carlson can showcase how looney the Democrat agenda is. The Dailymail in the UK broke the story and offers some details.

...stole at least $224,000 from her 88-year-old mother and physically dragged the elderly woman to a nursing home against her will, Florida authorities said on Friday.

Miami-Dade County prosecutors say she falsified documents to take control of her mother's home, siphoned money from her mother's reverse mortgage and savings account, and took out credit cards in her mother's name and then used them for her own benefit.

Areu tricked her mother into believing she was being taken to have ice cream with her granddaughters, but was instead taken to a home.

When the mother tried to call a friend for help, Area allegedly told the staff not to let her use the phone or see visitors.

After doctors and officials found the woman competent to make her own decisions and released her to go home, prosecutors say Areu and another person physically dragged her from her house and took her to another facility.

Again, the woman was released after she was found competent and asked to go home.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
December 11, 2022, 05:40 PM
Hopefully she gets no plea deal.
December 11, 2022, 07:14 PM
Huh... another liberal taking head, accusing others of insensitivity and abuse, that was in reality stealing from and abusing someone.

Almost like its a theme....

Pronoun: His Royal Highness and benevolent Majesty of all he surveys

343 - Never Forget

Its better to be Pavlov's dog than Schrodinger's cat

There are three types of mistakes; Those you learn from, those you suffer from, and those you don't survive.
December 12, 2022, 09:42 AM
She looks to have the eyes of a true believer.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
December 12, 2022, 09:44 AM
I remember her and she always made my stomach turn.
Karma prevails.
December 12, 2022, 01:00 PM
drill sgt
She needs to be placed into a deep dark dungeon before they throw away the key in a deep swift river current. ..... drill sgt.
December 12, 2022, 01:11 PM
Sure I remember her. I remember thinking, every time she was on the show, “Well, there’s 5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.”

despite them
December 12, 2022, 01:54 PM
Could never stand the bitch. Wasn't she a Fox Contributor and on several different shows ? Don't watch much Fox anymore except for Tucker, Varney and Levin.
December 12, 2022, 02:52 PM
I just love that bit about how genitalia doesn't matter with a baby "they are all the same". What a crock of shit piled high as the moon that one is. Even at only a month to two old there is a huge difference between a baby girl and a baby boy. Once they get to walking it's best to tie a rope to the boys, because without it they'll get into stuff that will scare the snot out of you.

I've stopped counting.