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NY HS school teacher pens anti-woke article Login/Join 
Baroque Bloke
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“A private Manhattan high school that charges $57,000 annual tuition has been blasted by one of its own teachers [Paul Rossi] for  indoctrinating students with 'anti-racism' ideology that 'induces shame' in white students for being 'oppressors'…”

More follows. Rossi is a brave dude to write such an anti-woke article in these times.

Serious about crackers
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Somebodies gettin fired.

Good for him it takes a ton of stones to do that and I wish more people had them.
Posts: 4096 | Registered: January 25, 2013Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Little ray
of sunshine
Picture of jhe888
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Good for him. Cracks in the armor.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
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The pushback against Critical Race Theory continues. G

Good on Paul Rossi for having the gumption to stand-up and take a stand against an ideology that works to promote bigotry.

Here's a related issue from Santa Clara Office of Education pointed out by the crusader against CRT Christopher Rufo

Merchants of Revolution
California public schools are embarking on a new experiment: education as social justice. Earlier this year, the state Department of Education approved an ethnic studies model curriculum, and individual school districts have begun to implement programs that advocate “decolonizing” the United States and “liberating” students from capitalism, patriarchy, and settler colonialism.

This will likely come as a surprise to most California residents, who may be familiar with the movement’s euphemisms—“ethnic studies,” “educational equity,” “culturally responsive teaching”—but do not understand the philosophical and political premises of these programs. As the state and many school districts begin to implement the state ethnic studies curriculum, however, details are emerging.

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I'm Different!
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It's a listen, but The Federalist blog has How An Immigrant Who Loves America Fought The Critical Race Mob In Her Kids’ Schools And Won - an interview with Gordana Schifanelli, who defeated the Left's attempts to cancel her.

Washington Times Article - 'Who's racist?' Lawyer mom takes on Maryland school district's woke racism claims
Picking fights with lawyers and Green Berets can be a bit risky, and that is doubly true when one of them has extensive experience with totalitarian tactics.

Gordana Schifanelli is a lawyer married to a former Army special forces officer, and what’s more, she grew up in a Communist household in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. All of which makes for a powerful opponent in what has shaped up as a battle on Maryland’s Eastern Shore between forces of wokeness in Queen Anne’s County Public Schools and some concerned parents.

“It’s totalitarian, what they’re doing, so I know it,” she said. “I was in the middle of a NATO bombing and barely survived. Now you want to tell me I’m a racist? Whatever.”

The battle began in June, when Superintendent Andrea M. Kane sent a letter to parents filled with attaboys for environmental improvements in the schools and news about the coronavirus, which had forced them all to close. Sandwiched in between, however, was a lengthy screed about systemic racism, the righteousness of Black Lives Matter and the frightening news that the schools in that sleepy community were infested with racism.

While Ms. Kane, who is Black, voiced her concerns in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. Mrs. Schifanelli was appalled on many levels. For starters, who might be responsible for this terrible environment?

“Who’s racist? Where is this racism in our schools? I’m sending my kids into some rampant, festering racist place?” she said. “I think Black parents would also want to know who is being racist at school.”

In addition, Mrs. Schifanelli objected to the lecture from a government worker who she believed should be focused on educating her children rather than broader social issues that her 11-year-old didn’t really understand.

“You shouldn’t be using your microphone to promote your partisan political position as a public employee,” she said. “My kid’s 11. You want to regurgitate a particular political view about police and how they deal with criminal defendants and use my kids as your social justice warriors? The hell you will.”

Mrs. Schifanelli was also uncomfortable with Ms. Kane bringing in an activist group, Students Talking About Race, that tries to “encourage uncomfortable conversations and activism,” to instruct students. After a July session with the group raised some parents’ ire, the arrangement was quietly dropped, she said.

But just as she had once found her unwillingness to join the Communist Party an unwelcome stance in her childhood home, she now found her desire for a nonpolitical classroom and social justice-charged administration unwelcome among the powers that be in Queen Anne’s County, whose population is about 90% White and 7% Black, according to census data.

“I wrote and called everyone saying I thought this was wrong,” Mrs. Schifanelli told The Washington Times. “And everyone told me, ‘they have First Amendment rights; goodbye.’”

It occurred to Mrs. Schifanelli that perhaps she was wrong, or at least alone in her opposition to the trends prevalent among school administrators and county officials. So she voiced her opinion on Facebook and Instagram, where she learned she was far from alone.

Her pages, Kent Island Patriots and Maryland Patriots, attracted thousands of hits. They also attracted enemies who used every tool they could to silence and smear her and others, according to lawsuits Mrs. Schifanelli and others filed that now appear headed toward a jury trial.

“I wanted to create a space where whoever wants to speak freely against using kids as social justice warriors could do so,” she said. “That moment became hell.”

The response from Big Tech and leftists in her community would have made Tito proud, Mrs. Schifanelli said referring to Josip Broz, the late dictator of Yugoslavia.

First they shut down her personal Facebook page.

“So I said, ‘OK, I’ll create my own,” she said. Facebook and Instagram shut down the “Kent Island Patriots” and “Maryland Eastern Shore Patriots” pages, too. When her 17-year-old son tried to start a Facebook page, he was blocked, she said.

The people seeking to censor Mrs. Schifanelli’s opposition to left-wing politics, many of whom did not have children in the public school system, attacked her as a racist. They leveled their accusations with the Maryland Bar Association and at the U.S. Naval Academy, where she teaches economics and law twice a week.

Another target of theirs did lose his job, and he is a plaintiff in a separate lawsuit.

“They said, ‘we’re going to get her,’ and they started recruiting zealots to go after me,” she said. “What on earth is wrong with these people? You don’t go after people’s livelihoods.”

The situation is one she considered impossible in the United States, a country she said she looked up to even before she met Marc Schifanelli when he was attached to the U.S. embassy in Belgrade as a civilian contractor.

The pair fell in love, and theirs proved a war-torn romance. Forced to leave Yugoslavia when the war there was raging, Mr. Schifanelli refused to return stateside without her and thus decamped to Hungary. Eventually, on foot and by bus, Gordana made it across the border and then they got married in Cyprus.

“My parents were party members, they were true believers,” she said. “I remember when the Communist Party would do recruitment drives in high school. I didn’t want to be a member in any ‘party.’ God, they’d have all these meetings.”

But Mrs. Schifanelli’s aversion to politics changed when she found herself under attack. She decided to change the school board and went looking for candidates. She found one right at home.

“I told Marc we’re going to clean this mess up we’re having in public schools,” she said. “He looked at me. ‘Me?’ he said. ‘Politics?’”

Mrs. Schifanelli also recruited Helen Bennett, a local pet store owner, but the newfound political group learned they were too late to get on the ballot. With social media outfits blacking her out, they were reduced to sending thousands of postcards and ran as write-ins. They both won handily, while Dick Smith, an incumbent school board member also skeptical of Ms. Kane’s program, cruised to reelection, giving the reformers a majority on the five-person board.

By that time, tensions had mounted. Ms. Kane disappeared beginning in late October, later claiming illness, and Mrs. Schifanelli said her efforts to uncover racist teaching or incidents in the schools turned up nothing.

“As of today, I have not received one piece of paper, one shred of evidence that anyone has been racist in our public schools,” she told The Washington Times.

Neither the new board nor Ms. Kane expressed any desire to continue their relationship, and in January the board began looking for a new superintendent. That person is expected to take over before the next school year begins, Mrs. Schifanelli said.

Meanwhile, the defendants in her civil actions have tried, unsuccessfully, to get the lawsuits filed by Mrs. Schifanelli and others thrown out or moved to federal court.

Mrs. Schifanelli says she has no interest in a settlement because she doesn’t want any money. Rather, the goal is to show publicly that the schools are not a hotbed of racism and to reveal the organized way those saying that the schools are have targeted her and others for cancellation.

“They are targeting individuals and parents who speak against a particular political point of view; we are suing a government that organizes to shut people up,” she said. “I’m hoping this can be a message to a lot of people that we will never allow any more of this type of thing.”

She's also suing a woman who sent the Naval Academy doctored posts from Schifanelli's social media. Though the Capital Gazette left the word 'doctored' out of the headline.

“Agnostic, gun owning, conservative, college educated hillbilly”
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Striker in waiting
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For those of you not from around here, the spread of this woke BS to Maryland's Eastern Shore is particularly troubling, but not entirely surprising.

Queen Anne's County is directly across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from Anne Arundel Co. (my home) and more specifically, Annapolis. However, the Bay has always been a significant political barrier, despite ridiculous congressional gerrymandering in an attempt to dilute the shore's power. Crossing to the shore in many ways has been almost like traveling to a free state, where the politics used to turn deep red and the further away from Route 50 you traveled (the main artery that runs North/South all the way down to Ocean City), you might even encounter folks that paid little attention to some of Maryland's more onerous laws (particularly involving firearms).

As far back as the 50s, there has been chatter, mostly among small groups of old timers, of forming Eastern Maryland - and blowing up the bridge if necessary to make it happen.

That's changing now. More and more people are turning Queen Anne's Co. as a bedroom community for work in central Maryland and even D.C. (less than an hour away in ideal circumstances), despite the nightmarish bridge backups and delays during certain times of the year.

God bless Mrs. Schifanelli. It's the vigilance of people like her that will keep the shore red.

And FYI - The Capital Gazette is owned by The Baltimore Sun. They used to have a very active comments section, but they disabled it a couple of years ago with promises of activating it under a better platform. That hasn't happened. No wonder why. They can't have the common folk openly discussing their trash reporting.


I predict that there will be many suggestions and statements about the law made here, and some of them will be spectacularly wrong. - jhe888

Posts: 16342 | Location: Maryland, AA Co. | Registered: March 16, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Official forum
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What these totalitarian social media giants don’t realize is that when you cut out someones tongue you are not proving them to be a liar. You are only showing the world you fear what they have to say.

The hypocrisy of the far left knows no limits.


The price of liberty and even of common humanity is eternal vigilance
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Unapologetic Old
School Curmudgeon
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Originally posted by stickman428:
What these totalitarian social media giants don’t realize is that when you cut out someones tongue you are not proving them to be a liar. You are only showing the world you fear what they have to say.

They dont care how it appears, your tongue is still cut out and you are silenced. You can go to the gallows defiant, but you are still going to swing.

Thats how they look at it

Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
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